Jason is an IT Tech and WordPress Web Developer joined forces with Bridget Willard a Twitter Nerd who both love WordPress answer your WordPress Marketing Questions every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Pacific
EP189 – Make Yourself Available and Reachable
23/03/2021 Duration: 01h02minOur modern world puts up efficient, yet annoying, communication barriers. Market yourself by being reachable and you’ll have a key differentiator. In this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by Adrian Tobey. We’ll chat about how giving people access to us makes a big difference in our small business marketing. This Week’s Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Adrian Tobey @Groundhoggwp Show Sponsors ServerPress Thank you to ServerPress makers of DesktopServer and WPsitesync for sponsoring our show. How Are You Spending Your Marketing Budget? You could be a show sponsor. Supporting podcasts is a smart use of your marketing budget. We have been sponsored by big brands such as Kinsta, Adobe, and Beaver Builder. Why not get your audience in front of the thousands of people who download this show every month?
EP188 - The Ultimate Marketing--Building a Network of SUPPORT
12/03/2021 Duration: 01h48sIt's one thing to network for clients and referrals yet another thing entirely to build a support network. What do we mean by support? Developers and designers don't know everything in their fields. After all, tech changes every 20 minutes. It's easy to become out of touch on an odd client project. Who do you turn to in your network to jog your memory and point you in the right direction? In this episode, Rhonda Negard joins Jason and Bridget to chat about how we all need a circle of peers to lean on. This Week’s Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Rhonda Negard @fatdogcreatives Show Sponsors ServerPress Thank you to ServerPress makers of DesktopServer and WPsitesync for sponsoring our show. How Are You Spending Your Marketing Budget? You could be a show sponsor. Supporting podcasts is a smart use of your marketing budget. We have been sponsored by big brands such as Kinsta, Adobe, and Beaver Builder. Why not get your audience in front of the thousands of people who download this
EP187 – Product Marketing Means Being Top-of-Mind All the Time
08/03/2021 Duration: 01h16sIt’s easy to keep up a pace when your product launches and you’re riding the wave of adrenaline and podcast slots. What happens 6 months from now or a year later? Will people remember your product? Will you be relevant? In this episode, Jason and Bridget discuss how digital products can stay top-of-mind all the time. If people can’t remember you, they won’t buy your goods — digital or otherwise. This Week’s Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Show Sponsors ServerPress Thank you to ServerPress makers of DesktopServer and WPsitesync for sponsoring our show. How Are You Spending Your Marketing Budget? You could be a show sponsor. Supporting podcasts is a smart use of your marketing budget. We have been sponsored by big brands such as Kinsta, Adobe, and Beaver Builder. Why not get your audience in front of the thousands of people who download this show every month? Tool Or Tip Of The Week This week’s Tool or Tip of the Week is brought to you by The Definitive Guide to Twitter Marketin
EP186 – How Do You Start Marketing in WordPress with Zero Street Cred?
06/03/2021 Duration: 01h03minHow does a new developer with no street cred market his/her product without WordCamps to help foster those important relationships? “How do they get to pitch/talk to other developers about integrations if they can’t earn that street cred? In this episode, Bridget and Jason will chat with Adrian Tobey of He’ll talk about his experiences marketing from zero in 2018 to 25,000 a month in recurring revenue. This Week’s Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Adrian Tobey @adriantobey Show Sponsors ServerPress Thank you to ServerPress makers of DesktopServer and WPsitesync for sponsoring our show. How Are You Spending Your Marketing Budget? You could be a show sponsor. Supporting podcasts is a smart use of your marketing budget. We have been sponsored by big brands such as Kinsta, Adobe, and Beaver Builder. Why not get your audience in front of the thousands of people who download this show every month?
EP185 – Value Add Marketing with Launch With Words
05/03/2021 Duration: 01h01minValue adds are a great way for WordPress Developers to differentiate their services from freelancers and agencies. So many developers launch, bill, and leave. There’s no annual contract, no maintenance, and no support for clients. Here’s your website. Good luck! What if we could change that? What if you could add value (with the current and premium version) of a WordPress plugin? Jason and Bridget will chat about her new plugin. It encourages your clients to blog (read: publish) once a month with best practices in mind. Because the content and framework are in a draft blog post, no need to worry about them messing around in the dashboard or needing admin access. Extend your services. Build with intent. Launch with Words. Learn More About Launch With Words Launch With Words-A WordPress Plugin Small Business Copywriting Plugin -Launch With Words -WordPress plugin – Jump-Start a Year’s Worth of Content via the Launch With Words Plugin – WordPress Tavern Be sure to upvote on Product Hunt Bridget
EP184 - Innovative Marketing in the WordPress Ecosystem with Sally Strebel
29/01/2021 Duration: 01h48s“Managed WordPress Hosting” is as commonly known now, thanks to Sally Strebel as Kleenex. Pagely continues to be a market leader in the hosting space. And they’re privately funded! Their business conference Pressnomics is also Sally’s brainchild and attended by a host of entrepreneurs. In this episode, Sally chats with Bridget and Jason about how our previous experiences can help us see a path forward. Follow Sally Strebel on Twitter @BizGirl “Last, being underestimated is a gift. They’ll never see you coming until they can’t help but notice. If you’re with the right people while that’s happening, there’s no better feeling.” Read her essay, “Marginalized” on HeroPress Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync Become A Patron And Support Us On Patreon!
