Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone



Marketing + Mindset Mentor


  • On-Air Coaching Call: Implementing New Business Models with Yael Bendahan

    18/04/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode #22. Get ready to listen to an on-air coaching call on a topic I get soooo many questions about. Are you feeling the urge to switch up your business model? So is our guest!Yael Bendahan is a digital marketing strategist and mom of 4 boys. In just over a year, she went from stay-at-home mom to entrepreneur with a thriving, 6-figure marketing business that allows her to live life on her own terms, while still being there for her family.In this episode, Yael and I dive into what a new business model might look like in her biz. Gals, there is so much here we could go on and on. If you’re curious about implementing a new business model (even if you don’t want to ditch your current revenue stream), tune in to this episode now!In This Episode You’ll Learn:Why Yael’s ready to switch up her business modelOne easy mistake entrepreneurs make when picking a new modelHow to choose a model when you feel like a jack of all tradesThe pros and cons between broad and competitive or narrow and niched ideasThe features y

  • When you have a case of Comparisonitis…

    15/04/2019 Duration: 16min

    Episode #21. Comparison sometimes feels like this disease all entrepreneurs have, something I like to call comparisonitis. This tricky little infection is something we try our best to avoid by unfollowing every jealousy-inducing feed and staying in our own protective bubble. But friends, this is putting yourselves at a disadvantage!In this episode, I aim to help you channel your comparisonitis to actually get where you want to be. Because avoiding it is just keeping you stuck. Are you in for a mindset makeover? Listen in now!In This Episode You’ll Learn:The sneaky way comparison shows up in your businessHow comparisonitis is actually an amazing opportunityWhy Marie Kondo-ing your feeds of competition may hurt youWhat your brain is trying to tell you through comparisonHow to work with your comparisonitis to create successWhy you need clarity on the type of success you craveFavorite Quotes“We don’t compare ourselves to the most successful, most accomplished people. We compare ourselves to the people who are jus

  • The Real Reason I Resist Doing Video (HINT: It’s NOT my weight…)

    11/04/2019 Duration: 18min

    Episode #20. If there’s one thing you need to know about mindset, it’s this—mindset isn’t one and done. And it’s not just for new entrepreneurs either. Gals, on this episode, I’m sharing my own mindset journey around video. I’m getting real with the struggle here and how you and I can both overcome mindset blocks around anywhere that’s giving us resistance.Even if you have no problem with video (you go, girl!), you might just relate to this feeling of resistance that can keep you from being the best you for your biz. I hope to inspire you to look at your own challenge, whatever it may be, and jump way the heck over that mindset block. Tune in now to get started with your next jump forward!In This Episode You’ll Learn:The big procrastination problem that revealed a major mindset blockMy real, vulnerable insecurities around video—that have nothing to do with weight!How to find resistance in your business that may be hiding a mindset problemMy promise to ramble, show up, and be accountable for overcoming struggl

  • Making Relationships Part of Your Personal Brand With Dana Malstaff

    08/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    Episode #19. When you’re building your personal brand, you’re probably spending a lot of time thinking about yourself. My friend, Dana Malstaff is here to tell us how important relationships with other people are to growing your personal brand.When I was just starting my business, I met Dana and she taught me just how important collaboration over competition is. In this conversation, she did it yet again! I am amazed by how insightful Dana is about all you can accomplish through strong connections.Dana is the CEO and Founder of Boss Mom. She’s a mother, author, speaker, business strategist, podcaster, blind spot reducer, and movement maker. And, she’s got a book! I’m so excited to share this conversation with you…and you might be able to tell that we’ve been friends for a while. Dana is so open, sharing things about her past and her dreams for the future. You’ll probably feel like she’s your biz bestie too!In This Episode You’ll Learn:The first thing you need to do in order to become a Go-to Gal – Dana’s smar

  • Growing a JOY-filled Business through Raw Vulnerability & Energetic Connection with Andee Love

    04/04/2019 Duration: 54min

    Episode #18. Have you ever felt like growing your business to 6 figures and beyond is a soulless, joy-numbing job? Gals, Andee Love is here to show you it doesn’t have to be that way. I am so in awe of the way this empowered, successful woman holds true to her authenticity and deepest desires in her business!I’m so excited to introduce you to Andee. She is a highly-trained, spiritual success coach who works with female corporate leaders and entrepreneurs to spark breakthrough personal and business growth. Just wait for this mind-blowing tidbit—Andee made $300,000 on Instagram in just 11 days of promoting her business. We’ll get into more on that later!When she’s not posting, Andee devotes her energy to sharing her signature Soul Flow Method to help others craft a truly authentic life. Whether her clients aim to earn 8k or 80k per month, she helps them clarify their values, redefine what success means to them and magnify their contribution to the world. Are you ready to hear from this inspiring woman? Tune in

