Unfunny Nerd Tangent

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 256:42:11
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Star Wars, DC, Marvel, Kevin Smith - with all today's geeky entertainment, who can focus? Go off on a tangent with Jared, Tim, Greig and our 'unfunny' friends as we smash open new movies and TV shows as well as the classics that made us nerds in the first place. Spoilers abound, so listen AFTER you watch. Part of The Steel Cage Network.


  • UNT 51: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

    25/06/2018 Duration: 01h37min

    Hey, remember Jurassic Park? The swell of John Williams' awe-inspiring score as we marveled at our first glimpse of CGI dinosaurs that still look real 25 years later? How smart Michael Crichton made us feel as we soaked up cutting-edge math and science? How Steven Spielberg once again redefined the summer blockbuster? Well, hold onto your butts. Five movies in, this inconsistent franchise is sitting on top of an active volcano, and it's about to blow. Cashing in on the massive success of the dumb/fun Jurassic World, the aptly named Fallen Kingdom doubles down on designer DNA and weaponized velociraptors. Our brave panel of scientists, mathematicians and bloodsucking lawyers digs into all things Jurassic. We talk rising sea levels, Bugs Bunny murder techniques, Jeep fashion, international Doritos tie-ins and which real-life rich dudes would attend a NorCal dinosaur auction. We even calculate the student-loan debt of a paleoveterinarian whose only potential employer is a boarded-up amusement park she's never ev

  • UNT 50: Jaws

    18/06/2018 Duration: 01h44min

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back into podcasting, we hit Episode 50. We certainly needed a bigger boat to handle this one, as we focused our attention on the all-time classic, Jaws. Is Brody a poor man's John McClane? How fake does that shark look to you? Does Quint have a death wish? What's the secret with the Jaws theme? Who the hell goes SCUBA diving anymore? And wait... was that a nipple? All of those questions and many more are answered by our illustrious panel of nerds, who didn't need to travel to 'Breeze-Bane' to discuss this classic. Sure, we can all go slow ahead, but can you chum this s**t? Slip on your anchor-themed sports jacket and check out UNT 50 to see if you can crush it like Quint. Otherwise, show us the way to go home. We're tired and we want to go to bed. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75), 'Sing Offends Me’ Tim Agne (@timagne), Mateo Morales (@matt_morales) and 'Spielberg' Josh Schlag (@schlizzag / @t

  • UNT 49: Solo

    04/06/2018 Duration: 02h02min

    Solo: A Star Wars Story has hit movie theatres to find itself in the midst of a socio-political situation not seen since Senator Palpatine seized the Senate. Our resident Jedi Master, Flo returns to the show to help us make sense of this so-called fanbase uprising, as well as, funnily enough, discuss and review the actual movie. New actors taking on iconic roles, that cameo from that character, Lord & Miller Vs Ron Howard, and the nature of life and death in a galaxy far, far away... all that and more on the latest Unfunny Nerd Tangent: Solo. Note: no Wookies were harmed in the making of this podcast. An Ewok got sick and Tim may have swallowed a bug, but that’s it. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75) & ‘He IS Your Father’ Tim Agne (@timagne). Special Guest: ‘Glitbiter’ Flo (@glitbiter). Music by: L'Orchestra Cinématique & Supernova.

  • UNT 48: Deadpool 2

    21/05/2018 Duration: 01h39min

    We're strapping on our parachutes, ignoring the wind advisory and diving mustache-first into our most anticipated No. 2 of the year: Deadpool 2. And we brought drinks to share! Did you know Ryan Reynolds owns Aviation Gin? Our special guest Micah Zahler, a Ryan Reynolds superfan and host of the upcoming Always Parched podcast, crafted us a gin-based version of Deadpool's signature cocktail. We're not embarrassed to say it — it's a SEA BREEZE. Deadpool Sea Breeze 1 oz Aviation Gin 1.25 oz Tattersall Grapefruit Crema .5 oz Pure Cranberry Juice Dash of Strongwater Fire Tamer Bitters Top with fresh Grapefruit Juice You might want to make it a double because we're obliterating the fourth wall with tangents on everything from obscure X-Force heroes to which Golden Girl we'd beg our hypothetical shapeshifting mutant girlfriend to mimic. Yeah, we're pretty much writing Deadpool 3. You're welcome, Ryan Reynolds. Hosted by: 'Captain Bangarang' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: 'I love gluten' Jared Robinovitz (@su

