Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

On-Air Coaching Call: How Do I Grow My Membership with Anabelle Malcolm



Episode #4. Anabelle grew her membership from zero to forty paying members in less than eight weeks – and during the holiday season!In this on air coaching session, we dive into how to she can continue to grow her membership after a successful launch…in a bit of an unexpected way!If you have a membership, definitely listen! But even if you don’t have a membership yet, or even if you don’t want a membership – there is still so much you can get from our session! In fact – with just a few tweaks- I bet you can apply these strategies to just about any business model!And one really important-inspiring point- just TWO months ago Anabelle’s whole business was offering done for you services. She was rocking it with her clients, but was really looking for more leverage. I don’t think she even had an email list yet.We had a coaching call less than 2 months ago and outlined what a one-to-many offer could look like for her. She took and RAN WITH IT! So here we are, just a few weeks later, talking about how to GROW her no