Star Wars, DC, Marvel, Kevin Smith - with all today's geeky entertainment, who can focus? Go off on a tangent with Jared, Tim, Greig and our 'unfunny' friends as we smash open new movies and TV shows as well as the classics that made us nerds in the first place. Spoilers abound, so listen AFTER you watch. Part of The Steel Cage Network.
UNT 71: Office Space
25/02/2019 Duration: 01h36minLast week we celebrated Batman’s 30th, so this week we decided to stand around and sing in one, monotonous voice to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Mike Judge’s cult classic, Office Space. This show has it all. Superman III, Kung-Fu, Michael Bolton. And that’s just the actual movie. Wait until Tim starts talking about his Pieces of Flair. So set aside your TPS reports, pass the cake, join us in our dream to do nothing and watch as we systematically take our frustrations out on the printer of life with UNT 71. Just don’t try and take our stapler... Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew' Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75), ‘Pieces of Flair’ Tim Agne (@timagne) & 'PipeBomb' Bryan Gregston (@guitarsalad). Music by: Canibus & Geto Boys.
UNT 70: Batman (1989)
18/02/2019 Duration: 01h55minThat’s right; the Batman movie from your youth is now 30 years old. In what is probably going to be our first look back at just one of the many seminal, influential movies of 1989, we returned to Gotham City to review all things Keaton, Burton, Basinger... and yes, Nicholson. Even the worst-ever Commissioner Gordon got a mention. But then, our intrepid Bat-Dads and Robin(ovitz) dared to speculate about the future of Batman, since now that Ben Affleck has stepped aside, we need a new Dark Knight to teach us right from wrong and punch evil in its stupid face. You won’t need Supernatural powers to guess some of our picks, but give UNT 70 a listen anyway, before your town needs an enema. Note: Stick around after the music for a peek behind the scenes at our awful process... Hosted by: ‘Party Man’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: 'Boy Wonder' Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75), ‘Murder-Bats' Tim Agne (@timagne) and ‘District Attorney’ Derek Montilla (@cap_kaveman). Music by Danny Elfman & Prince.
UNT 69: Clerks The Animated Series
04/02/2019 Duration: 01h10minSince it was Tim’s 37th birthday (in a row), and since we already covered Kevin Smith’s filmography back on our immortal 37th episode, what else could we do but celebrate the animated version of Clerks for our unprecedented Episode 69? (Niiiice.) Since Greig and Jared finally caught up on this series (that only aired two episodes before being banished to the freezer that is straight-to-DVD-purgatory), sit back as Tim takes us on a magical journey that transcends the boundaries of two-dimensional storytelling, takes a pitstop to lament the downfall of Meatloaf, yet rises like a Phoenix to make you wonder whether or not the misery in your life is manifest, of the machinations of Leonardo Leonardo... Or a third thing. Just check out the show. It’s Tim’s birthday. Hosted by: ‘Bear who drive car’ Tim Agne (@timagne). Featuring: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) and ‘SilentJew' Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75). Music by: James L. Venable and Meat Loaf.
UNT 68: Glass
21/01/2019 Duration: 01h22minWhat do you get when you cross M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable with M. Night Shyamalan’s Split? Why, you get M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass, of course. Okay, I’m sick of typing Shyamalan now. Anyway, for our latest episode, we welcome friend of the show, Mike Dipasquale to analyse and review the new, hotly-anticipated movie... Glass. So avoid water at all costs, step into the light and hold onto your motherf**king butts, because UNT 68 is about to bust out its capes (and rain ponchos), erase all security footage and possibly sneak into your backdoor sequel. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘First Name: Super... Last Name: Jew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75), ‘Backdoor Sequel’ Tim Wendell Agne (@timagne), and ‘Small Canadian Penis’ Mike Dipasquale. And Special Guest via our very first UNT Flashback: 'PipeBomb' Bryan Gregston (@guitarsalad). Music by: West Dylan Thordson & Kimmy Schmidt.
