Say That

609 - A.I. Non-apology



Ask A Question: Intro, and a podcast and plagiarism double emergency! (00:00-24:20) I recently saw someone saying that when the Bible talks about “modesty”, it means not showing off your wealth. I like that a lot more than it being about covering your shoulders, but is that accurate? (24:33-37:15) What is the difference between a “toxic” person and just a sinful person? We are supposed to forgive everyone and everybody has flaws, but it’s okay to let go of “toxic people” in your life, is that right? (37:20-49:34) I know faith-healing isn’t a thing. But Jesus does tell people like the father in Mark 9 that they have to believe for someone to be healed. So what does He mean by that? (49:43-01:02:59) Closing Song: Can This Be (Lee Younger)