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Episode 56: Understanding Your Wiring and the Enneagram with Jill McCormick



Jill McCormick talks with me about learning to work with from our giftings and our strengths, instead of working at a job or doing something we "should" do. We deep dive into how to avoid burn out and using our energy and our time on things that we leave and what we're gifted in so we can move into what God has for us to do. By using what God's given us, we are doing his good works and glorifying him. Busyness brings pressure and that pressure comes from external expectations and internal expectations of what we should be doing. We also have a very strong monologue ticker that has negative critique which is exhausting. When we don't taken into account what God's asked us to do, we end up trying to do everything and we can't live that way. We are not designed to live that way. As I've studied rest, when we do the things that light us up, we actually get refreshed. We try to fill every void through busyness. And we wear ourselves out. Some ways that we can figure out how we're wired:  Asking Jesus how he wired