The Dating Den

Unlocking Weight Loss for Women. How to overcome pesky situations that can keep you stuck waiting for Monday with Leah Van Dolder



Marni welcomes Leah Van Dolder to The Life Check Yourself where the duo discusses our relationship with food, perfectionism, and the line that separates success from failure. Leah is a mindset coach who has helped thousands of clients hit their weight goal while simultaneously leveling up their confidence and their energy, as well as achieving a stronger sense of self. Women often set high expectations for themselves, and while that might be good in a lot of cases, it can also be destructive when too much expectation is placed on a certain goal.    How to achieve your goal sustainably The key is achievable goals How to have that wake-up call    Allow Yourself to be Human [06:26]   Your mindset should be taking it one step at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself because that is not sustainable and will not get you to where you need to be. Rather than jump all in with unrealistic expectations, break up your goal into achievable steps. You are human, so allow yourself room for error.    What are those daily