Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

Marketing with Minimalism



So often design is what we hide behind instead of marketing ourselves and our business. Rather, it’s design, tweak, redesign, it’s not good enough, well there is a new tool out -- and so on. Jason and Bridget are joined by Dave Bloom of GingerSoul.co for this discussion on what it means to apply minimalism to our marketing efforts -- and, how to stop productively procrastinating. Panel: Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @youtoocanbeguru Dave Bloom @gingersoul_co A redhead-powered web studio. Designing tools that encourage + enable less-techy people to create value with the web. Working on http://soulsites.co & http://downbeat.io. Sponsor: Desktop Server - ServerPress https://serverpress.com #smartmarketingshow