Unfunny Nerd Tangent

UNT 51: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom



Hey, remember Jurassic Park? The swell of John Williams' awe-inspiring score as we marveled at our first glimpse of CGI dinosaurs that still look real 25 years later? How smart Michael Crichton made us feel as we soaked up cutting-edge math and science? How Steven Spielberg once again redefined the summer blockbuster? Well, hold onto your butts. Five movies in, this inconsistent franchise is sitting on top of an active volcano, and it's about to blow. Cashing in on the massive success of the dumb/fun Jurassic World, the aptly named Fallen Kingdom doubles down on designer DNA and weaponized velociraptors. Our brave panel of scientists, mathematicians and bloodsucking lawyers digs into all things Jurassic. We talk rising sea levels, Bugs Bunny murder techniques, Jeep fashion, international Doritos tie-ins and which real-life rich dudes would attend a NorCal dinosaur auction. We even calculate the student-loan debt of a paleoveterinarian whose only potential employer is a boarded-up amusement park she's never ev