  • From Workaholic to Designing an Automatic Biz with Haley Burkhead

    01/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    Episode #17. Have you ever intentionally set a goal that you know you aren’t likely to reach? My girl, Haley Burkhead has and she says this is the reason she’s so successful! Gals, this is just one insight from my conversation with Haley. Let me tell you, she is a firecracker.Besides being my totally spunky and transparently real biz friend, Haley Burkhead is the founder of Profit Planner and the host of the CEO Vibes Podcast. Her mission is to help emotionally drained, workaholic women discover which tasks drive profit so they can transform the hamster wheel they call their business into something simple and automated.Haley shares so much goodness in this episode from her unique way of setting goals to the expensive business mistake that taught her a huge lesson about trusting herself. Do yourself and your business a favor and tune in now!In This Episode You’ll Learn:How Haley overcame workaholism and designed an automated business for her version of freedom.The struggles of being an extrovert working from h

  • How to Harness Your Inner Creative Visionary with Tracy Matthews

    28/03/2019 Duration: 44min

    Episode #16. This one’s for the creative Gals out there. Have you ever felt like your creativity gets in the way of your business? Tracy Matthews has and because of that struggle, she created an incredible new space for creatives. But that’s not all she’s done. Tracy is a multi-passionate Entrepreneur,  Jewelry Designer, Mentor to Creative Visionaries and the Host of the Top-Rated, Thrive By Design Podcast. This creative woman has achieved incredible feats from having her jewelry featured in widely popular publications such as InStyle and Elle AND taught countless jewelry brands how to grow and scale profitable businesses as the Chief Visionary Officer of Flourish & Thrive Academy.Gals, in our conversation, Tracy shared tons of juicy tidbits on how to creatively grow your business. Yes, the business stuff can be creative! Press play for a creativity brain download that will transform your business.In This Episode You’ll Learn:How Tracy smartly pivoted her business during an economic downturn.The misconcep

  • Why You Should Write an Imaginary Testimonial

    25/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Episode #15. You may have heard me talk about the imperfect leap before because well, I’m crazy about it. The Imperfect Leap is focusing on what’s important and taking action with an imperfect leap in the right direction. So in the Go-to Gal club, we actually have Imperfect Leap sessions where we talk about a strategy or exercise that we implement immediately. I recently got a question on Facebook that I knew would be a perfect Imperfect Leap session and I want to share that with you today!Here’s the question in a nutshell—What do you wish you’d done better after you launched your program? Gals, the mindset technique I’m going to share to address this can apply to almost anything whether it’s a course, done-for-you service, or coaching work. Hit play and get started on your next Imperfect Leap!   In This Episode You’ll Learn:How to use Imperfect Leaps to move your business forward in marketing, mindset, and more.The mindset technique that ensures you’re prepared to offer the best client experience possible be

  • The WORST Part of Having Your Best Month Ever

    21/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    Episode #14. Having your best month ever feels amazing, right? Well, it does until you start to wonder, “What if this never happens again?!” Oh yes, we’re all familiar with this little fear and the scarcity mindset that starts to take over after an awesome month.

  • Scaling Your Expertise and the ONE Ad Everyone Needs to Run! with Claire Pelletreau

    18/03/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode #13. Gals, this episode is a really good one. So good, in fact, that I had to bump it up the schedule and release it early! In this conversation, Claire Pelletreau joins me to chit-chat about money, Facebook ads, and so much more.As the host of the Get Paid podcast, Claire isn’t afraid to pull back the curtains and talk about money. And she does just that in this conversation! Plus, Claire is a Facebook Ad expert. And let me tell you, she knows what’s she’s talking about. Claire taught me something about Facebook in this conversation that was a huge eye-opener! So listen up, Gals. This is one episode you’ve got to hear.In This Episode You’ll Learn:Claire’s new perspective on referral commissions and the impact it’s had on her profits.What offerings support Claire’s business and how she keeps clients coming in.The incredibly unique way Claire scaled her service-based business.What Claire did to save her business when competitors started piling up.The mindset shift Claire needed to stop attracting the w