  • UNT 47: The Big Lebowski

    15/05/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    The Big Lebowski is 20 years old, man. So of course we had to give it the Unfunny Nerd Tangent treatment. Much like a urine stained rug, since 1998, The Dude, Walter and Donny have left their indelible mark on movie goers, and we are no different. We gave up honouring Shabbos to record this show, so check it out, or we’re off the bowling team. But, seriously, whether you’re a nihilist, a failed European pop star, a nude artist or even a mysterious, moustachioed Stranger, you’re sure to love this latest episode of UNT. And if you don’t... well. That’s just, like... your opinion, man... Hosted by: Greig ‘The Dude’ Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: Jared ‘Walter’ Robinovitz (SuperJew75) & Tim ‘Donny’ Agne (@timagne). Music by: The First Edition & The Gypsy Kings.

  • UNT 46: Avengers - Infinity War

    29/04/2018 Duration: 02h16min

    Avengers: Infinity War is finally here, and of course, we had to gather our stones for our very own gaUNTlet and dissect this monumental film ten years in the making. Favourites, Yoshi and Mateo cross space and time to join us once more, Jared continues his assault on (what’s left of) the DCEU and has Tim finally come around to jump on the Marvel bandwagon? Either way, we should have aimed for the head. In short, if you haven’t seen it yet, run, don’t walk to your nearest movie theatre and ingest this Peter Dinklage-sized movie, avoid ALL spoilers, and soak in what might just be our Unfunniest episode yet. And bring your tissues... Hosted by: 'Time Stone' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: 'Mind Stone' Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75) & 'Power Stone' Tim Agne (@timagne). Special Guests: 'Reality Stone' Yoshi (@yousephtahna / YoshiCast.com), 'Space Stone' Mateo Morales (@matt_morales) & 'Soul Stone' "Sprung" (@jasprung). Music by: Alan Silvestri & The Spinners.

  • UNT 45: Batman - Gotham by Gaslight / Justice League - The Flashpoint Paradox

    16/04/2018 Duration: 02h20min

    What do Tim and Greig do when Jared and the rest of the Steel Cage crew head to NOLA for Wrestlemania? Well, when their force projection powers wear off, they head back into the Dad Cave and start talking (at length) about Batman cartoons. This time, it’s Batman: Gotham by Gaslight and Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. Our intrepid BatDads delve into a variety of topics, including Bruce Timm’s affinity for animated ladies, why Tim should watch Supernatural on the CW, and the correct way to enter a Lazarus Pit. Just like diamonds, BatDads are forever, so while we wait for Thanos and the Infinity War to destroy everything we hold dear, step into an alternate, unfunny reality and check out UNT: 45. Hosted by: ‘Cyrus Gold’ Tim Agne (@timagne). And featuring: Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Music by: Judas Priest & Randy Randolph.

  • UNT 44: Ready Player One

    02/04/2018 Duration: 02h12min

    Steven Spielberg’s new movie, Ready Player One, based on the Ernest Cline novel of the same name, has hit the box office, and as such, our intrepid clan of gUNTers has recruited the greatest Easter Egg hunting team of all time. We welcome back Yoshi from YoshiCast and the Transmission Podcast, as well as newcomer and (somehow) “fan” of the show, Emily McIntosh from KGSR Austin. We certainly earned our name on this one, where as well as the merits of the film and comparisons to the book, we dived down the tangential rabbit hole to find ourselves in a world of lactation cookies. Ask Tim. Jared finds his hill to die on, we make the Shining / Transformers connection, Yoshi admonishes Greig’s lack of D&D knowledge, and we pondered the pros-and-cons of F-bombs in PG-13 films. UNT 44 was a fun show to record, so slip on your immersive visor, squeeze into your HAPTIC suit and dive into Ready Player One. Maybe just leave the cod piece at home... Hosted by: ‘Gregarious Games’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘Illi

  • UNT 43: The Tick

    19/03/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    You know, evil comes in many forms, be it a man-eating cow or a pair of surly co-hosts. But when Amazon re-reboots the finest superhero parody the '90s had to offer, a true hero answers the call. Even when that call is an app notification. You can't dismiss a notification from destiny, and she's blowing up Tim's phone at all hours. "U up?" Oh he's up, destiny, and he's 100 percent down to podcast. Muscle emoji! While dragging Jared and Greig behind him like two sacks of laundry, Tim charges antennae-first into all things The Tick — from neato comics to the swell cartoon to the short-lived Patrick Warburton series and the impressive career of creator Ben Edlund. We fight over the influence of Watchmen, honor an ancient Chinese joke and — believe it or not — beat the dead horse of Suicide Squad. So gaze at your reflection in the nearest spoon and see if you're nigh invulnerable enough to endure this sad parody of a pop-culture podcast. Infinity War will be here before you know it. Hosted by 'The' Tim Agne (@ti

