Created For This



A podcast for Christian business owners, Created for This, that weaves together business and Christian living. Hosted by Danielle Roberts. Find out more about her at


  • Episode 51: Optimizing LinkedIn with Janine Esbrand

    21/02/2019 Duration: 28min

    Janine Esbrand is the founder of LightBOX Coaching, a coaching and consulting company which helps ambitious women thrive in their careers beyond motherhood.  Along with her coaching career, Janine has found a love for helping women stand out using LinkedIn as a way to get clients and make connections. She's sharing her tips with us today and I'm so excited to share this goodness with her. Janine's holding a LinkedIn Accelerator and I can't recommend her knowledge enough if you're wanting to uplevel your LinkedIn account, check out her accelerator! Janine studied her LLB law degree at City University in London. She then spent a year in New York where she completed the Mountbatten internship program. Upon her return to the UK, she completed her LPC at BPP law school and went on to qualify as a corporate solicitor at leading UK firm in 2012. After practicing as a corporate lawyer for 4 years, she moved into a sole legal counsel role at an international fu

  • Episode 50: What You Were Created For (a year in review)

    14/02/2019 Duration: 07min

    Episode 50! This is huge! This is about the one year anniversary too which is so cool. I've been so blessed to bring you so much great content over the last year. I'm Danielle Roberts, an accountability coach and an essential oil educator. As I've interviewed all these women, I've noticed a pretty substantial theme. My devotional book and my podcast are both named Created for This. Have you ever wondered what you were created for? We just published a few episodes on God's will and so often I think we wonder "what was I created for?" It's important to remember that we are created for God's glory. We were created to give him glory. I think it's important to live out how we can give God glory. In everything we do, we are created to give him glory, not because of what we've done, but who he is. The verses I used in this episode:  Psalms 115:1 "Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."  Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do

  • Episode 49: Praying and Knowing God's Will with Ben Reedy

    07/02/2019 Duration: 19min

    Have you ever wondered what God's will is and how to pray and understand his will? I think most of us have which is why my brother Ben Reedy, a seminary student, and I focus on that this week. In this episode, we're going to chat about the topic of prayer and God's will. More specifically, we're going to talk about how to pray and move forward after we pray. I share some of my experiences as I've prayed through life decisions and Ben adds in his biblical outlook on it. Once you're in motion, God's going to be a lot clearer on the direction that you're going. We have the freedom to love God and love others and do what we want to do. Bible verses referenced: Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 Proverbs 19:21 Proverbs 21:1-3 1 Thes. 4:1-7 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 3 Sign up for the Biblical Rest Devotional Email Series that starts February 19 - As business owners it's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, the business world that engulfs us and pulls at us. I am going to encourage you to look at what the Bible says about re

  • Episode 48: Knowing God's Will with Ben Reedy

    31/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    My brother and seminary student, Ben Reedy is joining me in this episode as we discuss how to know God's will. His will is something that we often wonder about as Christians. It's also something that we strive to know as we make big decisions or set ourselves up for the new year. Ben and I are giving the following information in hopes that you will better understand how God's will works. Get to know your Bible. Start to read in the four gospels. Then move on to the rest of the New Testament. We're supposed to be little versions of Jesus, so when we know him, we can act like him. God gives us so many ways to know his will, even if it's not a flashing sign. Counsel from godly people. The Holy Spirit's voice (giving yourself space to listen) Having a good knowledge of scripture Listen in next week for more on this topic.   If you want to learn how the Bible views rest and what rest looks like from a Christian perspective, sign up for my Biblical Rest Devo Challenge that starts on February 18.

  • Episode 47: Creating a Life and Business with a Mission with Natalie Gingrich

    24/01/2019 Duration: 25min

    One of the women I look up to and appreciate so much in business is joining me for this episode and I could not be more thrilled to introduce you to Natalie Gingrich. She's a wealth of knowledge surrounding systems, organization and creating a business that's mission and vision focused.  I've gotten the pleasure of working with Natalie over the past few years on the Boss Mom team and now as her A-Team Accelerator and Growth Getters Mastermind Accountability Coach. I walk away from every group call knowing more than I did before or having a better way of working a system. In this episode, Natalie and I talk about creating a business that is based on your mission, vision, and values - something that both she and I find vital to have long term success.  For Natalie's workbook on crafting your own mission, vision, and values, click here. To join in on the next round of the A-Team Accelerator (a program I highly recommend and LOVE taking part in as the Accountability Coach) click here to join the waitlist. This sh

  • Episode 45: Business Ownership as a Special Needs Mom with Taylor Hoffman

    10/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    Boutique owner and mom of a special needs charming toddler and precocious kindergartner, Taylor Hoffman joins me in this episode. We talk about: How she started her business How she's grown her business as a military spouse (and now veteran spouse) How she's a mom and a boutique owner The birth story of her special needs son What she's done to advocate for herself and her son For more of Taylor, follow her Instagram or Facebook page. To buy paint and accessories, head to Dear Olympia.   This show's sponsor is my devotional, Created for This. This devotional was written specifically for business owners and entrepreneurs. Based on Proverbs 31, this devotional touches specifically on experiences that we have as business owners. God has given us so many great answers for Godly responses to how we can live out life as Godly entrepreneurs. Buy your own copy now.

