The Dating Den

How to Go on in A “What Now” Moment



Marni welcomes Dr.Ken Druck to the Life Check Yourself where the duo discusses how to heal from loss and use it to become a better version of yourself. Dr.Ken is a best-selling author who has coached leaders both in business and in government. Having gone through the tragic loss of his daughter Jenna, Dr.Ken managed to develop groundbreaking work that has helped bereaved families and taught people how to recuperate from life’s biggest losses.   - How do you go on?  - Putting your hand on your heart  - How to calibrate the plan   What Now? [06:50] Move from harsh criticism to kind self-compassion. What you tell yourself is important, particularly after a loss. The narrative that you tell yourself is what will determine whether you’ll lift yourself up or whether you’ll sink and miss a potential opportunity to grow.    Of course, you don’t know what to do. How could you? You this is all new. How could you not feel fearful?   Begin by Learning [16:21] The first step starts with you. To be compassionate with other