Ally Loprete

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 235:34:43
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Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686


  • Bring Back Purpose into your Business

    24/03/2015 Duration: 01h35s

    Disengagement has become a global epidemic. It's easy to get comfortable connecting at a digital level. We might look at our social media lists and tell ourselves that we are well connected... but are we really? In many ways, we may be in complete denial about how much we are isolating ourselves. Lack of engagement could really be costing us. Engagement in Life and Work is CRITICAL Business is changing rapidly. The market is demanding purpose and values to be at the forefront. Future trends are affecting every business across the board and understanding these cultural elements are essential for your success. By simply boosting your engagement with others, you'll begin to see an increase in your productivity and business profits. Living a purpose driven life is the way of the future! Stop the downward spiral and start living your dream life. Get ready to learn some simple and PROVEN strategies that will help REALIGN yourself to the prosperous business you were meant to create. _____________________________

  • WANT the Fairytale

    17/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    You've been told that you CAN'T HAVE the fairytale. And you believed it. Heck. You may have even heard yourself telling your KIDS the same thing. Happily ever after doesn't exist. Get REAL. Or does it? If we truly can create our own reality--- and new research in quantum physics tells us that WE CAN--- why NOT go for the fairy tale? You see others achieve their happy endings... IF YOU BELIEVE IT EXISTS FOR EVERYONE ELSE... then why not YOU? Real Fantasy That may sound like an oxymoron, but not if you change your perception of what the fairy tale ending looks like for you. For example, getting rescued by Prince Charming may not sound as appealing as it once did and that is because YOU HAVE EVOLVED. In fact, if you have ever been "rescued" before, it most likely didn't feel even a fraction as good as it did when you rescued yourself. Be your own hero! Women typically love being the one who does the rescuing... so much so...that we often go lookingfor trouble. (Do you relate?) We SURE ARE gifted when it co

  • Need a Digital DETOX??

    11/03/2015 Duration: 01h27s

    Technology Wonders... or Woes? What was once intended to improve and streamline our processes might now be bogging us down. If you have found yourself challenged by the ever-changing rules of social media and trends that disrupt your once streamlined business-- leaving gaps in your long term performance and endurance.... it might be time for a DIGITAL DETOX. Upgrade Your Relationship with Technology Now that EVERYONE has access to social media apps, websites and gadgets... it's time to talk about better living THROUGH technology, and overcome our addictions. Is your digital activity serving you in a healthy and productive way? Realign your Business Goals & Innovation Past strategies that once brought you sufficient results may not be generating the same outcome, causing a few setbacks in your business, and a scratching of the head. A big part of being an entrepreneur is learning to adapt... and then re-adapt... to a disruptive digital landscape. On Today's show... Returning to save us all from ove

  • Sleep Synchronicity for Babies

    03/03/2015 Duration: 01h08s

    Our Children are Intricate Reflections of Ourselves Without EVEN TRYING, a mother's womb is a naturally PERFECT environment for the maturation of a brand new physical being--- and there is nothing yummier than a baby falling effortlessly into dreamland in its mommy's warm embrace. Babies come in perfect readiness! Babies come into the world completely prepared to ignore us and the conditions that we place on them. Why do we --- as adults--- feel the need to rush the manifestation and alignment process? After all, isn't SLEEP the most natural thing that we as humans already know HOW to do? Do we really need to be TAUGHT how to sleep? The Gift of Happy Sleep The greatest benefit of sleep is that it allows us to release resistance and receive fresh energy alignment. Babies --- just like us--- are the creators of their own experiences, which is why self soothing is a learned behavior that will carry our little sleepers into healthy physical and mental maturity. When we get too involved... we disrupt a very nat

  • The Map to Hidden Money

    24/02/2015 Duration: 01h06s

    From Woes to Wealth Money is... such an odd thing... isn't it? It's become an even more avoided topic than religion, sex or politics. Why is it so taboo? An Emotionally Charged Topic of Avoidance Money, according to researchers, is top of mind for most individuals over the age of 25, the #1 reason couples fight, the leading cause of divorce and the biggest stress contributor in health issues, including heart failure and cancer. YET--- when asked what ONE THING a person would wish for that would make EVERYTHING better, most people say "money". Quit working hard for your money... and learn how to let money work for you. Money is the life force of your business AND your beloved family. Without it, you will not be able to contribute your purposeful gifts the way that you were meant to. Tune into today's show if you: ▪ ▪ feel stressed about money on a daily basis. ▪ ▪ feel trapped in a business that is barely bringing in enough to stay afloat. ▪ ▪ feel bombarded and overwhelmed with money "experts" and co