  • How Jessica Fearnley DOUBLED Her Revenue in 6 Months

    14/03/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Episode #12. Gems:You had your best month ever, then you joined the Go-To Gal Club. You had a lot of offers, with pretty diverse income streams.The best thing to do is to have lots of things that cater to people at different stages. Even if it’s a pathway that can take someone from being at a point where their brand needs their business.If they’re my kind of person, I can keep providing them with a pathway that can be right for them at that stage.You’re making more money than you’ve ever made, but you also have more offers than you’ve ever had.You still want to be able to make more money, and you didn’t necessarily want to have your revenue capped at that level either.The big thing as well, is that once I had doubled my prices, I realized that I was still undercharging. That mindset thing, it happened again almost immediately.Really diving deep into what is next for you, and the realization that even though you’ve unleveled, you didn’t up level enough.You get to a point where the company is being held back, b

  • Behind the Scenes with Selena Soo – Publicity, Mindset, and Building Relationships with Influencers

    11/03/2019 Duration: 37min

    Episode #11. GemsImpacting Millions Program – launched once a year: helps people master the publicity games so that they can get the opportunities of a lifetime that really put them in front of more people; from being on podcasts, top websites, magazines and TV; learning how to be a guest expert in other people’s programs, whether you’re speaking to their Masterminding group or another premium group or membership site of theirs; creating that ripple effect where other people are talking about you – so you need to have a clear message“So what I love about the year-long mastermind I have is that I’m able to work with people and such a deep and comprehensive way. And I feeling all of us need mentors. I think it’s virtually impossible to get to the next level with no support. Because there’s a million things to figure out in your business. So when you got a mentor and a community of like-minded people who are showing up to help you and support you and inspire – the journey is just so much more fun and rewarding.”

  • The Real Reason Marketing Feels Hard

    04/03/2019 Duration: 17min

    Episode #9. GemsAs an expert, it’s important to know that your role as an expert is that you can diagnose and solve people’s problems.There are times when you need to go to experts to solve problems because what I find more than anything is that people are trying to solve the wrong problem.Actually solving the right problems will help you grow your business.Marketing isn’t always the problem.If it’s not working at the scale you’re at now, growing that is not going to help.It’s not that what you’re selling isn’t valuable. But it starts with talking about it, packaging it in a way that people know that they need it. And this is where I see so many people going wrong and that they’re going out and chasing after more, more, more, more of all these different things.Entrepreneurs are focused on these other things but they’re not really focused on their offer.Sometimes you just got to take that very same exact thing that you’re offering that’s amazing, but that you’re putting in front of the wrong people. And you do

  • From Employee to Go-To Gal in Under ONE Year with Nicole Saunders

    18/02/2019 Duration: 44min

    Episode #7. GemsIf you were really passionate about one of the other areas, you could have grown any of them. But we can’t grow multiple different businesses at the same time and hit those big goals and niching down. But when you’re brave enough to do it and take action, it pays off.Best thing about Nicole is that she implements like crazy. She’s not just joining programs and consuming all the content. She takes strategic action and makes moves.The Best Month Ever program was, in fact, her best month ever. It was so fun. Just the excitement and the momentum gained from it. It really propelled her business forward. And the relationships formed with the other people who participated in that group, whom she still connects with to this day. I’m still connecting with those ladies today.She is thankful for that, especially since she is an introvert. She got to know people more one on one instead of just a course all the work is just handed out. And you don’t know who that person is that created the course or the pe

  • How to Make Money Online – From VA to Course Creator with Abbey Ashley

    04/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    Episode #5. Gems.I still think the virtual assistance was just the quickest way to make money online. It is just the easiest entry point. It’s just an awesome way to kinda get your feet wet in this whole online space.Now with building an online course, let’s take that because that’s what I did. You really do have to have an audience.It’s a mistake honestly that pains me sometimes to see – people will be in the service industry and they’ll be like I’m gonna create a course; so they spend three months creating this phenomenal course with so much content and they just pour their entire heart to it. And they’re like okay, now how do I sell this thing? Oh, you went about this all wrong because really it’s all about building that audience first.I built up this course and I thought this was going to be amazing. And then I tried to sell it and literally one person bought. I spent two months creating the course and I just got $97 for my two months of hard work. And I made the mistake where I didn’t ask my audience wha

