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70 - Life After Addiction With Florence Christophers



In today's episode I talk with Florence Christophers and we discuss the continuation of the healing journey that comes after abstinence.  Florence is the Founder and Co-host of kicksugarsummit.com.  Florence is a recovered sugar addict (words she never thought she would say.) Her journey to freedom started in her twenties and ended in a moment of insight about how to kick sugar without willpower.  Today she knows that kicking sugar does not need to be a long drawn out power struggle.  There is a better way!  A fast track to freedom that she teachers in her "3 Weeks to Sugar Freedom" online course.  This approach comes out of the drug and alcohol recovery field and works like a charm for all addictions, including sugar.  Today Florence is a certified health coach and a sugar addiction recovery specialist.  She is on a mission to help men and women break up with sugar and never look back.  Goodbye sugar, hello happiness.  For more information, you can visit her