The Dating Den

Life Check Yourself 423 – If You Are Stuck Trying To Get Your Man To Take The Lead



Marni welcomes Gillian Pothier to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo dissects what masculine energy and maleness actually mean. Gillian is a writer, a teacher, and a mentor who has helped women create fulfilling lifelong relationships with the men in their lives. And that extends to their romantic partners, their brothers, and their fathers. Her work centers around what becomes possible when you understand masculine and feminine energy.    We need to talk about dad How to get right with the nature of maleness Is it time to reclaim the source of patriarchy?    Going Back to Basics [03:35]   If you’re to start fixing or developing the masculine relationships in your lives, you need to look at the source code, the first template. And that’s the father figure. Women need to look back at what’s inside their systems because we project these same wounds unconsciously over and over again.    If we’re talking about a path of repair with men in the masculine, in our lives, we have to look at the OG.