
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 870:40:39
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The official podcasts of!


  • AustinMates - Episode 8: So Butt Sniffin Pugs is a Thing

    16/07/2016 Duration: 01h41min

    We had a hell of a time at RTX and are back to tell you all about what we saw! The first thing you should know is, Butt Sniffin Puggs is an actual game. Gabe played a lot of Gigantic and is really excited for more. We also talk about Livelock, Song of the Deep, and RWBY: Grimm Eclipse amongs others.  Garett played Black Ice and got sucked into some developer's drug induced hallucination. Jess has finished Inside and is playing Red Dead Redemption and Adventures of Mana. On top of all this excitement, we debut our new segment, 'The Pitch'! It only got a BIT pornographic. Listen, like, subscribe, etc. 

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 136

    15/07/2016 Duration: 01h26min

    BOP is back in your life with another episode of movies and movie things! The whole crew is here this time and we start things off with our Spotlight discussion on Swiss Army Man before diving into what else we've been watching which includes Elvis/Nixon, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Only Lovers Left Alive, and more! Then in our second segment we get into a new batch of your listener mail. Have a question you want to ask the fellas? Send it over to or to Twitter(@crosstawk) and we'll answer it! Next episode we'll talk Stan's Movie of the Month, A Soldier's Story. See ya then!

  • AustinMates - Episode 7: In Which a Champion is Crowned

    06/07/2016 Duration: 01h34min

    Last episode we talked about everything we saw at E3 2016. This episode, we narrow it down to discuss which we actually think is the best, and crown our AustinMates winner for E3 2016 Game of the Show! Spoiler: It wasn't Death Stranding.  We also get back to what we're currently playing in this episode. Jess gives us a brief hint at what awaits in Playdead's "Inside", the follow up to "Limbo". Garett is still playing The Witcher, and still loving every minute of it. Jonathan has just started Adventures of Mana and it reminds me how bitter I am that we still haven't gotten a US release if Sieken Densetsu 3. So while I continue seething, you should settle in and enjoy our latest episode with a nice bottle of wine and that special someone. Or just on your drive to work. I don't really care how you listen, so long as you do. 

  • A Thousand Words - Episode 43: The Forgotten Man

    06/07/2016 Duration: 42min

    It's our Fourth of July celebration! And what better way to celebrate than a hilariously earnest painting of Obama stepping on the Constitution in front of all the former Presidents? There is no better way I tell you! Included in this episode are tips to make pinatas more American, An argument about Terrence Howard, and perhaps our most surprising grades yet!

  • They See Me Rollin' - Episode 1: Cookies and Milk

    05/07/2016 Duration: 01h55s

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of They See Me Rollin', Crosstawk's Real-Play Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Box Office Poison and A Thousand Word's Stan Ferguson DM's his pals Ivan Clark, Jodhi Doyle, and Trevor Martin as their adventurers enter a world of intrigue and kindergarten. Join them in our first episode where they must face obstacles such as feeding cookies, sharing dirty needles, and putting on a robe. All this and it ends with a touching farewell!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 135

    01/07/2016 Duration: 01h23min

    Hey everybody! BOP is back to talk about all the latest movie and movie things. Stan couldn't make it but we managed to get friend of the show Jon Lindemann on for the first segment where we go over our Spotlight film, Finding Dory, before getting into Independence Day: Resurgence, The Fundamentals of Caring, more Warcraft, and Eye in the Sky. Then we swap Lindy out for good ole Mike Sklens as we discuss Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month, The Congress! Want to ask the crew something for the next episode? Send an email over to or to Twitter(@crosstawk) and we'll get to it next episode. Also be sure to head on over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. We'll see you in two weeks!

  • A Thousand Words - Episode 42: Friday Night Deviants!

    22/06/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    Yes, it's another Friday Night Drama episode! And you know what that means: It's 100% safe for work, but 100% terrible for your brain. Enjoy as we discuss random Deviant Arts. Sorry folks, but you're going to have to click on the below links to see what we're talking about!  

