Say That



Where your big questions get real answers


  • 596 - Blessed Are The Team Players

    10/01/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and Sports Emergencies! (00:00-18:04) There are things I would love to “leave in 2023”. But I am not sure how to go about actually putting them behind me. (18:17-31:57) I am a little confused about the way the Bible talks about Old Testament figures.  Some of them do pretty bad stuff, but then in the New Testament they are described in glowing terms (David is a man after God’s own heart, Abraham walked in Fatih, Moses was faithful in all God’s house). Am I missing something? (32:06-45:18) What is the difference between wanting to succeed and/or have nice things and being greedy? (45:26-01:01:07) Closing Song: Though The Mountains (The Yearwoods)

  • 595 - Skydiving Baby Evangelist

    28/12/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a cascade of emergencies (00:00-26:00) Reading bible books like Numbers 5 makes me very angry to be a Christian. How do you guys reconcile such content in the bible? And how do you keep hope for decent relations between men and women? Thanks for your thoughts! (26:12-43:38) I know it’s the Christian thing to be kind to people when they are being unkind to me. But like, how kind do I need to be? (43:43-51:34) Sometimes, when I see churches or ministries try to hop on a social media trend, or do something “cool” it kind of rubs me the wrong way. Like it’s cheapening the message to put it to a tik tok dance. Is that legit? Or am I falling into the same thing as people who don’t like contemporary worship just because it doesn’t seem as churchy? (51:38-01:02:41) Closing Song: I Am New (Jed Brewer)

  • 2023 Christmas Meditation

    21/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    Merry Christmas from SayThat! Please enjoy this Christmas meditations we put together a few years ago.

  • 594 - Long Haired Creationism Grifter

    13/12/2023 Duration: 57min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and an emergency from an Indiana creationism conference. (00:00-17:00) There is a lot of advice out there about how to go after what you want, or let go of things you want. What do you do when you have no idea what you want? (17:02-28:58) What does it mean to make amends? Is that part of repentance? (29:02-41:20) Why is John the Baptist important? He is talked about in early chapters of the gospels as this huge deal but I don’t really get why. (41:24-54:03) Closing Song: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Lee Younger)

  • 593 -- Unspoken Smite Request

    06/12/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and emergency (00:00-15:20) “Be still and know” sound like a great concept, but I have a really hard time sitting still. I don’t find it relaxing. It stresses me out kinda. How do I get better at it? (15:30-27:49) How important is doctrine? It seems like the people who talk about “good doctrine” the most don’t do most of the stuff Jesus talked about. (27:53-44:28) How can my partner and I make my parents see that not having kids is the right choice for us? (44:32-01:03:07) Closing Song: Away in a Manger (Lins Honeyman)

  • 592 - I Refuse!

    29/11/2023 Duration: 49min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) It's a post-Thanksgiving emergency buffet! We talk about dance bans, the "facts" about rock & roll from a 70s Tennessee jail ministry, and a men's conference speaker hosted by a guy named Bazzel Baz, and that's not the wildest thing about it. And more! Closing Song: Angels We Have Heard On High (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 591 - Hear Our Gripes

    22/11/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a traditional Gripesgiving Emergency (00:00-15:55) Seeing family during the holidays, one of the things I think about is how differently they se “being a good Christian” than I do. How do I deal with people who think I am not a very good Christian, and I feel the same about them? (16:32-29:43) I…don’t really feel thankful. Lots of stuff is bad and it has been a hard year. Why should I put effort into trying to be thankful? it feels fake. (29:46-45:23) I see the story of the widow’s offering used to say that people should give money even if it puts them in financial distress. That seems really wrong, but it does also seem like the story is saying that. Am I missing something? (45:27-01:00:06) Closing Song: You Have Better (Jed Brewer)