EP183 - Building Trust with Email Newsletters with Tess Wittler - Smart Marketing Show
23/01/2021 Duration: 01h59sYou know you should have email marketing for your small business, but it leaves you with more questions than answers. No worries. In this episode, Jason and Bridget will be chatting with Tess Wittler, an email newsletter expert. We will discuss some of these strategies in building trust. How being authentic sets you apart What to improve to increase your odds of getting word of mouth referrals How to turn email newsletters into lead generation machines The first question you need to ask before creating your email newsletter How often to publish your email newsletters How to repurpose your newsletter content for social media? ■Panel ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Tess Wittler @tesswittler ■Socials ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Twitter ▶ Instagram ▶ Instagram ▶
Technical Dependencies and Marketing in WordPress with Devin Walker - Smart Marketing Show
21/01/2021 Duration: 01h55sWhat do technical dependencies have to do with marketing in WordPress? Everything. Technical debt is a thing -- almost worse than student debt. But hey, you got that bachelor’s degree, right? This week, Jason and Bridget are joined by Devin Walker, the CEO, and co-founder of We’ll have a discussion on how your dependency choices can affect your user experience. And that’s marketing, baby! Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Devin Walker @innerwebs Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync Cloudways – Cloudways is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers 5 best-in-class cloud providers, giving you freedom of choice and flexibility to build amazing WordPress websites. It comes with an intuitive platform that lets you manage your server and appl
Marketing With Your Brand’s With A Family of Colors
08/01/2021 Duration: 01h02minYou have a business and a logo. Awesome. You may even have memorized your color’s hex code. But what about different moods? What color shouldn’t be used in your logo? On this episode, Jason and Bridget will chat with Rhonda Negard of We’ll talk about what to do and what not to do. Open your brand’s color palette with moods. Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Rhonda Negard @fatdogcreatives Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync Cloudways – Cloudways is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers 5 best-in-class cloud providers, giving you freedom of choice and flexibility to build amazing WordPress websites. It comes with an intuitive platform that lets you manage your server and applications within a few clicks. All this is backed by 24/7 professional support that acts as your extended team
How to Show Your Personality Through Your Brand
18/12/2020 Duration: 01h01minShould your business have a personality or be professional? Does professional mean boring? No way! Rhonda Negard joins Jason and Bridget to talk about how you can allow your business brand to have a personality of its own. You’ll definitely want to watch this episode. Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Rhonda Negard @fatdogcreatives Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync Cloudways – Cloudways is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers 5 best-in-class cloud providers, giving you freedom of choice and flexibility to build amazing WordPress websites. It comes with an intuitive platform that lets you manage your server and applications within a few clicks. All this is backed by 24/7 professional support that acts as your extended team as you grow your business. Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could b
Launching Your WordPress Product Landing Page Before Launch
16/12/2020 Duration: 01h59sIt’s like the chicken and the egg. When do we launch the product’s landing page? When do we launch the landing page for our new service. Bridget and Jason will explore this topic on this must-see episode. Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync Cloudways – Cloudways is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers 5 best-in-class cloud providers, giving you freedom of choice and flexibility to build amazing WordPress websites. It comes with an intuitive platform that lets you manage your server and applications within a few clicks. All this is backed by 24/7 professional support that acts as your extended team as you grow your business. Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could be a show sponsor. Let people know you’re still in business and supporting your products. Su
Using Twitter for Lead Gen for WordPress Businesses
09/12/2020 Duration: 01h01minWhat’s the business application for using Twitter? Can you really grow your business by tweeting? What about Lead Gen? Yes. You can generate leads and build your business on Twitter. This week Bridget and Jason will give you 45 minutes packed with their best advice (valued at $175/hour). Don’t forget to listen for Jason and Bridget’s Tool or Tip of the Week. Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync – Cloudways – Cloudways is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers 5 best-in-class cloud providers, giving you freedom of choice and flexibility to build amazing WordPress websites. It comes with an intuitive platform that lets you manage your server and applications within a few clicks. All this is backed by 24/7 professional
