Ally Loprete

Tech and Tools for Do-It-Yourself PR



The Power of the Press When I first launched Our Milk Money, I sought the advice of one my most adored mentors, Susan Lyne, who I'd had the pleasure of working for years earlier while she was president of ABC Television. Currently the president of AOL content, and formerly the CEO of Martha Stewart Living, I knew that Susan had a few tricks up her sleeve. Her advice to me was to put all of my energy into PUBLICITY. She told me that nothing else would explode a business quite like this. Get your business BUZZING. Fast. I took Susan's advice and set out to get the press to fall in love with me. I worked the publicity angle for several months, pitching my story enthusiastically to every news source I could find. Finally I got a bite from Ric Romero, a reporter from ABC's Eyewitness News, the local ABC affiliate. The day that the story aired about Our Milk Money, our website nearly crashed. We had more hits than our server had ever handled before. More than 800 new members joined our mission