Say That

591 - Hear Our Gripes



Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Intro and a traditional Gripesgiving Emergency (00:00-15:55) Seeing family during the holidays, one of the things I think about is how differently they se “being a good Christian” than I do. How do I deal with people who think I am not a very good Christian, and I feel the same about them? (16:32-29:43) I…don’t really feel thankful. Lots of stuff is bad and it has been a hard year. Why should I put effort into trying to be thankful? it feels fake. (29:46-45:23) I see the story of the widow’s offering used to say that people should give money even if it puts them in financial distress. That seems really wrong, but it does also seem like the story is saying that. Am I missing something? (45:27-01:00:06) Closing Song: You Have Better (Jed Brewer)