UNT 67: Aquaman
14/01/2019 Duration: 01h14minEvery day since the release of Batman v. Superman, Tim has walked from his lighthouse to the end of the pier, gazing wistfully at the ocean as he longs for the return of his beloved sea king. And each of those days, Jared has been at the bar, laughing at Tim for holding out any hope for a DC movie. And now, Jason Momoa has arrived — wet, glistening and mostly shirtless — with a billion-dollar international hit Aquaman movie. So who's laughing now? Probably still Jared. The whole crew comes out wet and salty as we dive into Furious 7 director James Wan's underwater opus, which seems to pack just about every movie into 2 hours 22 minutes. We talk about how Aquaman could beat Batman, how Nicole Kidman really looked in the late '80s, Willem Dafoe IN A DRESS and Mateo's plan to build a wall around Atlantis (and make the Trench monsters pay for it). And, from the outtakes, Dolph Lundgren is killing it as a dad in Aquaman and Creed 2. We've decided he should keep it rolling and play He-Man's father King Randor in th
UNT 66: Bumblebee
07/01/2019 Duration: 01h34minTravel back to the 80s with us as we grab a Hot Dog on a Stick, crank up the Stan Bush and squeeze into the back of a Volkswagen (we’re looking at you, Kevin Smith) for the latest offering from the Transformers franchise... Bumblebee. With Tim still MIA in the sub-Atlantic, we invited fan-favorite, Transformers aficionado and all-round nostalgia critic, Yoshi, back on our show to give his thoughts. And boy did he... Everything you wanted to know about Transformers fandom is touched on in this episode, including the glorious G1 opening scenes, how Bumblebee’s character has changed over the years, and why John Cena may have been the most robotic character in the entire film. You might wish our voice boxes had been damaged after this one, but in any case, Transform, roll out and tune your car stereo to Route... sorry... UNT 66: Bumblebee. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75) and from the Transmission Podcast (@trnsmissions) via YoshiCast.
UNT 65: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
31/12/2018 Duration: 01h25minGet your THWIP on, with not one, not two, but a multitude of Spider-Men (and women), as we dive mask-first into the new animated feature, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Friend of the show, Mateo Morales returns to explain exactly why he named his son Miles (you heard us), Greig and Jared argue about... sorry, ‘ponder’ the future of the Tom Holland Spider-Man series, and of course, we gush over the phenomenal animation techniques used in bringing this film to life. All this and more on an all-Spidey edition of Unfunny Nerd Tangent. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75) and ‘My Son Really is Miles’ Mateo Morales (@Matt_Morales). Music by: Post Malone & Daniel Pemberton.
UNT 64: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
23/12/2018 Duration: 01h06minThe lights are up, the egg-nog is ready, the mistletoe has been hung and most importantly, the Jewish member of our team asked us to review National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. So we did. Our bah-humbug trio of Christmas elves set aside their year-long surliness to bathe in the glory of Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo. (Okay, mostly Bevery D’Angelo.) We reminisced about this beloved Holiday classic, with the 25 000 Christmas lights, yet another recast pair of Griswold children and of course... Cousin Eddie. We also looked back at the year that was 2018; highlights, low-lights and the multitude of podcast guests that helped make this year another all-round Unfunny one. So make sure you check out UNT 64 – Yule love it! Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75) and ‘Egg-Nog’ Tim Agne (@timagne). Music by: Mavis Staples.
UNT 63: Creed Vs Creed II
10/12/2018 Duration: 01h35minHey yo, we didn’t hear no bell, so like... we thought we’d get together and go the distance to talk about the new films revital... reinvigor... uh, re-imagining the Rocky Series - Creed and Creed II. Special guests, Teek Hall and Mega Ran join us from the Mat Mania Podcast to help break down both films, gush over all things Philly and peruse those old photographs of Dolph Lundgren and Grace Jones. You’d have to be punchy not to get excited for this one, so break out your boxing gloves, ramp up the montages and check out UNT: 63. Just don’t chase us with your van. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75), ‘Big Nasty’ Tim Agne (@timagne) and ‘The Founder and Proprietor’ Joshua Schlag (@sclizzag / @thesteelcage). Special Guests: Mega Ran (@MegaRan) and Teek Hall (@Teek_Hall) from the Mat Mania Podcast (@MatMania). Music by: Ludwig Goransson & MegaRan.
UNT 62: Daredevil Season 3
16/11/2018 Duration: 01h12minKick back, take it easy and settle into your five (or is that six?) superior senses, as we take a slow ride into Season 3 of everyone’s favorite Netflix Defender – Daredevil. We welcome back fan-favorite, Yoshi to the Unfunny Nerd Tangent team, as he and our trio of Foggy podcast Kingpins try to turn the (Karen) Paige and hit the Bullseye. Or Poindexter. Whatever. Thanks to Tim, we may have broken the mould on this one, so get to your confession booth, call your mom (hopefully not at the same time – sorry, Maggie) and embrace your inner Queen-Pin, as we bust out our black pajamas, try to avoid being Luke Caged… or worse yet… Iron Fisted, and blindly go where no lawyer has gone before… into UNT 62. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75) and ‘Take it Easy’ Tim Agne (@timagne). Special Guest: Yoshi (@yousephtanha) from and The Transmissions Podcast (@trnsmissions). Music by John Paesano and Foghat.
