Say That



Where your big questions get real answers


  • 577- New Lebowski Translation

    09/08/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) I have heard people talk about “praying for protection.” What does that mean? It seems a little “claim your blessing” to me. (16:55-30:35) How do you be an encouragement to someone who doesn’t seem to want to be encouraged. Like, they are in the wallowing phase, but I still want to be supportive. (30:38-44:39) I know we are not supposed to judge. But does that just mean big stuff, or am I not allowed to get annoyed at people being rude in public or disagree with their taste in movies and stuff like that? (44:43-1:00:16) Closing Song: Cast My Cares (Jed Brewer)

  • 576- Soul Ties Are Back!

    26/07/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Have things gotten weirder in the last few years? Like everything always been this crazy and we’re just noticing it more now, or are things actually weirder? (17:46-28:54) Feminism-  there is a lot shared about feminism at the moment. I wonder if views can go to extreme around this topic, where do you draw the line on the sliding scale of views? (29:04-48:17) I was reading the parable of the sower in Mark 4 recently. It seems kind of unfair that whether or not the seed grows is beyond anyone’s control. The soil is either rocky or shallow or not. Am I missing the point? (48:22-1:00:52) Closing Song: Greater Is He (Jed Brewer)

  • 575- Endorse His Schmuckitude

    19/07/2023 Duration: 01h53s

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) It’s been a while since I have prayed. It feels weird to try to like, get back in the habit. How do I do that?  (14:42-28:00) In Luke 10, Jesus tells the disciples “whoever rejects you rejects me”. What does this mean for us today. I reject a lot of the stuff said by Christian leaders. I don’t think that means I am rejecting Jesus. (28:04-40:52) I know that negative emotions can’t lead me to change. But I do have negative feelings that are part of me wanting to change, so what do I do with them while I am working on things? (40:58-57:51) Passage on prayer by Frederick Buechner that Jed mentioned: Closing Song: Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Eric Peters)

  • 574-CatfiSh Lewis

    12/07/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) What is the difference between “walking in faith” and just not thinking through decisions? (20:18-32:46) Why is there / has there been sigma in the Church around mental health? I know on paper  it isn’t different taking medication for mental health than physical health, but somehow the feelings around it don’t line up as a Christian- why the shame/ guilt around this?  Feelings of ‘failure ‘ etc? (32:51-48:27) 1.3) How do I be a good friend to people who are younger than me? I am not a mentor or anything, but there are younger people in my church that I want to be a positive person for. (48:30-1:01:56) Closing Song: Psalm 147:3 (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 573- Jedflix

    05/07/2023 Duration: 58min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) 1 and 2 Timothy mention having a “sincere faith.” What makes faith sincere or insincere? (15:25-23:53) When I was younger, apologetics was this big thing. Like “how will you respond when a non-believer says XYZ?” I am trying to not see my faith that way because the debate thing seems dumb. How do I let go of that idea? (23:56-42:08) Where do you guys go when you need inspiration? How do you let some inspire you in a healthy way? (42:12-55:25) Closing Song: No He Wasn't (Lins Honeyman)

  • 572-Snacks in Satan’s Service

    29/06/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) I have heard some people talking recently about how pride is bad. That got me thinking- is being proud wrong. If so, what is wrong with it? (20:22-37:17) There was a recent controversy with the Baptists making a proclamation about women not being able to be pastors. It seems wrong to me but I guess some people say “well, that’s what the Bible says”. Does the Bible say that definitively? (37:21-58:58) We check in with the latest baseball themed marketing campaign from the He Gets Us people. (59:07-1:05:04) Closing Song: The One (Jed Brewer)

  • 571- (Apostolic) Succession

    14/06/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) For…reasons, I have been thinking about whether or not it is okay to be kind of happy when someone dies. Is it, or is that just really wrong? (18:00-30:16) I hear people talk about how going through hard things makes you stronger in that area of life. But I just feel like I am beat up in those areas. How does it make you stronger to go through something hard? (30:21-43:19) From ill-advised TikToks to fast food meltdowns, we do a quick round up of ways Christians are being weird on the internet lately. (43:26-01:01:24) Closing Song: Changing Me (Lee Younger)

  • 570- The Funisher

    07/06/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Is it normal to go through some times where you *aren’t* dealing with doubts or questions with your faith? Does that mean I’m not engaged? (18:56-30:07) How do I balance keeping up with the news and not just being angry and sad all the time? (30:16-46:36) I grew up in an environment where negative emotions were rarely talked about. How do I learn to express those feelings as an adult in a healthy way? (46:40-57:05) Closing Song: I Am Free (Lee Younger)

  • 569- The Southern Baptist Job

    31/05/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous)  People talk about the generation “that God is calling to XYZ” or that “will break this or that”. Does God do things through generations? Is that a thing? (16:38-30:17) When something bad happens in my life, my first instinct is to look for a reason. Something I could have done different or how it could have been planned for. But sometimes there’s no real reason and a bad thing just happened. But I hate that so much. How do I deal with that? (30:20-43:57) How do you talk about your thoughts on life as a person of faith with non-believing friends without sounding like you are making a sales pitch? (44:01-1:01:11) Closing Song: I Come To You (Jed Brewer)

