
Rough Draught: One Night in Nashville



It's been 12 months since Cross-Con 2015 took Karl Castaneda, Jon Rind, Mike Sklens and Jonny Metts to Nashville to hang out with Stan Ferguson, and as has become the tradition, that means it's time to listen to the episode of Rough Draught that we recorded one calendar year ago! This episode's pretty special, not just because we tried five all new beers, but also because we sampled Angel's Envy Rye Whiskey, a rare treat that took us way over the threshold into some kind of drunk wonderland. After a surprisingly measured and thoughtful 90 minutes of beer reviews, we descend into about 30 minutes of the kind of rowdy idiots you've come to associate with the Beer Appreciation Show. Want to show your support? Head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating and a review. And if you have any questions you'd like for us to answer on the next episode of Rough Draught, you can let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk), or in the comments section on the site. Thanks for listening, guys, and be on