  • Episode 44: Am I Resting or Just Lazy?

    20/12/2018 Duration: 17min

    Am I resting or am I just lazy? Well, that depends. As I’ve been talking about rest, I was asked what laziness looks like. This is an important topic to talk about because if we aren’t careful, our resting could turn to laziness. Let’s look at the Bible for this. I’m going to give you my best understanding at this point because I’m still learning about this topic and I’ll revisit it later. Proverbs 12:24, 27 “Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.” “The lazy do not roast[a] any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.” NIV Study Notes – The way of the lazy man is waste. Waste is poor stewardship. Make good use of everything that God has given you and prize it. In going through Proverbs with my church, our pastor shared that Proverbs is all over the place and there’s not necessarily any clear or defined outlines for one place to go for things. Laziness in the Bible is also slothful or idleness. Matthew 25:26-27 “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that

  • Episode 43: Creating a Dwelling That Serves Others with Becky Dempster

    13/12/2018 Duration: 26min

    Home Designer, Becky Dempster, shares how she lives out her mission to serve women who crave homes with purpose. She gives them the tools they need to turn their houses into homes that are beautiful, while meeting the needs. She also reminds them that their homes can feel like a big hug, and represent their style, without sacrificing function or budget. We talk about living out a mission statement and sharing Jesus through our businesses. Becky also gives practical advice for how to make people feel welcome, loved and blessed when they enter your home (no matter how big or small it is). If you want to check out Becky's offerings or DIY blog head to Homestead 128. For Becky's Instagram, click here to follow her.   Today's show sponsor is the devotional, Created for This, written for Christian business owners. Find out more and purchase your own copy now.

  • Episode 41: Getting Planty with Dusty Hegge

    29/11/2018 Duration: 27min

    Plant lover, Jesus lover, and lover of women and ministry, Dusty Hegge, joins me on the podcast. She dishes on how God has shown up and reveals his plans and how she sees him in her past and her future. She started her business Revive Nursery on the heels of other business ventures. Gardening is more than gardening, it's about caring for his creation and there are so many lessons to learn from plants. This podcast isn't just for plant lovers, it's about seeing God and following him. To follow along with Dusty, you can find her on Instagram, Facebook, or her website where you can listen to her new podcast or order your own copy of her book.  

  • Episode 42: Knowing Your Numbers and an Abundant God

    22/11/2018 Duration: 16min

    Something that has recently been mind-blowing to me was that when I was recently asked about how business was going, I responded that I was content with where I was. I’m usually the person who wants more money, I need more other things, I want to do more and be more. I’m content about my accountability coaching, teaching people about essential oils, my planner and my other side projects. Contentment is hard for me. I’m a perfectionist and I expect a lot from myself. I feel like I should be further along, or be making more money. As entrepreneurs, I feel like we have to constantly be reaching for more and better. For me, that contentment comes down to a lot of money mindset work. How is that possible? Well, I’ve been working a lot on knowing the numbers in my business. By knowing how much money we have, how much money I’m bringing in and where the money is going. My husband has a full-time job outside the home and our money is our two incomes combined. I feel in some ways responsible because I’m the one who

  • Episode 40: Settle in for a Coffee Chat

    22/11/2018 Duration: 14min

    Let's pretend that we are sitting down and having a cup of coffee together. I'll be sipping a decaf Americano. I'm sharing my life and heart on a few different life things and can't wait to share unscripted with you. I'll also be dropping a few hints of things to come from me.   This show's sponsor is my devotional Created for This. It was written for you, the female entrepreneur who wants to dig deeper with Jesus and grow in your faith and business. You can purchase it now for yourself or as a gift.

  • Episode 39: Changing Careers While Triumphing Over Challenges with Sara Cappechi

    15/11/2018 Duration: 19min

    When we allow God to be in the middle of our lives, we are able to triumph through challenges. My guest and realtor, Sara Cappechi, shares her story of how she changed jobs during a challenging time and the great things that she did to bounce back during those times. She gives encouragement if you're thinking about changing jobs and if you've contemplated becoming a realtor. You'll be blessed by her story! **Affiliate links are present in this post. That means I receive a small commission from your purchase at no cost to you.** To follow along with Sara, you can check out her website, Instagram or Facebook page. The Emotionally Destructive Relationship by Leslie Vernick Homes for Heros program

  • Episode 38: Expecting the Savior (Preparing for the Holidays)

