The Dating Den



Each week on the podcast, Ill be interviewing the worlds top experts in attraction, dating, communication, sex, and relationships, as well as coaching real women LIVE, through their real life dating challenges that are probably a lot like yours!


  • How to Hack Your Metabolism And Feel Better at Any Age with Carolyn Williams

    09/12/2022 Duration: 36min

    Marni welcomes award-winning food and health journalist Carolyn Williams in the Life Check Yourself studio, to discuss a topic that has long plagued women (and men): our bodies. The author, dietician and mother of two, shares her own journey with food and discusses the culprit behind many of our physical ailments. Marni and Carolyn delve into what a healthy diet actually means and how to get on the right track when it comes to eating clean. And good news is that restriction isn’t, contrary to popular belief, not the way to go. Winner of the 2017 James Beard Foundation Award, Carolyn traces much of today’s health issues back to low-grade chronic inflammation. The journalist breaks down what inflammation actually is and how it contributes to conditions like diabetes.    Takeaways from this episode: Forget the diet mentality How you can cure bloating Throw out the stereotypes associated with food Our eating habits are part of our identity What exactly is inflammation and why should you care? Be conscious of how

  • 5 Things You Should Never Do on a First Date with Chris Gillis

    03/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    Marni and Chris break down the dos and don’ts of dating. The duo takes a look at the behavior of the single men and women on reality tv show, Love Is Blind, as they navigate through the messy game that is love. Much of what the contestants do on the show mimics our real-life interactions with each other in today’s dating scene. Marni and Chris consider why it is that people act the way they do in certain situations. They dissect the personas we all put on when meeting someone for the first time; and they question the little quirks we all bring to the table and how they affect the way we present ourselves.    Takeaways from this episode: Show who you are, don’t yell it Too much mystery isn’t a thing, find a balance It’s not about what you do as much as it is about who you are Meet your date’s energy Don’t lay it all out on the first date   When He Tells You Who He is, Believe Him [13:04] Your non-negotiables are your lifeline when it comes to dating. That being said, falling in love with potential isn’t the

  • Obsessing: Why it Happens and How to Get a Grip Now with Marc Sholes

    03/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    Marni welcomes Marc Sholes in the Life Check Yourself studio where they have an in-depth conversation about the human mind. The pair delve into existential questions we all have. Why do we act a certain way in our relationships? Why do we get obsessive when the person we like takes days to respond to a text? Why do we form certain patterns and how can we break them? Marc, who has over 25 years of experience in psychotherapy, is the author of “Reset Your Romantic GPS: Why You Steer Toward the Wrong Partners and How to Change Direction for the Better.” The psychoanalyst, and licensed clinical social worker who has helped individuals, couples and groups to get to the root of their ailments. In this episode, Marc and Marni look into attachment theory, and the different attachment styles that we develop as infants, and then take with us into our adult relationships. They discuss the tools and methods used in our road to recovery, and the sense self-empowerment that comes from standing still and being comfortable i

  • How Dateable Are You? The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes Successful Women Are Making Right Now with Chris Gillis and Dr.Emily

    27/11/2022 Duration: 56min

    Marni and Chris take a deep dive into the ups and downs of the relationships of the Bachelor Paradise’s contestants. Along with Dr.Emily, the trio contemplate the most prominent mistakes men and women make in relationships, and how their personality traits and behaviors affect their journey with their partners. While it may be a younger generation, we find that the traps the contestants fall into are very similar to the ones we still fall into, at any age, when out in the dating world.    Takeaways from this episode: Know your non-negotiables Emotionally Regulate Yourself Can you get rid of the ick?  Context is Everything Love is a verb, not just a word   Don’t Negotiate on Your Non-Negotiables [2:24]   The relationship between Kate and Logan is the epitome of what happens when you choose to date someone, who you know doesn’t tick off all the boxes on your check list. Marni points out, that rather than mistreating the “wrong” someone and putting them down, knowing your non-negotiables, will save you time, e

  • 4 Steps to Train Your Brain to Stop the Blame Game and Avoid the Ick

    26/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    Marni welcomes Adele Spraggon in the Life Check Yourself studio, where they get into the nitty gritty of how to train your brain and break down patterns that have been influencing your relationships. Adele is an award-winning author, an international trainer and the recipient of the 2022 Women of Inspiration accolade. In this episode, Marni and Adele discuss the reasons why we react to our partners the way we do, how to recognize certain patterns in ourselves, and how to break the cycle of emotional distress that sometimes manifests in relationships. It’s a journey of self-empowerment wrapped in a 4-step process that starts by looking inwards, without judgment. Winner of the 2021 Top Behavioral expert title, Adele’s book, “Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment” has won several awards.  It’s all about repatterning.  How to change your reaction to your partner How to make your relationship brand-new Why do we fall into the same relationships over and over again?  Breaking the Serial-Dating Pattern Why do you