  • AustinMates - Episode 6: Reintroducing Hideo Kojima, and His Ego

    21/06/2016 Duration: 02h14min

    Have you been waiting with bated breath to find out if all our E3 predictions came true? Well this is NOT the episode for you! But, we do talk about all five of the E3 conferences and discuss pretty much every game revealed, minus the EA sports titles because...we just don't care.  We finally get to talk about Sony Bend's new game, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! There was so much exciting news, and major changes from established franchises. This E3 was weird in a lot of ways, but a fantastic year for the show in others. Join us as we talk our way through it, and give our impressions of the games, as well as Sony's Playstation Experience 2016.  The Last Guardian, Days Gone, Breath of the Wild, God of War, Steep, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and the list just goes on. Come for the thoughtful insights, stay for the Kojima bashing!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 134

    17/06/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Every now and again, schedules don't quite line up and we brave few venture out into the desolate cold to soldier on and bring you all this podcast about movies and movie things. That is to say, Jonny and Mike couldn't make it so Karl, Jon, and Stan got together and made a compact lil episode. Our Spotlight movie is Popstar and then we cover Warcraft, Where to Invade Next, and Spy before getting into a great batch of listener mail. If you've got any questions you want answered send them over to or to Twitter (@crosstawk). Then head over to iTunes to leave us a rating and review. In two weeks we'll talk about Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month, The Congress! See you then!

  • AustinMates - Episode 5: Electronics Entertainment Expo Expectations Extravaganza!

    09/06/2016 Duration: 02h02min

    In the final episode leading into E3 we talk about Jess' time so far with the new Fallout 4 DLC, Far Harbor. Next up was Jonathan's early impressions of Dark Souls 3, which he seems to enjoy quite a bit more than Gabe. Garett has been playing The Witcher 3, which led us to some of life's most important questions, such as: Why is Geralt of Rivera such a selfish asshole? Gabe played Picross 3D, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Bravely Default (and how broken it is), Until Dawn, and Uncharted 4.  After that, the main event! We make our best guesses at what awaits us at E3 2016, along with some of our more outlandish hopes. Join us as we talk about past E3 disasters and rumors that Sucker Punch is developing a PS4 exclusive Spiderman game, and then barely escape Jonathan's terrible Yves Guillemot impression. 

  • A Thousand Words - Episode 41: The Mona Lisa Is Missing Rises!

    08/06/2016 Duration: 34min

    The Turn to Page Trilogy is complete! Join Jessica and Ron as they desperately try to die at the hands of Stan's narration. Will they succeed no matter how bad their choices are? Listen and find out!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 133

    05/06/2016 Duration: 01h43min

    Memorial Day Weekend means a lot of things - BBQs, no feelings of dread on Sunday night, and maybe even fireworks, but to the BOP crew, it only means one thing: CROSS-CON! This time, we were all visiting Mike in Tallahassee, FL. We had a great time (which you'll hear about next year via the Rough Draught we recorded and will be hoarding), and during all of the chaos, we managed to turn out another episode of the podcast that's all about movies and movie things! This time, we discuss X-Men: Apocalypse, Neighbors 2, High-Rise, The Nice Guys and more! We also go over our Movie of the Month, True Stories, but before that, we do a special round of Post Office Poison where we answer a 45-question horror movie survey sent in my one of our dear listeners! Have questions, comments, or concerns for the crew? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk), and in the comments section on the site. And head over to iTunes and leave us a rating and review - it's the best way to expand the audience and sh


    02/06/2016 Duration: 35min

    Welcome Thought Travelers. Jessica, Ron, and Stan continue in their quest to retrieve the Mona Lisa from thieving terrorists in Part 2 of The Mona Lisa is missing in this special crossover with the Choose Your Own Adventure podcast, Turn to Page. 