  • ((Unexpected)) Life Transitions

    17/02/2015 Duration: 01h08s

    Expecting...a different journey...than this one? If you have found yourself on a different path than where you began, you are one of the lucky ones. Unexpected circumstances are THE BEST indicators that you are fully experiencing life the way it was intended. Life doesn't hand you situations that you are not equipped to handle. Major life transitions -- moving to a new city, becoming a parent, retirement -- can be an exciting and invigorating part of life. Yet transitions, even happy ones, can also be stressful and bring up mixed feelings. Transitions ... and loss of identity... It is natural to define yourself by your surroundings and it can be disorienting when you wake up in unfamiliar territory. ▪ ▪ Getting married changes your identity from an "I" to a "we". ▪ ▪ Having a child often results in disassociating yourself from all that was once child-like about you, as it is now expected for you to be everything adult. ▪ ▪ A new career will change your identity or role as a professional and in some cases

  • The Big Launch

    10/02/2015 Duration: 01h03s

    Turn your at-home-hobby into a MONEY MAKING MACHINE! Moms, there has never been a better time for you to put your special skills into action to create a profitable business. You don't need a business degree or even previous entrepreneurial experience to find success your first time out of the gate. These days, you can work from ANYWHERE and still make money. The BEST way to launch a new business... ...Hold your breath and DIVE RIGHT in, of course... but not before creating a basic business plan. Have fun with it! Don't be afraid to mix in some spontaneity with your preparedness. Both will adequately add value to your launch and balance you out --- whether you are more of the impulsive type or the deliberate planner. ENSURE a successful first-time launch! With anything new and unfamiliar, you MUST go in with a sense of adventure. Don't sweat the small stuff. There is a first time for everything and EVERYONE who has ever been super successful. Ask the Pros No matter how unique your idea is, there have many othe

  • Quantum Leaps

    03/02/2015 Duration: 01h11s

    Turn ... "I CAN'T" into ... "I JUST DID!" In order to achieve remarkable success you must have the appropriate mindset. By allowing your passion and vision to take over you will be able to re-align your thoughts, feelings and actions all the way into BIG TIME-- game-changing-- RESULTS! All too often, entrepreneurial parents who desire giving up their the corporate career to build a flexible one from home are told by others that they are making an "irresponsible" decision. Sound familiar? Stop listening to the naysayers... ...or you might actually start to BELIEVE THEM! There is no quicker way to achieve complete business disaster and defeat than to give yourself over to the dark side of DISBELIEF. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." ~Henry Ford It sounds easier said than done. You may be wondering... ▪ ▪ How do you believe in something that you've never achieved? ▪ ▪ How do you visually create the kind of success that you've never had? ▪ ▪ How can you manifest a salary that y

  • Business Expression for Parents

    27/01/2015 Duration: 01h07s

    The more you use your voice, the stronger it gets. Being able to express yourself adequately can make a significant difference in every aspect of your life. I am often told that I have a natural talent as a speaker and a broadcaster. While that is a nice compliment, it isn't exactly the truth. I wasn't born with the natural ability to "broadcast". Because of the industry that I am in, however, it is crucial that I have superior verbalization skills. Therefore I put a great deal of effort into broadcasting myself both on the air and on the stage. Presence has everything to do with EVERYTHING. I am going to let you in on a little secret... First, communication didn't always come easy to me. I have horrid --and quite frankly, painful-- memories as an adolescent who had a lot to say, but lacked the ability to SAY IT without mentally shutting down or (--gasp!--) crying inappropriately. Second, I spent years educating myself on vocal clarity, intonation and linguistics. My performance training didn't end in col

  • Capitalizing on Network Marketing

    20/01/2015 Duration: 01h01s

    Is a career in network marketing right for you? For many moms and dads who wish to become self-employed and replace their corporate paycheck with one of equal or greater value, a "business in a box" can be a terrific solution. However, network marketing is not right for everyone. Now is your chance to ask those tough questions. ▪ How can you tell if it's a good opportunity? ▪ What should you sell? ▪ What are the challenges you might encounter? ▪ How long will it take for you to see a return on your investment? ▪ What are the costs and the fine print? ▪ What commitment do you need to make to become a TOP EARNER? Learn to create wealth that matches your passions, your ambitions and... YOUR DREAMS. If you are considering a career in network marketing, this show is going to help you explore if it is the right opportunity for you, the drawbacks of working within the confines of a ready-made business, the unfortunate stigmas that go along with network marketing due to some bad apples in the industry who were not

  • How much does a good idea REALLY matter?

