Created For This

Episode 42: Knowing Your Numbers and an Abundant God



Something that has recently been mind-blowing to me was that when I was recently asked about how business was going, I responded that I was content with where I was. I’m usually the person who wants more money, I need more other things, I want to do more and be more. I’m content about my accountability coaching, teaching people about essential oils, my planner and my other side projects. Contentment is hard for me. I’m a perfectionist and I expect a lot from myself. I feel like I should be further along, or be making more money. As entrepreneurs, I feel like we have to constantly be reaching for more and better. For me, that contentment comes down to a lot of money mindset work. How is that possible? Well, I’ve been working a lot on knowing the numbers in my business. By knowing how much money we have, how much money I’m bringing in and where the money is going. My husband has a full-time job outside the home and our money is our two incomes combined. I feel in some ways responsible because I’m the one who