Unfunny Nerd Tangent

UNT 44: Ready Player One



Steven Spielberg’s new movie, Ready Player One, based on the Ernest Cline novel of the same name, has hit the box office, and as such, our intrepid clan of gUNTers has recruited the greatest Easter Egg hunting team of all time. We welcome back Yoshi from YoshiCast and the Transmission Podcast, as well as newcomer and (somehow) “fan” of the show, Emily McIntosh from KGSR Austin. We certainly earned our name on this one, where as well as the merits of the film and comparisons to the book, we dived down the tangential rabbit hole to find ourselves in a world of lactation cookies. Ask Tim. Jared finds his hill to die on, we make the Shining / Transformers connection, Yoshi admonishes Greig’s lack of D&D knowledge, and we pondered the pros-and-cons of F-bombs in PG-13 films. UNT 44 was a fun show to record, so slip on your immersive visor, squeeze into your HAPTIC suit and dive into Ready Player One. Maybe just leave the cod piece at home... Hosted by: ‘Gregarious Games’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) Featuring: ‘Illi