Ally Loprete

Capitalizing on Network Marketing



Is a career in network marketing right for you? For many moms and dads who wish to become self-employed and replace their corporate paycheck with one of equal or greater value, a "business in a box" can be a terrific solution. However, network marketing is not right for everyone. Now is your chance to ask those tough questions. ▪ How can you tell if it's a good opportunity? ▪ What should you sell? ▪ What are the challenges you might encounter? ▪ How long will it take for you to see a return on your investment? ▪ What are the costs and the fine print? ▪ What commitment do you need to make to become a TOP EARNER? Learn to create wealth that matches your passions, your ambitions and... YOUR DREAMS. If you are considering a career in network marketing, this show is going to help you explore if it is the right opportunity for you, the drawbacks of working within the confines of a ready-made business, the unfortunate stigmas that go along with network marketing due to some bad apples in the industry who were not