UNT 61: Planes Trains And Automobiles
05/11/2018 Duration: 01h14minAs Thanksgiving approaches, your favorite Unfunny travel companions rug up in their winter coats and dive into a classic comedy from the 1980s - Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Our fearless trio share some of their own horrific travel stories, before the two Americans explain the importance of getting home in time for Thanksgiving to the lone Aussie. Greig and Jared may have inadvertently stumbled onto the secret origin of Tim's Veronica Mars obesession, Korg returns, we all ponder what's actually in Del Griffin's luggage trunk and accidentally trigger a Better Call Saul / Game of Thrones Emmy war. Oh, and Kevin Bacon. Yep, you heard us. Hosted by: 'Captain Boomerang' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: 'SuperJew' Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75) and 'Hotel Room' Tim Agne (@timagne). Music by Paul Young & Ray Charles.
UNT 60: Beetlejuice / The Nightmare Before Christmas
23/10/2018 Duration: 01h40minThe Ghost with the Most turned 30 this year, and Jack Skellington looks great at 25. So let's talk about all the weirdo icons that came out of Tim Burton's head, shall we? Your favorite Bat-Dads reunite to reminisce (and in Greig's case, give some first impressions) on the gothic god of gritty, Tim Burton and his seminal films, Beetlejuice and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Our tremendously terrible trio of petrifying, portentous podcasters delve into all things black-and-white-and-stripey, including Burton's humble beginnings with Pee Wee Herman, moving onto his Batman lore, before diving skull-first into two personal film favorites. So whisper our name three times, kidnap Santa and check out the monster-mentous UNT 60. And don't forget, Sally has still got it. Uh oh... Hosted by: ‘The Pumpkin King’ Tim Agne (@timagne) Featuring: ‘The Mayor of Halloween’ Derek Montilla (@Cap_Kaveman) & ‘Australian Alec Baldwin’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Music by Danny Elfman and Harry Belafonte.
UNT 59: Venom
08/10/2018 Duration: 01h25minIt took Sony over ten years to make it, but they finally got their Venom movie out in theatres. Critics of course, hated it, but what did WE think of it? Well, WE sat down and discussed the movie, its villain, its somewhat oddly-sexy moment, as well as its possible connection to the MCU. WE also went on some serious tangents with topics like Cameron Diaz, Little Shop of Horrors and Pink Unicorns popping up in conversation. So check out UNT 59 – Venom, because WE said so... or risk rolling down the street like a turd... in the wind... Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘Toxin’ Tim Agne (@timagne), ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (Superjew75), & Mateo ‘Miles’ Morales (@matt_morales). Music by Alice Cooper & Eminem.
UNT 58: The Predator Series
17/09/2018 Duration: 01h46minWhat’s better than one ‘Yo Mama’ joke? A whole UNT worth of them! With the newest addition to the franchise, The Predator, out in theatres, we sat down for our usual ‘Group B’ therapy session and discussed, reminisced and hypothesized about all things Predator. We welcome newcomer and Yautja expert - Vance into the fold. Jared and Mateo compete for the best/worst ‘Yo Mama’ jokes. Greig wants to see more from Olivia Munn (it’s not what you think), while Tim’s Porta-Potty-related PTSD has him ‘Goldbluming’ about his Chinese conspiracy theory, not to mention: #NotMyPunisher. Oh, and we managed to cover all SIX Predator films, including that AVP sequel where… well, you’ll find out. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig ‘Brownschweiger’ Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared ‘Robinoschnitzel’ Robinovitz (@Superjew75), ‘Rogue Nation’ Tim ‘Von Haagen-Dazs’ Agne (@timagne), Mateo ‘Moralenstein’ Morales (@matt_morales), and Vance ‘McKimenschmidt’ McKim (@runinwithscisrs). Music by: Alan Silvestri & Little
UNT 57: Saga
12/09/2018 Duration: 02h44minHey nerds, are you looking for your next obsession, something on the level of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, or even Star Wars? Pause the Netflix, head to your local comic-book shop and pick up Saga. This epic sci-fi fantasy from writer Brian K. Vaughn and artist Fiona Staples has everything — sex, drugs, war, weird aliens, more sex, friendship, betrayal, rocketships, even more sex, cool weapons, magic, talking animals, gut-wrenching death and (as DATES viewers know) #robotdicks. Best of all, it manages to make parenting look downright badass. That's why our unlikely space team of killers-turned-dads has binged all 54 issues to bring you a light-on-spoilers introduction with everything you need to know about the Saga universe. From there, we take a deep look at each of the characters as we cast our dream Saga TV series. And finally, (here's the SPOILER WARNING!) we cry it out as we discuss the story thus far and the devastating latest issue as the series goes on a yearlong hiatus. So pop a tab of fadeaway, s
