Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

Public Speaking in a Socially Distant World



Personal branding, speaking, and marketing is a moving target in our increasingly virtual world. How do you market yourself as a speaker in a time such as this? What tools help you remain relevant and keep the discussion going? Our friend, fellow podcaster, and well-esteemed speaker Adam Silver joins us on this episode with guest co-host Jen Miller, of Next Door Marketer. Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Jen Miller @jenblogs4u Adam Silver @heyadamsilver Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – https://amzn.to/2HZELOq Paperback – https://amzn.to/2H4lqvl Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress https://serverpress.com WPsitesync – https://www.wpsitesync.com Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could be a show sponsor. Especially now, let people know you’re still in business and supporting your products. Supporting podcasts is a great way to repurpose your in-person conference budget. https://wpwatercooler.com/sponsor #smartmarketingshow