Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

Hashtags - What, When, Why, How to Use in WordPress Marketing



Do you copy others in their marketing efforts? To some extent we all do. But is their audience the same as yours? Is their marketing person skilled? Or are you just following the influencer? In this episode, Jason and Bridget will rant about hashtags. Okay. You’re right. Bridget will rant and Jason will balance her out. But that’s why you watch the show, right? Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Check Out Bridget’s New Book “Keys To Being Social: Being Real In A Virtual World” Kindle – https://amzn.to/2HZELOq Paperback – https://amzn.to/2H4lqvl Show Sponsors Desktop Server – ServerPress https://serverpress.com WPsitesync – https://www.wpsitesync.com Are You Looking For Brand Awareness? You could be a show sponsor. Let people know you’re still in business and supporting your products. Supporting podcasts is a great way to repurpose your in-person conference budget. We have been sponsored by big brands such as Kinsta and Cloudways. Why not get your audience in front of the thousand