  • How Long After a Breakup Does it Take to Be Really Ready for a New Relationship? With Chris Gillis

    19/11/2022 Duration: 43min

    Marni and Chris join forces to untangle the real-life dating lessons from this Hunger Games version of Bachelor in Paradise (BIP for the cool kids). Next week is the season finale so a lot of relationships are meeting their breaking point. And, Chris makes a BIG announcement about how to upgrade your male partner!   Takeaways from this episode:   The biggest mistake women make in relationships Is it too soon to start dating again? Finding someone new will not lessen your heartbreak The success rate of ultimatums   Relationship Readiness [3:16]   One of the biggest mistakes women make in dating and relationships happens twice in this episode. As Marni points out, you can’t get under someone else before you are healed from your last relationship. For example; Eliza chooses Rodney but it doesn’t feel right so she runs to the next boy, and keeps chasing different men because she doesn't know what will make her happy. Marni’s advice for her is to take a pause to get her mind straight.   Then, Andrew rev

  • With Michael Kaye: Top Insider Secrets from OkCupid Exec on How to Work the System and Win

    18/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    Marni welcomes the head of Global Communications at OkCupid, Michael Kaye to the Life Check Yourself Studio. OkCupid is one of the world's largest dating apps. Previously, Michael served as a Product Communications Manager at LinkedIn and as a Sr. Global Communications Manager with OkCupid. He is an industry award winner who has been featured on ABC NEWS, Business Insider, Bustle, Cosmo, NYT, and more. He shares insider tips and best practices to help you find someone special.   Takeaways from this episode:   Insider tips for making the algorithm find the right match How much time to spend dating online Who should message first How to get offline and into each other's arms Big dating profile turn-offs   How Michael Became a Connection Guru [2:21]   In college, Michael didn't know how to find other men in his area. He found the safest and most discreet way was through dating apps. The great news is that he is still dating the person he met online eight and a half years later. One day, he received

  • The Surprising Reasons Women Don’t Want Nice Guys with Chris Gillis

    12/11/2022 Duration: 46min

    Marni and Chris analyze the relationship styles of the remaining Bachelor in Paradise contestants and contemplate what effect the new singles dropping in next week will have on a season that is almost over. And, even though the contestants are hot-bodied, 20‒30 somethings, we find out that their dating mistakes are not so far off from the rest of us.   Takeaways from this episode:   Trying to find love without a good foundation of what healthy love is Why checking boxes isn’t enough for some women What exactly is love-bombing? Setting boundaries   Don’t Waste Your Precious Time on the Wrong Person [1:04]   Handsome Alex is a great example of how checking boxes isn’t enough. Chris Gillis thinks Alex left the show because he didn’t offer any of the super-cool, put-together ladies anything to dwell on. He didn’t have any emotional response and he wasn’t fun enough. He was a plain vanilla type of guy.   Marni points out that one of the people in a relationship must be responsible for asking questions t

  • With Brett Parker: How to Break Free From Feeling Trapped in Your Life to Have More Energy for Love

    11/11/2022 Duration: 35min

    Marni welcomes Brett Parker to the show. Brett walked away from his former career as a successful Hollywood director in LA. The burnout and overwhelm created a disconnect from everything he valued including his five-year-old son. He discovered a simple, elegant process to break free from the feeling of disconnect. He has since devoted his life to helping clients find their dream careers with passion, focus, and impact.   Takeaways from this episode:   Creating the life you want Stop making decisions from fear Get clear about your why Living your million-dollar story   Create the Life You Want [2:21]   Ladies, use this convo with Brett to remind you that every guy you meet has his own crazy going on in his life. After his divorce, Brett found it challenging, but in a good way. He focused on how he could show up to be the best dad because that was the most important thing to him. He was so burned out he felt as if he had no choice but to leave his previous life.   During a dark night on the couch, Br

  • With Hunt Ethridge: The Best Questions You Can Ask to Get to Know if He is Your Person