  • Syndicated - Freaks And Geeks

    25/05/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    Travel back in time with your trust TV watching friends Andy, Luke, Neal and Nathan as we look at the beloved 1999 comedy Freaks and Geeks.  This show has become legendary over the years for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its cast: Seth Rogen, Jason Segel, Linda Cardelini, James Franco, and more, all before they truly became stars. We dive into the 18 episodes on offer to see if the Apatow origin story still holds up. Stay after the closing theme music for a special annoucement about the future of the show.

  • Rough Draught: One Night in Nashville

    24/05/2016 Duration: 02h09min

    It's been 12 months since Cross-Con 2015 took Karl Castaneda, Jon Rind, Mike Sklens and Jonny Metts to Nashville to hang out with Stan Ferguson, and as has become the tradition, that means it's time to listen to the episode of Rough Draught that we recorded one calendar year ago! This episode's pretty special, not just because we tried five all new beers, but also because we sampled Angel's Envy Rye Whiskey, a rare treat that took us way over the threshold into some kind of drunk wonderland. After a surprisingly measured and thoughtful 90 minutes of beer reviews, we descend into about 30 minutes of the kind of rowdy idiots you've come to associate with the Beer Appreciation Show. Want to show your support? Head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating and a review. And if you have any questions you'd like for us to answer on the next episode of Rough Draught, you can let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk), or in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, guys, and be on

  • AustinMates - Episode 4: Sega Kids are Broken

    23/05/2016 Duration: 01h48min

    AustinMates is back! After a brief break while Gabe was on vacation we're back with our next episode and a very special guest! We're joined by our long time friend Matt Hogan. We talk about what makes a great 3D Mario game, what it's like growing up as a Sega kid (hint: it's sad.), and Bravely Second. Jonathan makes a convincing case for Dark Souls and Matt provides some of the answers we've always wanted about Elder Scrolls Online without having to actually play it. 

  • A Thousand Words - Episode 39: The Mona Lisa is Missing!

    19/05/2016 Duration: 36min

    Due to three straight weeks of one of us being out of town, we're releasing a special series of episodes we'd originally planned for August!  This and the the next two episodes are part of a crossover event we're doing with Turn to Page podcast, the podcast where we choose our own adventure! Stan reads from the masterpiece Choose Your Own Adventure book, The Mona Lisa is Missing, and Ron and Jessica make the choices. Also there's lots of goofing on the story. This is not to be missed!

  • Box Office Poison: Episode 132

    13/05/2016 Duration: 01h52min

    Hey everyone! The entire crew got together for this pre-CrossCon episode to discuss the big release right now, Captain America: Civil War before getting into Mr. Right, Special Correspondents, Keanu, and more! Then in our second segment we opened another batch of listener mail! Want some of your questions answered? Write in to or to Twitter(@crosstawk) and we'll get to them on the show. Also head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating and review. Our next show we'll all be together in person for the 4th Annual CrossCon so we'll see you in three weeks!

  • A Thousand Words - Episode 38: The Night Watch

    11/05/2016 Duration: 54min

    Today we get all classical up in here. Stan returns after a much-needed illness to discuss Rembrandt's The Night Watch. We manage to actually talk about the painting for a bit until we eventually hate on the Dutch again, bring up our concern about laser chickens, and the proper way to sit in between two people on a plane.

  • A Thousand Words - Episode 37: Death of Princess Bonnet

    05/05/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    A Thousand Words returns after being stricken by the plague! In fact, Stan was so sick and travelling to Pittsburgh, that he couldn't even guest on this show. Which is a shame because this is A VERY SPECIAL EPISODE. Friend of the show and painting contributor West Side Wayne Knisely joins Jessica, Ron, and YET ANOTHER GUEST--James Vincent Cherry. Listen as they guess Stan's disease, decide the best position to be in for Jared Leto, and enjoy a man's frown.

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