Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

Behind the Scenes with Selena Soo – Publicity, Mindset, and Building Relationships with Influencers



Episode #11. GemsImpacting Millions Program – launched once a year: helps people master the publicity games so that they can get the opportunities of a lifetime that really put them in front of more people; from being on podcasts, top websites, magazines and TV; learning how to be a guest expert in other people’s programs, whether you’re speaking to their Masterminding group or another premium group or membership site of theirs; creating that ripple effect where other people are talking about you – so you need to have a clear message“So what I love about the year-long mastermind I have is that I’m able to work with people and such a deep and comprehensive way. And I feeling all of us need mentors. I think it’s virtually impossible to get to the next level with no support. Because there’s a million things to figure out in your business. So when you got a mentor and a community of like-minded people who are showing up to help you and support you and inspire – the journey is just so much more fun and rewarding.”