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72 - The Addiction Chronicles: Judy Wolfe, Food Addiction Counselor



In today's episode I interview Judy Wolfe about her own personal story of sugar addiction and how she is helping others.  Judy is a Certified Food Addiction Counselor and SUGAR Certified/Licensed. She has been in Food Addiction Recovery for 30 years and free from grains, sugar, starches, and alcohol for over 15. Judy’s passion and commitment to the field of Food Addiction come both from her professional studies and her personal success in keeping over 125 pounds off of her body for more than 15 years. Judy has helped hundreds of individuals in the US and abroad understand not only the nature of Food Addiction, but also, and more importantly, the way to recovery from it. Whether underweight or obese, pregnant, or post-weight-loss surgery, these individuals have benefited from Judy’s practical, no-nonsense, and action-oriented approach. Judy is also active in developing literature to raise awareness of Food Addiction for health care professionals and the general public and is an active member of the Food A