Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

How to Make Money Online – From VA to Course Creator with Abbey Ashley



Episode #5. Gems.I still think the virtual assistance was just the quickest way to make money online. It is just the easiest entry point. It’s just an awesome way to kinda get your feet wet in this whole online space.Now with building an online course, let’s take that because that’s what I did. You really do have to have an audience.It’s a mistake honestly that pains me sometimes to see – people will be in the service industry and they’ll be like I’m gonna create a course; so they spend three months creating this phenomenal course with so much content and they just pour their entire heart to it. And they’re like okay, now how do I sell this thing? Oh, you went about this all wrong because really it’s all about building that audience first.I built up this course and I thought this was going to be amazing. And then I tried to sell it and literally one person bought. I spent two months creating the course and I just got $97 for my two months of hard work. And I made the mistake where I didn’t ask my audience wha