Ally Loprete

Business Expression for Parents



The more you use your voice, the stronger it gets. Being able to express yourself adequately can make a significant difference in every aspect of your life. I am often told that I have a natural talent as a speaker and a broadcaster. While that is a nice compliment, it isn't exactly the truth. I wasn't born with the natural ability to "broadcast". Because of the industry that I am in, however, it is crucial that I have superior verbalization skills. Therefore I put a great deal of effort into broadcasting myself both on the air and on the stage. Presence has everything to do with EVERYTHING. I am going to let you in on a little secret... First, communication didn't always come easy to me. I have horrid --and quite frankly, painful-- memories as an adolescent who had a lot to say, but lacked the ability to SAY IT without mentally shutting down or (--gasp!--) crying inappropriately. Second, I spent years educating myself on vocal clarity, intonation and linguistics. My performance training didn't end in col