  • 568-The Gospel According to Gollum

    24/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) How do I empathize when someone is having a hard time without joining in on their negativity in a way that is bad for me? (19:25-30:47) I know finding a mentor is a helpful thing, What can I do until I find someone who fits that role? (30:50-42:40) Several places in the Bible it talks about it being “the last days” back then. How does that work with us being 2000 years past “the last days”? (42:43-55:43) Closing Song: Be Thou My Vision (Deacons Division)

  • 567 - The Avarice of Mr Peanut

    17/05/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Is divorce ever the right option for a Christian couple to take? (19:26-34:05) Yoga pants discourse is back again. What does the Bible actually say about “modesty”? (34:12-48:06) An organization I am involved with recently had a scandal break. It’s a big organization and my local chapter wasn’t involved at all. But I still feel a little weird. How should I think about this? (48:10-1:01:14) Closing Song: Ephesians 4:32 (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 566- Nefarious(ly Bad Movie)

    10/05/2023 Duration: 53min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) What is blasphemy? I hear it get tossed around mostly as a joke or an over the top accusation. Is it a real thing that people should worry about? (15:28-25:06) In Mark 6, Jesus talks about being a prophet without honor is his hometown. I feel like the only thing I hear people say about this is comparing themselves or someone else to Jesus in this scenario. Is there anything this story tells us about Jesus? (25:11-36:26) What’s the difference between feeling like God is leading you to do something and just thinking it is a good idea? (36:31-49:32) Closing Song: You Delighted (Lee Younger)

  • 565 - Presenting The Orb

    03/05/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) As much as I love making fun of churches and conservative Christian shenanigans, I also can’t help but to wonder: Why are they so vocal about same-sex stuff when there’s more damaging things in the church like anger, jealousy, abuse etc. I’ve seen more lives being destroyed because of anger, jealousy, emotion and spiritual abuse then anything related to LGBTQ+. (18:44-36:41) My church recently put out a response the the denomination approving of same sex unions. It was…not positive. How am I to respond about this issue? For me personally, there are sins worse than one’s sexual orientation. Even the greatest commandment Jesus gave was basically love God, love others. And so far all the response to this issue is so farrrrrr removed from love. (36:46-54:52) What are Titus and Philemon about? They don’t seem to come up much in church. (54:57-1:09:36) Closing Song: Not A Judge (Jed Brewer)

  • 564 - Crunchwrap Supreme (We Cry Out)

    26/04/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love your neighbor. Does this mean there are times we have to choose loving God over loving people? (17:26-29:52) There is a lot of talk about “following your passion” in things like career, but also in the church about “using your passions for the Lord”. There is lots of stuff I like but I don’t know that I really have a “passion” I want to pursue. Is that okay? Am I missing something? (29:52-45:03) How do you balance serving others with having your own boundaries? Is the Christian thing to always go with what’s best for the other person or the way they want thing to go at the expense of what you would prefer? (45:06-58:14) Closing Song: Save Me From My Sins (Jed Brewer)

  • 563- Rock BottomingThe Easter Bunny

    19/04/2023 Duration: 55min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) It's an Emergency catch up. Topics include: Adding tighty whiteys to Renaissance masterpieces Woke Alerts An utterly predictable "macho" megachurch pastor story Xtreme Easter Smackdown Forced Tithing Lawsuit Closing Song: This Is My Father's World (Southern Harmonic)

  • Easter Special

    12/04/2023 Duration: 25min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) The fellas took Easter week off. Please enjoy some songs and an encouraging word. See you next week for the normal shenanigans. Songs: Break of Day (Lee Younger) All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name (Glenn Kaiser) So Here I Am (Jed Brewer)

  • 562- No Congregants Were Injured in the Delivery of This Sermon

    05/04/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) What is with the weird fixation some people seem to have on the violence of Jesus’s death? I guess it is supposed to be very moving, but people talking about in gory detail just weirds me out. Am I missing something? (18:30-34:37) How do I identify the line between someone asking me to do something and trying to manipulate me? (34:40-46:09) I feel like I hear the same Easter sermons and readings every year. Is there any detail or aspect of the Easter story that you particularly like? (46:15-01:00:45)

  • 561- Christin Nonsense ™

    29/03/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) I have heard people say that having joy is different than feeling happy, but I just don’t get what that difference is actually supposed to be. Is there something sinful about making something happen in your life? Is that not “waiting on the Lord”? Is it wrong to want an apology before forgiving someone? I don’t feel good about letting someone back into my life if they won’t admit what they did wrong. Closing Song: The Old Rugged Cross (Jed Brewer)

  • 560- I Expected Nothing and I’m Still Let Down

    22/03/2023 Duration: 58min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) How are we supposed to think about things God does that would be immoral or sinful if a person did them? A commandment is “though shalt not kill” but God flooded the whole earth and sent plagues. (15:37-29:50) A Gospel Coaltion post about why you should go to church. How bad can that be? Let's find out! (29:53-49:58) When people talk about “traditional gender roles” it always weirds me out. Am I being judgmental, or is this just a preference? Does it coming up in a church context make it different? (50:02-55:31) Closing Song: Psalm 27:10 (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 559 - The Sluggard

    15/03/2023 Duration: 53min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Whenever I stop doing something, not even quitting necessarily, I get this guilt like I am doing something wrong. How do I get over that? (22:35-31:50) We check in on televangelists Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis. It goes about as well as expected. (31:52-37:42) I feel like my brain always goes to the worst possible scenario. It’s exhausting. How do I get better at not doing that? (37:46-50:45) Closing Song: Greater Is He (Jed Brewer)

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