    13/01/2015 Duration: 57min

    Ideas are a dime a dozen. Spend time talking to any relative or neighborhood acquaintance. Chances are, they have an idea for a great business concept. Everyone has million dollar ideas, but not everyone has the ability to turn an idea into a million dollars. So what does this ABILITY entail? Every million dollar venture began as an idea... If the IDEA doesn't matter, than what does? We've all seen mediocre concepts become massive financial windfalls and booming sellouts --but-- we've also seen the most brilliant and innovative ideas fizzle fast without ever seeing the light of day. *How do you know if your idea is worthy of executing with full commitment? *Does it hold enough potential to create long term value? *What does one need to acquire in order to dramatically improve chances of a profitable outcome? Today's discussion will offer some simple frameworks that will help you to answer many of these questions as we interview a very special team of parent entrepreneurs and innovators who overcame sign

  • Deliberate Creation and Feng Shui

    06/01/2015 Duration: 01h03s

    We've got this, 2015! I woke up on January 1st in the best mood. Enjoying the holiday laziness of watching Hollywood screeners in my pajamas with my family, eating all the leftovers from the party the night before… without the guilt or shame...and feeling the pull of all that awaits us in the new year. All was right in the world— just as I had left it in 2014 before the chaos of the holidays began. I felt like I had plenty of time before the official craziness of the new year would begin, and I was confident that one more day of laziness wouldn’t matter. After all, I am in charge of my life. I was looking forward to 2015 but honestly… a bit sad to say goodbye to 2014. Last year was our best year yet. The Path of Least Resistance We are deliberate creators and when we made the decision to become the bosses of our own companies and the maternal figures of our families, we could not settle for anything less than to become PROFICIENT in calling the shots and taking charge. We set out to control the chaos befor

  • Franchising and Flourishing

    02/01/2015 Duration: 59min

    If you are looking for freedom without the guess work, purchasing a franchise might be a perfect option for you. You want to be your own boss, but the thought of being a CEO might make you shutter. I am not going to convince you otherwise. If there is one thing I have learned from my coaching clients and even some of the callers on the show, its that some people just don’t want to go it alone, and who could blame them? Its life-changing enough when you discover all the added responsibility that goes a long with becoming a new parent. Why would anyone willingly take on the accountability for an entire company? No, thanks. Just sign me up to do some work for someone and give me a paycheck for my time. If only it were that easy. Contrary to the way it may seem there is a middle ground and owning a franchise may be a viable option. If you are like most people you probably don't give yourself enough credit. You may be scratching your head in the same spot wondering if you are good at anything. You might assume tha

  • Who is on your "Support Staff?"

    02/01/2015 Duration: 01h40s

    We are very affected by the energy of the people who surround us... especially the people who we love most. It's not the easiest thing to admit, but often it is the support (or lack thereof) from our friends and family members who make or break our success. These characters are only fragments of the people we love most and our need to impress them is fabricated by our own insecurities and fears. When we are working overtime to appease them, we become unclear about our own intentions and consequently deny serving our happiest self. Our inner voice becomes silenced. On the other hand having a strong support base, fans who adore you and are rooting for you, can make a terrific impact and result in acheiving your ultimate reality. Then again, who in this whole wide world doesn't have complicated relationships? This week we'll be talking about finding your peeps, and conditioning your "habitual relationships" to be more optimal, more productive and more worthy of your love and attention. Joining us this Friday is

  • Strength of Purpose as a Leader

    02/01/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Don't let your visions of success frighten you. As parents and business leaders, we are also visionaries... and that can be overwhelming for those of us balancing a full schedule of family, home and business. Making room for our own sense of purpose can feel irrepressible and disorganized...until we see an example of someone who has already achieved the kind of success we'd like for ourselves. Last week, we talked about surrounding ourselves with positive people and how that can create a clear path to victory. This week I'd like to talk about adopting behaviors and philosophies of those we admire and look up to. For this very in depth look at ourselves as front runners in our own ambitions, I am bringing on a woman who I have admired for years, Susan Lyne. When I first met Susan, I'd just about had it with corporate jobs, the temping pool and narrow-minded bosses. I might have completely lost my faith in the American workplace as well as in my own ability to deliver adequately as an employee. I had been knock

