Created For This

Episode 47: Creating a Life and Business with a Mission with Natalie Gingrich



One of the women I look up to and appreciate so much in business is joining me for this episode and I could not be more thrilled to introduce you to Natalie Gingrich. She's a wealth of knowledge surrounding systems, organization and creating a business that's mission and vision focused.  I've gotten the pleasure of working with Natalie over the past few years on the Boss Mom team and now as her A-Team Accelerator and Growth Getters Mastermind Accountability Coach. I walk away from every group call knowing more than I did before or having a better way of working a system. In this episode, Natalie and I talk about creating a business that is based on your mission, vision, and values - something that both she and I find vital to have long term success.  For Natalie's workbook on crafting your own mission, vision, and values, click here. To join in on the next round of the A-Team Accelerator (a program I highly recommend and LOVE taking part in as the Accountability Coach) click here to join the waitlist. This sh