  • UNT 42: Hamilton

    05/03/2018 Duration: 01h48min

    How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman grow up to be the subject of our podcast? Turns out we've all got a soft spot for musical theater (even Jared). So many of our contributors caught Hamilton during its month long run in Tempe, Ariz., that we could not throw away our shot to rap about history, choreography, set design, sky-high ticket prices and all our favorite Broadway shows (and one nerdtacular off-Broadway show). You'll even find out which of us starred in musicals in high school. And if you think this all-singing, all-dancing episode was hot, just you wait till we see SpongeBob Squarepants: The Musical.

  • UNT 41: Black Panther

    26/02/2018 Duration: 01h43min

    Black Panther is a critical and financial hit, crushing the box office with record after record and helping to create a cultural movement in Hollywood. But what did we think of it? To answer that, we welcomed back Episode 31’s Mateo Morales and newcomer, Austin Carthell to help discuss, dissect and delineate all things from the land of Wakanda. But be warned, even the most powerful vibranium suits couldn’t protect us from our tangential selves on this one, which included Green Lantern casting rumours, the Crocodile Dundee Hoax, the state of MCU villains and much, much more... Hosted by 'Captain Boomerang' Greig Tansley. Featuring: 'Gorilla King' Tim Agne, 'SuperJew' Jared Robinovitz, Mateo Morales & 'King' Austin Carthell. Music by: Ludwig Göransson.

  • UNT 40: Batman - The Dark Knight Returns

    20/02/2018 Duration: 02h15min

    Was our first Batdads: The Animated Podcast too family-friendly for you? Well, get ready for the dark, gritty reboot as we take apart the ambitious animated adaptation of possibly the most influential Batman story ever told: Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. This isn’t a podcast — it’s an operating table. We mine TDKR for parenting advice, decide which Robocop lines we want Batman to say, break down the best Joker laughs and thoroughly examine Frank Miller's favorite place to draw swastikas. Sorry about that last one. Hosted by 'Definitely see Black Panther' Tim Agne (@timagne). Featuring 'Drop Bear Man' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) and 'Long Halloween in Reseda' Derek Montilla (@cap_kaveman). Music by: Christopher Drake.

  • UNT 39: Jumanji

    05/02/2018 Duration: 01h40min

    Can you hear drums? We did. So much so, we took a detour from our scheduled programming to focus our avatars on The Rock’s smash-hit re-invigoration of the Jumanji franchise. Of course, that meant we had to begin with the original Robin Williams classic, before diving into the new film with our sexy combat-dance moves. As always, our team of intrepid UNT explorers found themselves veering off course into such topics as the merits of DC’s Black Adam character, a potential Twins remake, whether or not Jack Black would have ever been a Green Lantern and hey... is that Nebula? But never fear brave adventurers, as promised we managed to bring you our latest episode dedicated to all things Jumanji. Oh, but make sure you avoid the cake... Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: Tim Agne (@timagne) & ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75). Music by: Big Mountain & GNR.

  • UNT 38: Bright

    22/01/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Critics and viewers are torn on this one. But weren’t. Not really. With polarising reviews, Netflix’s newest film has nevertheless succeeded in being one of the most watched movies in streaming service history. But is it any good? We attempted to answer that and many other questions on Episode 38, when we decided to reject the Dark Lord and watch the new movie Bright, starring everybody’s favourite Jersey Girl cameo: Will Smith. Oh, and Aussie Joel Edgerton is in this too, but if you’re anything like Tim, you don’t even know who that is. Anyway, we were more than happy to get Jiggy with it (and when we say ‘we’, we mean Jared) to watch a Will Smith film (luckily it wasn’t Suicide Squad), so check it out and see if YOU can figure out that Prophecy. Five Orc bucks says you can’t. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley. Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz & ‘King of Segues’ Tim Agne. Music by: Will Smith.