    05/11/2022 Duration: 38min

    Marni welcomes an award-winning international dating and relationship expert. Hunt Ethridge has over 15 years of helping people become the best, most datable versions of themselves. He helps his clients empirically become more datable. His company trains matchmakers and dating coaches. You may have seen him on one or more than 100 media outlets, including Playboy and CNN.   Takeaways from this episode:   How to communicate with Men about sex Use special phraseology to get what you want Get empirically better at dating How to give a compliment   How Do Men Learn to Be Good at Sex [3:29]   Many women ask Marni why they are not excited about having sex with their boyfriend or how they can get their partners to be better at sex. Hunt says men don’t have a lot of resources to go to for information about relationships and sex. It is hard for them to know what to do.   For men, sex is tied up with ego. And, the male ego is fragile. This is what makes it difficult to ask for relationship advice and not tak

  • This is Not What it Looks Like When You Are Falling in Love with Chris Gillis & Dr. Emily

    04/11/2022 Duration: 53min

    Marni and Chris are joined by Dr. Emily to dish about what went terribly wrong on this week’s Bachelor in Paradise. In addition to extracting the real-life dating lessons demonstrated on the show, they share the contestants they identify with, and who their favorite contestants are.   Takeaways from this episode:   Power dynamics in relationships Settling for the guy who shows you attention The importance of shared values Age-gap relationships   Gender Role Confusion on BIP [2:18]   Eliza and Rodney decided they were made for each other then Justin came back. Uh oh! Eliza asks if she can go on a date with Justin and Rodney says yes, but why? In the real world, many women are confused about power dynamics. They send confusing messages to men about how much power they want in a relationship because they were taught conflicting messages about what masculine and feminine dynamics are in a relationship.   Direct and honest communication is the best gift you can give another person.   Just because a guy

  • Dating Multiple Men: What to Say and Do to Finesse it Like a Queen with Chris Gillis

    29/10/2022 Duration: 39min

    Marni and Chris chew on all the juicy morsels that were this week’s Bachelor in Paradise which was hands-down the most interesting and real-life episode so far. The examples on the show prove you can have an amazing date one night and have another amazing date with someone else the next night.   Takeaways from this episode:   Learn not to take things personally It takes some people longer to process how they feel What real-life Dating with Dignity looks like #BeAVictoria Infatuation and chemistry are not values   Dating Multiple People [2:49]   The big switch took place in Casa Amor this week. Contestants have shuffled around and landed with different people to date. Surprisingly, none of the guys said anything negative about the girl they decided to quit seeing.   When you are contemplating why someone didn’t ask you out on another date, maybe it’s not that all men are malicious or there is something wrong with you, it could just be they found a better connection with someone else. Don’t take it p

  • With Glenn Sandifer — A Revolutionary Approach for Today’s Modern Woman: How to Define Your Type so You Can Be Picky in a Good Way

    28/10/2022 Duration: 34min

    Glenn Sandifer joins Marni in the Life Check Yourself studio to help successful women find a man that matches their drive, ambition, and expectations. Glenn has over 20 years of experience in field sales and marketing. He says success in the workplace is often at odds with intimate relationships. He understands how busy people can enjoy their work but fail to build or maintain healthy personal connections outside of office hours. They discuss his book, Middle Ground: How to Get Great Dating Outcomes in a Modern World.   Takeaways from this episode:   How to define your type Relationship expectations of high-quality, successful women How to find a HENRY (high-earner not rich yet) How to identify seasons in a relationship Is it time to take the lead or be the helper?   Empowered at Work, Disempowered in Relationship [1:50]   Many women express their concerns about dating in the workplace. The challenge these high achievers have is they get tangled up in relationships that don’t meet their expectati

  • What Vulnerability Really Looks Like: Are These Mistakes Ruining Your Chances with a Great Guy? With Chris Gillis

    22/10/2022 Duration: 44min

    Marni and Chris Gillis shine a light on the often hidden dating lessons from the latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise. This episode is a treasure trove of real-life riches for people who want a successful, long-term relationship.   Takeaways from this episode:   The difference between telling your sad tale and being vulnerable How to avoid activating your unmet childhood needs Be rejection-proof Don’t chase a man Be the person you want to attract   You Are More Than Your Trauma [3:40]   To dispel the common dating no-no of making a tragedy the basis of your connection, especially on the first date, BIP producers brought in a woman they thought would have something in common with Michael. The move made Marni physically cringe. The theory is that BIP producers really liked Michael A., who lost his wife four years ago to breast cancer, and in an effort to get him to stay on the show, they brought in Danielle. Danielle lost her husband to suicide eleven years ago. It is an unhealthy way to start a

