Say That

604 - Spear of Joab Sold Separately



Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a Sunday school smokebomb throwing emergency (00:00-19:09) I have struggled with anxiety and depression. I am generally doing better. But, sometimes I feel those old habits starting to creep up. How do I respond when that happens? (19:21-29:50) My non-Christian or ex-Christian friends have a big problem with the idea of sin. In the sense that the idea there is something fundamentally evil about them has been used to make them feel bad. I kind of see their point honestly. Is there a way to think of sin without all the guilt and judgment? (29:54-45:12) The part in Matthew 4 where Jesus is tempted in the desert is weird to me. Why is there only one time the devil tries to tempt him, or even talk to him? It feels like this weird little side story that comes up once a year during lent. Am I missing something? (45:16-58:00) Closing Song: I Need Thee Every Hour (Lee Younger)