  • UNT: 37 Kevin Smith

    08/01/2018 Duration: 02h51min

    UNT kicks off the New Year in style with Episode 37. That's right, 37... in a row. Since almost every one of our previous episodes has in some way managed to reference Kevin Smith, we thought it was about time we dedicated an entire show (on purpose) to the man behind Silent Bob. And this one is almost as long as those Hobbit movies about walking. Yoshi returns from the Transmissions Podcast and we welcome friend of the show and Greig's hetero life mate, Steve to join our all round discussion and ultimate ranking of Smith's films. This little bag won't cost you $15, but it may cause you to look at Bruce Willis in a whole new light, swear off air travel and delete the word 'snowball' from your Google history. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega, so find your nearest convenience store, get comfy and check out Unfunny Nerd Tangent 37: Kevin Smith. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley(@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘Better than MacGyver’ Tim Agne (@timagne), Yoshi (@YousephTanha), and ‘Stinga' Steve W

  • UNT 36: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    21/12/2017 Duration: 02h07min

    Please hold for the Unfunny Nerd Tangent. We're a little tied up right now — getting fifty shades of Snoke in the supreme leader's red room. No, we can't put on a towel or something. Our nerd tangent began with The Force Awakens, plunged into a warm BACTA tank with Rogue One, and now we're milking the engorged space-walrus teat of Episode VIII. We won't name names, Greig, but somebody on the podcast is one of those fake fans who didn't think this movie was the greatest thing since sliced Ponda Baba. Tim and Jared jump in an X-wing and try to blow him up, but in the end we all learn it's best to shut up and follow Flo's orders. Is your love for The Last Jedi as pure as Poe's love for BB-8? It will be. It will be. And don't forget, the safeword is midi-chlorians. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘My favorite one is STAR WARS’ Tim Agne (@timagne), ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75), and ‘Glitbiter’ Flo (@glitbiter).

  • UNT 35: The Disaster Artist

    11/12/2017 Duration: 01h21min

    Has everybody betray you? Are you fed up with this worl? It's no problem. James Franco has big Hollywood movie for you. In The Disaster Artist, Franco transforms into Tommy Wiseau, the enigmatic Frankenstein (or maybe vampire) behind The Room — the best worst movie ever made. How is this unlikely biopic doing with critics? Oh, high marks (you can blame Bryan for that one). So put on your tux, grab your favorite football, pour yourself a Scotchka and lube up your belly button because we're about to nerd out on all things The Room. And we get a full-on Kevin Smith sighting! Hosted by: ‘Johnny’ Tim Agne (@timagne) Featuring: ‘Chris-R’ / ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75), ‘Peter’ / ‘Pipe Bomb’ Bryan Gregston (@guitarsalad), ‘Denny’ /‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop) & ‘All-American guy’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Music by: Corona & Rick Astley.

  • UNT 34: Justice League

    26/11/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    UNT 34: Justice League by TheSteelCage.com

  • UNT 33: Stranger Things 2

    21/11/2017 Duration: 02h06min

    In a sequel to our long past Episode 5, the team gets together to revisit Hawkins, Indiana and triple the Eleven with UNT 33 and our review of Stranger Things 2. WONDER about Darrell’s theory that Billy could be THAT Billy from Twin Peaks. REVEL at Tim’s knowledge of Sean Astin’s onscreen survival rate - #RudyLives. PONDER Greig’s ideas for shoehorning Ted McGinley into the Hawkins Sherriff’s Department. And LAUGH as Jared gets the greatest iTunes review in the history of podcasts. All this and more, (we promise, we did manage to talk about Stranger Things too, I mean 2… ugh, you get the idea) with our latest Unfunny Nerd Tangent. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75), ‘Get to the Chopper-Hopper’ Tim Agne (@timagne) & 'The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop). Music by: Mega Ran, Ray Parker Jr, Fountains of Wayne and Stranger Things.

  • UNT 32: Thor: Ragnarok

    05/11/2017 Duration: 01h48min

    Since it’s now in theatres worldwide and not just in Australia anymore, Greig & Adam welcome Tim & Jared to the Thor: Ragnarok spoiler discussions. Everything from Thor to Hela to Loki and yes of course, Hulk, all get the UNT treatment, as well as some of our weirdest tangents yet, including: - How Korg stole the show, - Why James McAvoy is destined to captain the Starship Enterprise and for that matter, what’s with the weird way Riker uses chairs? - The crime of hiding Kat Dennings under thick overcoats, - The possible location of the Soul Infinity Stone, - And the true meaning of “Hulk Smash”. So pour one out for Mjolnir, cut your hair and sit by the Surter fire as we present UNT 32: Thor Ragnarok. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75), ‘New Doug’ Tim Agne (@timagne) and ‘A-Bomb’ Adam Hess (@ahess49). Music by & Mark Mothersbaugh & Gary Wright.

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