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67 - Bitten Jonsson and SUGAR



In today's episode I am thrilled to welcome Bitten Jonsson again and this time she talks to us about SUGAR, her evaluation method based on ICD 10 criteria for addiction to a psychoactive substance. SUGAR is aimed at helping an individual know if they are addicted or have harmful use of sugar/flour and receive a overview of how the illness has progressed over their lifetime. Bitten is a Registered Nurse and Addiction and Relapse Prevention Specialist.  Bitten is a forerunner in the sugar addiction field in Sweden and is currently translating her book, "Sugarbomb" into English.  She is also on the Board of Directors of the Food Addiction Institute and a faculty member of INFACT.  She is one of several experts answering questions on Diet Doctor.  She has developed a Holistic Addiction Medicine and SUGAR protocol and is now training and educating the new generation of Sugar Addiction Counselors.  She is also my personal hero for all the wonderful work she is doing to help others get free!