  • We're All in This Thing Together

    02/01/2015 Duration: 59min

    In my absence, my amazing co-host and producer, Kelly St. Clair will be taking over the show on Friday with a not-to-be-missed guest. I'll be back the following week. Be good! xo, Ally We're All in This Thing Together In the year 2000, my husband and I were blindsided by a home invasion. This shocking event would change us as the people we once were. Or should I say…. thought we were! We were instantly transformed into irrational human beings. It distorted our view of the world around us. How would we be altered because of this? Would we be able to stay sane in an insane world? My beliefs before this home invasion were that everything was going to be story–book perfection. I had already had my life systematically planned out, complete with an organized time-line. You see, as a little girl, like so many other little girls, I always dreamed of marrying my prince charming and living happily ever after. I even designed the wedding in my head with exact precision. Right down to the last hand-sewn pearl on my dress

  • Moms and the Metaphysical

    16/12/2014 Duration: 01h06s

    Extraordinary careers come from extraordinary gifts. Some work-at-home moms are in direct sales. Others have made a great career our of being a virtual assistant. This one talks to GHOSTS. Mary Ann Winkowski isn't so different than the rest of us. She is married with two daughters, lives in a suburban town in Ohio where she attends church every Sunday---and --- she's made a career out of her ability to see and speak to the non-living. The Human Side of Paranormal Mary Ann's grandmother noticed her unusual ability when she was practically a baby. By the time Mary Ann was four years old, she was attending neighborhood funerals to broker communication between those who had died and their living loved ones. Word of her extraordinary abilities spread, and Mary Ann was soon accompanying her grandmother on "social calls," where Mary Ann would confront earthbound spirits who were sharing homes with the living. This ability stayed with Mary Ann through her adolescence into adulthood, and the stay-at-home mom eventu

  • Tech and Tools for Do-It-Yourself PR

    09/12/2014 Duration: 01h02s

    The Power of the Press When I first launched Our Milk Money, I sought the advice of one my most adored mentors, Susan Lyne, who I'd had the pleasure of working for years earlier while she was president of ABC Television. Currently the president of AOL content, and formerly the CEO of Martha Stewart Living, I knew that Susan had a few tricks up her sleeve. Her advice to me was to put all of my energy into PUBLICITY. She told me that nothing else would explode a business quite like this. Get your business BUZZING. Fast. I took Susan's advice and set out to get the press to fall in love with me. I worked the publicity angle for several months, pitching my story enthusiastically to every news source I could find. Finally I got a bite from Ric Romero, a reporter from ABC's Eyewitness News, the local ABC affiliate. The day that the story aired about Our Milk Money, our website nearly crashed. We had more hits than our server had ever handled before. More than 800 new members joined our mission

  • Momprenuer Management

    02/12/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Time Management... a whole 'nother science for moms---especially those who are also homeschooling or building a career at home. It often seems that our to-do list is never ending. Ask any work-at-home mom and she'll tell you that the most difficult challenge faced as we transitioned from our corporate jobs into self-employment was learning to manage our time effectively and efficiently. Stop trying to fit your life into someone else's calendar. Contrary to what some time management experts will tell you, we DO NOT all have the same amount of hours in a 24 hour day. While all moms struggle with managing their time to adapt to the demands of personal, family and professional priorities simultaneously, moms who run their own businesses have even more to squeeze into the same 24 hours per day. If anything, mompreneurs have learned to defy the laws of time, bringing the rest of small business to its knees. A new perspective of time. We were drawn into self-employment because we sought

  • Fix That Broken Biz!

    25/11/2014 Duration: 01h02s

    Get your small business UNSTUCK...Now. Energy and enthusiasm has been waning. Unexpected circumstances may have thrown you off course and off focus. You may be spending more time trying to stop the bleeding than actually growing a profit-inducing business. Throw in the towel? or Throw down the gauntlet? Remember when starting your own business and working from home made a lot of sense? You felt an untapped entrepreneurial spirit ready to soar. You had every reason to succeed. You still do. Get off the hamster wheel Let's start with a shift in mindset. That passion that you had when you first began is still in there somewhere. You may have lost your original vision due to some unexpected detours.... but only because you have more experience now as an entrepreneur. What didn't kill you could actually make you stronger if you are willing to learn from your mistakes. On Today's show... We'll show you how to get unstuck! Barry Moltz, author of “How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again”

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