UNT 56: Disenchantment
27/08/2018 Duration: 01h08minHas Matt Groening still got it? The Simpsons was an instant classic, while Futurama blew our minds and broke our hearts. But somehow, getting our friends to watch the animated Netflix series Disenchantment is harder than dragging a one-eyed lady giant to a royal ball. Maybe it's the tired, status-quo structure of the season's middle episodes. Maybe the characters and jokes just aren't edgy enough. Maybe King Zøg reminds us a little too much of our friend Jared. Hang on a second, Leave-o. This episode has a spoiler-free section where we'll tell you why it pays to stick with Disenchantment for the full 10-episode season. And then we'll make some Kevin Smith references and — oh, who are we kidding? None of this turned out the way we wanted. Look at us, two grown men talking about cartoons on the internet. Does anything even matter anymore? Disenchantment! Hosted by: 'The Three-Eyed Wizard' Tim Agne (@timagne). Featuring: 'The Royal Tit' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Music by Mark Mothersbaugh and Marcy Playground
UNT 55: Westworld Season 2
13/08/2018 Duration: 01h53minWe didn’t forget, it just took us a while to wrap our minds around Westworld season 2, and to be honest, we’re still not sure we understood everything. After all, we might already be inside the thing, right? While Tim gushed over yet another Veronica Mars connection (despite not actually having seen the pivotal flash-forward scene), the rest of us pondered the philosophical nature of life, souls, clones and resurrections, tried our best to pronounce ‘Akecheta’, found way too many comparisons to The Matrix and Minority Report, and attempted to make sense of the show’s numerous, confusing-yet-enthralling use of timelines. We think we did pretty well, just don’t test us for fidelity. Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘Superjew’ Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75), ‘Dad in Black' Tim Agne (@timagne) and ‘Official Chef-UNT' Craig D'Cruze (@WWECHEF). Music by Ramin Djawadi.
UNT 54: GLOW Season 2
30/07/2018 Duration: 01h14minGet out your glitter, your leg-warmers and your Canadian bacon, as we ring the bell on another round of the Netflix series, GLOW. While Greig battles what might technically be pneumonia, the rest of our illustrious international panel discuss the trials and tribulations of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Debbie, Sam, Ruth, Bash and even the new Junkchain earn a mention; we discuss the relevance of certain PSAs, explain a plot point to younger viewers and even bring up what might possibly be the worst show to ever appear on Australian television. We’re still waiting for Josh to take us all to Vegas, but until then, do your best to no-sell our latest offering: Studio 54... sorry, Episode 54 of Unfunny Nerd Tangent. Note: No drop-bears or wolverines were harmed during the making of this episode. Just Sprung’s feelings... Hosted by: ‘Mt. Kosciusko’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: ‘Superjew’ Jared Robinovitz, Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage), ‘Glitbiter’ Flo (@Glitbiter) and ‘Commonwealth Bash’ Craig D'Cr
UNT 53: Ant - Man & The Wasp
16/07/2018 Duration: 01h31minGet ready for some pint-sized action and small-time laughs as we discuss Ant-Man & the Wasp. Tim fantasizes about that moment from Batman Returns (it’s not what you think – it’s worse), Jared continues his streak of things he hasn’t seen, we learn that Greig’s Luis impression is oddly similar to his Korg and Bryan... well, Bryan was there too. We recorded this one in our miniaturized suitcase podcast studio, added wings and blasters to our super suits and ‘marveled’ over the 20th, yes 20th movie in the MCU – Ant-Man & the Wasp. And yes, we’ll all be there opening weekend for Bumblebee. Sigh... Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75) & ‘Mistletoe’ Tim Agne (@timagne). Special Guest Lurker: ‘Extreme Rules – PipeBomb’ Bryan Gregston. Music by: Adam Ant & W.A.S.P.
UNT 52: Incredibles 2
08/07/2018 Duration: 01h35minSqueeze into your spandex, forget everything you thought you knew about math, fire up your Incred-i-mobile and get ready to tweet about #thicc, because Episode 52 of our animated little supershow is all about The Incredibles. While we celebrated the growing list of films, television shows and video games that Jared hasn’t gotten around to, our non-super-super trio also manages to pay tribute to the late-great Steve Ditko, compare Incredibles 2 to its predecessor, deliver a stirring public service announcement and wack, sorry, wax philosophical on Pee-Wee Herman. Also, did Greig just say the most Un-Australian thing ever? Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘Thicc’ Tim Agne (@timagne) and 'SuperJew' Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75) Music by: Michael Giacchino.