  • On-Air Coaching Call: How Do I Grow My Membership with Anabelle Malcolm

    28/01/2019 Duration: 37min

    Episode #4. Anabelle grew her membership from zero to forty paying members in less than eight weeks – and during the holiday season!In this on air coaching session, we dive into how to she can continue to grow her membership after a successful launch…in a bit of an unexpected way!If you have a membership, definitely listen! But even if you don’t have a membership yet, or even if you don’t want a membership – there is still so much you can get from our session! In fact – with just a few tweaks- I bet you can apply these strategies to just about any business model!And one really important-inspiring point- just TWO months ago Anabelle’s whole business was offering done for you services. She was rocking it with her clients, but was really looking for more leverage. I don’t think she even had an email list yet.We had a coaching call less than 2 months ago and outlined what a one-to-many offer could look like for her. She took and RAN WITH IT! So here we are, just a few weeks later, talking about how to GROW her no

  • How to Scale by Doing the “Unscalable” with Nathan Barry

    21/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    Episode #3. I’m pretty sure that most of you have either heard about ConvertKit, are thinking about using it, or are already raving fans. Today’s guest is the Go-To Guy behind ConvertKit – Founder and CEO, Nathan Barry.This isn’t a typical interview with Nathan though, and we actually don’t really talk much about email marketing.Nathan opens up to share his entrepreneurial journey with us – how he was able to make 6 figures selling ebooks – and how he made the pivot to starting Convertkit. He also breaks down the exact strategy that he used to grow ConvertKit to 10K/mo recurring revenue. (Hint: This strategy can be applied to most businesses and you might just want to steal it!)  He also shares with us the success ConvertKit is having now, and how was was able to make the shift to fully BE the CEO.  Some of my favorite quotes:“You have to fulfill the promise that you made to people.It needs to get the job done and be fun, fast and easy to use.But a lot of the community comes from how you go about doing busine

  • Farnoosh Torabi: Leveraging Podcasting to Build Your Brand

    14/01/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Episode #2. Are you ready to take the leap into launching a podcast, or take your podcast to the next level? Would you love to be on one of your favorite podcasts? Then you are going to love this episode! Today, I am talking to my good friend, Farnoosh Torabi, host of the award-winning and top-rated podcast, So Money. She is one of America’s leading personal finance authorities, growing her personal brand as a money expert to Oprah-levels!We talk about what it takes to launch and grow a podcast. Plus, we even share our best tips for how to get on your favorite podcasts! Even if podcasting isn’t your thing, you can apply these tips to just about any platform!“[They’re] coming to podcasting because they want to be connected. They want intimacy. And so if you can deliver that and be respectful about it, I think you’ve got a lot of the basic elements to be successful.”“Having a podcast allowed me to have such an acute sense of what women want when it comes to their money, what they were struggling with, and the q

  • What Will Grow Your Business in 2019: My Predictions

    07/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    Welcome to the all *NEW* Go-To Gal podcast!Episode #1. And what better topic than to dive into my 2019 Predictions for the online marketing industry. I’ve narrowed it down to my top seven…and I’ll tell you exactly what I’m predicting, AND what it means for you and your business…PLUS how it effects my own business. That’s right, I’ll share exactly how my team and I are making plans and implementing with these trends. Let’s dive on in!Notable Moments + Highlights:A NEW kind of Influencer… And the simple thing you need to do to become one.The decline of the $2K-$3K MEGA COURSE…to be replaced by THISWhat is the future of online education?The HUGE need for implementation over information, and what to do about it.The real cost of NOT working in your zone of geniusBefore you automate, make sure you are doing this too!The one thing I never thought I would recommend to online business owners (including myself)Is it the “Year of Video”….again??? Two things you need to know…Entrepreneurs and CEOs simply can’t ignore thi

  • Go-To Gal Trailer

    07/01/2019 Duration: 03min

    Welcome to Go-To Gal, the podcast to help you build a profitable personal brand. If you are ready to overcome self-doubt, stand out from the crowd, and make bank by growing your brand, you are in the right place. Here at Go-To Gal, we believe in grace over guilt, connection and collaboration, intention over doing all the things, hugs over handshakes, vulnerability over small talk, generosity and abundance, strategy over throwing spaghetti at the wall, imperfect leaps over imperfect action, more on that to come, empowerment over competition, and courage over fear.

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