Say That

589 - Merciful, Humble Milkshake



Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Apologies for Matt's audio (the sound quality, not what he says, though maybe that too), intro, and a medieval emergency. (00:00-15:45) I feel like life is extremely unfair. Not necessarily to me, I have had it pretty easy all in all, but in general. This is proving to be a big sticking point when I think about life and God. How do I deal with this? (15:51-27:31) Sometimes my friends talk about believing in “something bigger” or a “higher power”. That is kind of frustrating to me because I think they are trying to say that is the same as my belief in Christ. But I think it is very different because I know what I believe in. Am I wrong to be bothered by that? (27:35-40:12) I normally don’t care much about end times stuff. But I was reading 2 Timothy 3 recently, and it was describing things that sounded pretty similar to today. Can you help me be less freaked out? (40:15-54:57) Closing Song: Micah 6:8 (The Poolhouse Guru)