  • Can It Work if He Doesn’t Speak Your Love Language? With Chris Gillis

    15/10/2022 Duration: 51min

    Marni and Chris Gillis break down the double-whammy that was Bachelor in Paradise. So many juicy lessons in this episode about non-negotiables, emotional unavailability, prima donnas, and F-boys! If you are in the dating pool and consistently not meeting the right guys, tune in and chill out.   Takeaways from this episode:   Beauty fades and money is never enough Love language connection How to express what you need Being more than your story What to do when a date is not a match   Needs versus Wants [4:08]   This episode of Bachelor in Paradise revealed some perfect examples of ladies who have unrealistic expectations about what a guy needs to do in dating. A guy can be interested in a woman without being a slobbering mess and falling all over her. A woman who needs constant validation of her lovability and worth doesn’t make a good partner.   Hey Genevieve and Shanae, if a guy doesn’t treat you like Disney princesses you don’t have to turn into witches!   When starting to date someone and they

  • Exactly Why Dating Feels Like a Roller Coaster (and How to Get the “F” Off) with Chris Gillis

    08/10/2022 Duration: 39min

    Marni and Chris Gillis break down the insecurities, easy hookups, and control struggles that were all over this week’s Bachelorette. Marni shares the solid takeaways from the show, especially the importance of remembering that dating is a process, and there is value in the entire process.   Takeaways from this episode:   Stop romanticizing the perfect man Show up strong, not insecure Keep your cool when dating around Focusing on externals doesn’t fix internal insecurities   The Pitfalls of Romanticizing Someone You’ve Never Met [3:55]   Chris calls fantasizing about someone you’ve never met a delicious pitfall, but it isn’t one that you can risk falling for. It only sets you up for disappointment and a lack of a true fresh start. After Teddi’s date with Andrew, she takes a step back to realize that maybe her romantic fantasies about him sabotage any chance for a relationship before they even meet. Marni thinks that the fact that she ran away means she is emotionally unavailable and has serious avoi

  • The Real Reason You Put Off Responding to His Texts, and Why It Really Is a Thing with Tessa Alburn

    07/10/2022 Duration: 43min

    Marni welcomes Tessa Alburn to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Tessa is a certified master coach at the Institute for Living Courageously and has been working on the You’re Courageous Life VIP program. She has helped countless women connect with the essential self, let go of limiting beliefs, and start to write the blueprint for the whole self life that they really want to live.   Takeaways:   How to communicate your true self Recognize the power of how you show up in the world Overcoming your self-limitations Uncover what has been holding you back   Creating a Life of Core Meaning [4:30]   Tessa reveals the reasons that so many women come to the ILC and the core change that allows them to finally start creating a life of meaning. Core change means understanding and being your essential self and recognizing how it expresses energetically in the world.   Tessa reminds us that there is nothing wrong with us, but we have to be able to express our true self. We have to learn what needs to shift and then get the

  • Girl, These Are the Basic Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make in the Beginning with Chris Gillis

    01/10/2022 Duration: 28min

    Marni and Chris gather the Dating Dos and Don’ts from this season’s first episode of Bachelor in Paradise. There were some great lessons about what to share on the first and second dates. FYI, IBS isn’t one of those things, Hunter!   Takeaways:   Subconsciously adopting social constructs like age The art of setting boundaries Creating pseudo-intimacy by over texting When to reveal your fetishes   When to Share Your Medical Truth & Age Issues [:56]   In the episode, Hunter offers us a great Dating Don’t opportunity. She talks about her IBS with Johnny. It made Marni uncomfortable when she heard it. Her advice is not to share this type of information too soon. Romeo became overwhelmed by all of Hunter’s issues.   Dating Don’t — Don’t share all of your medical conditions on the first date.   This season seems to be the geriatric version of Bachelor in Paradise boasting several over 30 contestants. Chris Gillis warns against accepting social labels as our own. Age normally doesn’t become an issue until we m

  • With Sara McElroy: Why Having A Career That is Thriving and A Love Life That Sucks Says A Lot More About Being Single Than You Think

    30/09/2022 Duration: 42min

    Marni welcomes former Hustle Culture Devotee, Sara McElroy to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Sara is an ex-Chief Marketing Officer, the WSJ poster girl for a pandemic career burn-out, and a two-time member of the great resignation. After a stress-induced shingle diagnosis in 2021, Sara decided to hit the reset button on her life. While looking for alignment in her life, she created Raze to Rise to amplify women’s voices, and inspire others to blaze new trails.   Takeaways:   Some people change slowly and others take a fast 180 Redefine what success means to you Quiet quitting is an acceptable first step Break free of good-girl conditioning   Resign as Many Times as You Need To [1:47]   Sara reveals that during the beginning of her corporate career she didn’t have self-trust. She was the quintessential corporate soldier. She outsourced her power and agency and put her future in the hands of the corporation she worked for.   Sara says we get to the breaking point more quickly when we know what we are willing

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