Hashtags - What, When, Why, How to Use in WordPress Marketing
23/11/2020 Duration: 01h01minDo you copy others in their marketing efforts? To some extent we all do. But is their audience the same as yours? Is their marketing person skilled? Or are you just following the influencer? In this episode, Jason and Bridget will rant about hashtags. Okay. You’re right. Bridget will rant and Jason will balance her out. But that’s why you watch the show, right? Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync – Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could be a show sponsor. Let people know you’re still in business and supporting your products. Supporting podcasts is a great way to repurpose your in-person conference budget. We have been sponsored by big brands such as Kinsta and Cloudways. Why not get your audience in front of the thousand
Prepping Your Clients for Their Web Content
13/11/2020 Duration: 01h01minYou’re hired to build a website. Maybe it’s in WordPress or Squarespace. The client pays you. You ask for the content. Now what? Regardless of the tool, Wix, Squarespeace, WordPress, ClassicPress, you still need content. You may be using a JAMStack over Larvel. Heck, you could be doing it in FrontPage. You still need words. Words come from clients. Clients need a website. They don’t have words. What do you do now? Jason and Bridget talk about how you can get the content from your clients, or, better yet, outsource your content writing and include it in your contract. Panel Jason Tucker Bridget Willard Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync – Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could be a show sponsor. Especially now, let
Public Speaking in a Socially Distant World
06/11/2020 Duration: 01h31sPersonal branding, speaking, and marketing is a moving target in our increasingly virtual world. How do you market yourself as a speaker in a time such as this? What tools help you remain relevant and keep the discussion going? Our friend, fellow podcaster, and well-esteemed speaker Adam Silver joins us on this episode with guest co-host Jen Miller, of Next Door Marketer. Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Jen Miller @jenblogs4u Adam Silver @heyadamsilver Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – Paperback – Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress WPsitesync – Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could be a show sponsor. Especially now, let people know you’re still in business and supporting your products. Supporting podcasts is a great way to repurpose your in-person conference budget. #smartmarketingshow
Marketing with Accessibility Part II with Joe Simpson Jr.
23/10/2020 Duration: 59minAccessibility and marketing go hand in hand. It may not seem that way at first, but how do you divorce the user’s experience from your product’s marketing? Can people find your website, use it, and get the information they need? Maybe, sure. What about Instagram? In-Person Menus? Do your videos have subtitles? Are they accurate? Joe Simpson, Jr. joins Jason and Bridget to expand upon this topic we began in Episode 167. Join live to ask questions and be part of the chat. Panel: Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @youtoocanbeguru Joe Simpson Jr. @joesimpsonjr
What Is An Empathy Map And Why Do We Care
20/10/2020 Duration: 01h01minIn this episode Rhonda Negard joins Jason and Bridget again to talk about how an empathy map helps with your user experience (UX). You’ll want to take notes during this show! Download for this episode: Panel: Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @youtoocanbeguru Rhonda Negard @fatdogcreatives
COVID Resurrected QR Codes. How does This Change Marketing?
19/10/2020 Duration: 59minWith the pandemic, restaurants are more cognizant of germs. Which the rest of us germaphobes have been like wait -- you don’t clean your menus? Gross! So now you can’t go anywhere near a restaurant without scanning a QR Code. The only thing is this -- what do your customers see when they click that code? Join Jason and Bridget as they dive into this socially-distanced topic. Panel: Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @youtoocanbeguru
Marketing with Minimalism
11/09/2020 Duration: 01h05minSo often design is what we hide behind instead of marketing ourselves and our business. Rather, it’s design, tweak, redesign, it’s not good enough, well there is a new tool out -- and so on. Jason and Bridget are joined by Dave Bloom of for this discussion on what it means to apply minimalism to our marketing efforts -- and, how to stop productively procrastinating. Panel: Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @youtoocanbeguru Dave Bloom @gingersoul_co A redhead-powered web studio. Designing tools that encourage + enable less-techy people to create value with the web. Working on & Sponsor: Desktop Server - ServerPress #smartmarketingshow
Running Your Business With a Home Life
23/08/2020 Duration: 01h02minWork life balance is a nice thought. But what happens when your children have to be schooled at home? How about taking care of a loved one? Moving? It is tricky for sure. Jason, Jen, and Bridget chat about how to keep your marketing going with added responsibility. WPwatercooler network is sponsored by ServerPress makers of DesktopServer. Be sure to check them out at #smartmarketingshow