Say That

613 - Say What You Will



Ask A Question: Intro, Middle Earth Centrism, Eat Pray Scape. (00:00-19:39) When I was young, church people were very insistent that “character matters” when it came to leaders like politicians. Now, almost all those same people have done a 180. I get that they are hypocrites, but I also feel like character should matter some? Should it? (19:54-36:44) How do I get the most out of being part of my community? Every time someone talks about “getting involved” or “diving in”, they pretty much just seem to mean signing up as a volunteer. (36:59-50:33) Do I have to believe everything in Genesis actually, literally happened to be a Christian? Why does it matter? (50:38-01:07:31) Closing Song: No One Like You (Lee Younger)