Created For This

Episode 53: Top 3 Productivity Tips to Implement Right Now



Looking for ways to be more productive? These are some of my top three tips that you can implement right now: 1. Limit your social media time. Let's talk about the mindset of social media. Why do we go on social media? For me, when I'm bored, when I don't have anything in my hands to do, or if I'm avoiding doing things then I'll go on social media. I've trained my brain to think that if I don't have something going on, or even if I do, that I need to be going on social media consistently. That's called addiction and that's not being productive. We're trying to live other people's lives through social media which causes so much discontentment with our own lives.  I'm not saying that all social media is bad, I get a lot of clients through social media. We wouldn't say to get clients in Facebook groups if it wasn't effective. If you're looking for ways to help, there are numerous apps you can get. Feed eradicator is one that I've heard of.  Instagram has a way to check and see your usage. Under your activity, it