Ally Loprete

((Unexpected)) Life Transitions



Expecting...a different journey...than this one? If you have found yourself on a different path than where you began, you are one of the lucky ones. Unexpected circumstances are THE BEST indicators that you are fully experiencing life the way it was intended. Life doesn't hand you situations that you are not equipped to handle. Major life transitions -- moving to a new city, becoming a parent, retirement -- can be an exciting and invigorating part of life. Yet transitions, even happy ones, can also be stressful and bring up mixed feelings. Transitions ... and loss of identity... It is natural to define yourself by your surroundings and it can be disorienting when you wake up in unfamiliar territory. ▪ ▪ Getting married changes your identity from an "I" to a "we". ▪ ▪ Having a child often results in disassociating yourself from all that was once child-like about you, as it is now expected for you to be everything adult. ▪ ▪ A new career will change your identity or role as a professional and in some cases