Say That

599- The Reverse Habakkuk



Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a pastor made his own cryptocurrency, that is definitely an emergency. (00:00-21:460 I tried a meditation app. It talked about just letting your thoughts happen without judging them. How does that go with “taking every thought captive to Christ”? (21:55-36:49) A friend recommended a Christian book to me. I really didn’t like it and thought it had some harmful stuff in it. They are very excited to hear what I thought. What do I tell them? (36:53-53:00) I have heard people talking about “social media fasts” and how being online is so toxic. I don’t like get into fights or get obsessed about likes. I don’t really post that much, but I enjoy scrolling through stuff- maybe spend a little too much time doing it some days. How do I know if this is a problem or not? (53:03-01:07:14) Closing Song: So Here I Am (Jed Brewer)