  • 590 - Evangelism Smoothie

    15/11/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) *Matt's audio is better this episode. We promise it will be fully fixed by next week. We had a stern talk with our audio engineer...who is Matt. Intro and an emergency with a twist. (00:00-11:30) How should Christians think about the economy changing? Like, I know giving is good, but if I want to buy a house someday soon, I probably need to save more than I thought I would need to. (11:47-25:30) I was recently told I was “too negative.” I don’t consider myself a negative person. I would say I am positive sometimes and negative other times and that I try to be realistic. Is it possible to just be a “negative” person? What do I do? (25:33-42:34) How do I deal with people who talk about all religion like it is a cult? I heard someone talking about Scientology recently and someone commented something like “yeah, that’s weird. But they all are.” That kind of offended me, but I didn’t know what to say. (42:40-01:00:55) Closing Song

  • 589 - Merciful, Humble Milkshake

    08/11/2023 Duration: 59min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Apologies for Matt's audio (the sound quality, not what he says, though maybe that too), intro, and a medieval emergency. (00:00-15:45) I feel like life is extremely unfair. Not necessarily to me, I have had it pretty easy all in all, but in general. This is proving to be a big sticking point when I think about life and God. How do I deal with this? (15:51-27:31) Sometimes my friends talk about believing in “something bigger” or a “higher power”. That is kind of frustrating to me because I think they are trying to say that is the same as my belief in Christ. But I think it is very different because I know what I believe in. Am I wrong to be bothered by that? (27:35-40:12) I normally don’t care much about end times stuff. But I was reading 2 Timothy 3 recently, and it was describing things that sounded pretty similar to today. Can you help me be less freaked out? (40:15-54:57) Closing Song: Micah 6:8 (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 588 - POV: Christians Are Lit

    01/11/2023 Duration: 57min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and an Christian nightclub emergency. (00:00-16:50) How do I deal with bad leadership? Like, if someone has a good heart but just is not good at organizing things or leading a team. Do I need to just not worry about it and do what I can? (16:57-31:27) What can you do to stay encouraged when you feel stuck? (31:31-43:30) The verse about how “if God is for us, who can be against us?” Kind of confuses me. God isn’t for everything everyone is doing all the time, right? How do I know if He Is “for” me in a situation? (43:34-54:48)

  • 587 - Speaking of the Accursed

    27/10/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and an emergency about the worst-named holiday of all time. (00:00-17:50) Luke 1:37 says “for no word of God will ever fail.” What does that mean? I get that it’s encouraging, but it seems confusing to me. (17:57-30:51) What is the line between processing and talking about my experience with someone and gossiping or trash talking about them? (30:54-47:03) Do I need to have a good reason for every decision I make? Like if I break up with someone, or leave a job, or move, do I need to have a really good reason for it to be a wise choice? (47:07-1:03:03) Closing Song: Oh The Deep Deep Love of Jesus (Lee Younger)

  • 586 - Theologically Rich Roast

    18/10/2023 Duration: 59min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a coffee and condescension emergency (00:00-20:00) I feel like I get in a pattern where I expect the worst of a person or situation and then the situation spins into the worst. How do I get out of that pattern? (20:05-30:32) What does 1 Thessalonians 3:3 mean when it says we are “destined for trials”? (30:37-42:44) Two pieces of advice I get from people are “be patient” and “be bold” can I do both of those at the same time? (42:48-55:31) Closing Song: Romans 12:15 (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 585- Bucket Based Food Experience

    11/10/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a Big League Emergency (00:00-19:00) How do I deal with my family when they are driving me crazy? I want to maintain relationships, but I feel like drama is taking up too much of my time right now. (19:14-33:41) I am getting discouraged about prayer. I don’t feel like anything is happening. And I don’t really feel anything. What can I do? (33:44-47:54) When someone is spouting nonsense in real life or online in the name of Christianity, is there any responsibility to point out that they are wrong? I know it won’t change their mind, but what about people who are hearing them? (47:57-1:00:25) Closing Song: You Tell Me (Front Toward Enemy)