    08/11/2018 Duration: 17min

    I want to talk about preparing ourselves for the holidays, not our business necessarily, although business is important. In this instance, I want to talk about our hearts and in ourselves and what we're doing for our families as we prepare for the holidays if you've got a family or just friends in actuality.       It's a huge thing as we prepare to go into this season. I think prioritizing our wants and our needs now that might seem really simple that might seem really difficult depending on where you're at with this and what your other priorities and what your other commitments already are. I think it's a really good to check out what it is that you have going on in your schedule and what is you want the season to look like.   It's important to remember the reason for the season which is Jesus right? We as Christians have this huge reason to celebrate the reason the reason for the season.     We can expectantly wait to celebrate Jesus' birthday and share the joy of that celebration with other

  • Episode 37: The Power of Biblical Affirmations

    01/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    God's word is so powerful and when we use those to speak truth over ourselves, it makes a huge difference! I've taken the hard work out of things and created a printable list of Bible verses you can use to speak truth over yourself. You can download that now and start speaking biblical affirmations over yourself.

  • Episode 36: Biblically-based Productivity with Phylicia Masonheimer

    25/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    Founder of Driven Women and author of the book Christian Cosmo: the Sex Talk You Never Had, Phylicia Masonheimer, is joining me to talk all things productivity! I have been a follower and admirer of Phylicia for the last few months and I can't believe I got to talk with her on one of our favorite topics - productivity. Phylicia gives some great perspectives and ideas on how to be productive biblically. There are a lot of practical tips for how to relieve stress and make things happen instead of getting bogged down. You'll love how she views her work time and planning techniques. We talk about stewardship of our home which is an important topic when you view productivity. Phylicia and I also talk about stress management in both the physical and spiritual realms. She shares what she uses to manage her stress with both prayer and essential oils. This is an episode you do not want to miss. About my guest: Phylicia Masonheimer is an author, speaker, and founder of Driven Women. She teaches strong-hearted women how

  • Bonus Episode: Marital Expectations with Lucas Roberts

    23/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    Lucas and I share our conversation about what we expected going into our marriage and what we still expect. It's a fun conversation that reveals more of who we are as a couple.

  • Episode 35: God is Enough Through Chronic Pain or Burnout

    18/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    In the middle of feeling like I have nothing to give, God has shown me that he is enough, through my chronic pain and burnout. I'm sharing about 2 Corinthians 12:1-10.   This show's sponsor is my devotional, Created for This, a devotional for Christian business owners based on Proverbs 31. It covers topics like identity, comparison, mentoring, anxiety, joy and so much more. Buy it today.

  • Episode 34: Ministering Through Business Finances with Melissa Whaley

    11/10/2018 Duration: 31min

    Melissa Whaley joins me to talk about how she is not using her college degree of Youth Ministry but serving business owners as a virtual tax advisor or entrepreneurs. She helps implement financial systems for people who light up over their work and freak out over their numbers. She is a California native, married to her college sweetheart for 10yrs and they have 4 awesome kids together. You can find her chugging iced coffee while geeking out over all things tax. Q4 Financial Fix - Stop the finance overwhelm and lessen your money anxiety with a three-month program from Melissa and me where Melissa will be teaching three live classes on various business finance topics and I'll be providing four 15-minute accountability calls to ensure you actually get the work done. You'll be ready for tax season 2019 and going into the new year financially stronger. This program closes for enrollment on October 20 so sign up now. The first five people get a free 30-minute strategy and goal planning session. Hang out with Melis

  • Episode 33: Dealing with Trials and Resentment in Marriage with Lucas Roberts

    27/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    Lucas is joining me for another episode (a part 2 of episode 31) as we discuss the answers to more listener questions. We're covering resentment, trials, jealousy about work, our rhythms, and routines. We have recently made changes to our routines.  Our lessons revolve around watering our marriage relationship and how we are responsible for how we react to things. The show's sponsor is my book, Created for This, a devotional for Christian business owners and entrepreneurs based on Proverbs 31. You can read more about it, and purchase it at

  • Episode 32: How I Thrive as a Mom and CEO (and You Can Too)

    20/09/2018 Duration: 12min

    I thrive as a mom and CEO. This is not just a statement that I am making, I can look at my client testimonials and listen to my husband's testimony. I started my business the same week we found out we were pregnant with baby number three. Over the last three and a half years, and another pregnancy and baby, I have kept my business running and thriving. Running a business is not for the faint of heart. I am writing this while nursing my seven and a half month old and watching my five and three-year-old boys wrestle. That is what daily life looks like for us. Here are five lessons I have learned that will help you thrive as a mom and CEO too. Do what you can while you can. I don't save all of my work for naptime, I am not afraid to work while the babies play. Or eat for that matter. What does that look like for my schedule? It's changed over time. I have my older two kids in public school and the younger two in daycare two days a week. I record my podcast, videos, and taking coaching client calls while they ar

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