  • 584 - Your Dithering Heart

    03/10/2023 Duration: 57min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) When I have two options before me, I often think of it in terms of picking the “right” one. Is there a right decision? If God is looking out for me, what would making the “wrong” decision even mean? (17:41-28:41) There are a lot of examples of churches and leaders doing a really bad job with scandals. How should a church or organization deal with a failing? What would a good response be? (28:43-41:31) What does Jesus mean in Matthew 7 when he talks about the wide and narrow gates? I feel like those verses get used to talk about hard work or not being “worldly”. (41:35-54:51) Closing Song: You've Made Up Your Mind (Jed Brewer)

  • 583 - Rocky Road to Perdition

    27/09/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) I started thinking about it when I saw this on my Facebook and I started feeling confused. “Imagine what would happen if the single pursuit of Christians is not the lights, smoke machines, LED panels, charismatic preachers and thumping music but the presence of God during services.” What are your thoughts about this idea of God's presence? (13:35-29:44)  How can I ask God to help me be a more optimistic person? Is that even something I should want? (29:50-45:01) Is it good to take time away from things to “focus on God”? It sounds good, but shouldn’t we be focusing on God as part of our lives? (45:07-1:00:04) Closing Song: His Beloved (Lee Younger)

  • 582 - Demon Pickles

    20/09/2023 Duration: 55min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Have I not really forgiven someone if I still feel angry about the situation? (14:21-28:16) A lot of the Bible, especially the OT talks about the strength of the Lord and calling on his mighty name, etc. it seems like most of the people I see claiming to do that are on something weird. What does it mean to do that in a real way? (28:20-40:41) I get very frustrated sometimes and I feel like it really costs me a lot of happiness. How does God want me to deal with this? (40:48-52:55) Closing Song: The Same As Me (Jed Brewer)

  • 581- Immortal Kombat

    13/09/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) I feel like I hear a lot of married people talk about how marriage is “so hard” in a way that is almost cliche. How do I know if a relationship is hard because relationships are hard, or because it is a bad fit? (18:21-34:07) How do I strike a balance of showing someone respect while being clear I am not following their advice? (34:11-48:11) So in Luke 14 - the parable of the banquet - I feel like I mostly hear people talk about the end where the poor get invited which is great obviously. But who are the friends who make the excuses? What is up with that part of the story? (48:15-58:48) Closing Song: Come You Who Are Thirsty (Southern Harmonic)

  • 580- Thank You Jesus, I Will Keep That In Mind

    30/08/2023 Duration: 53min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) It's an all-emergency episode including: An app that lets you chat with Jesus, an archbishop who will personally keep the poor out of heaven, a lesson in prayer - Texas style, and of crimes! Closing Song: 1 Peter 3:15 (The Poolhouse Guru)

  • 579- Bible Bat Barbie Bash

    23/08/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) I think I have depression, but I am also pregnant. I’m so sad and tired all the time. I know that these things don’t last forever, so do you have any words of wisdom or encouragement for this season? Thank you. (15:48-30:11) What’s the difference between being “the servant of all” and being a people pleaser with no boundaries? (30:14-49:04) The Bible says “do not fear” a lot. Which is great. But, how? How do I actually have less fear? (49:08-1:01:49) Closing Song: I Know I've Been Changed (Deacons Division ft. Jeff Bryant)

  • 578 - ThyNet

    16/08/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Someone recently suggested I set an alarm on my phone to remind myself to pray several times a day. That seems like it could become a superstition really quick. “Oh no, I missed the 2:00 prayer, God is gonna get me!” Is this something that can be good? (17:53-33:08) What is the loving way to act toward my friends who are “deconstructing” or questioning their faith. I really don’t think they would appreciate me trying to convince them Christianity is actually fine. (33:15-46:24) I don’t feel like I know if I am doing well spiritually or not. There’s not like a way to measure it, so how do I know? (46:37-59:24) Closing Song: As I Am (Lee Younger)

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