Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 28:17:37
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Shawn Shewchuk, the #1 results coach in the country, is here to inspire, inform, and connect entrepreneurs and high achievers. This show is focused on YOUR actual, measurable results.


  • Carmen & Darius Britt: How You Can Achieve Freedom and Do It Faster

    25/11/2022 Duration: 37min

    “You have to own your own lifestyle or someone else will.” - Carmen & Darius Britt (Click to Tweet) Did you know that before world war one there wasn’t nearly as much of an income gap between people? Today the gap between upper class and lower class gets bigger, and the amount of people in the middle is shrinking. Which side of the gap do you want to be on? The reason this division started is because of financial education. People in the upper class knew what to do with their money, while the lower class was left in the dark to try and figure out what to do with it. Most people think they should just put their extra money into a savings account. This is a flaw in a lot of ways. A savings account yields poor, almost useless, percentages. And when is the last time you had “extra” money? If you want to learn the real way to leverage the money you get in every month, you’re in for a real treat this week. We have two experts in the financial field: Carmen & Darius Britt of Wealth Nation. Wealth Nation was

  • Freddy Behin - Achievement vs Fulfillment

    22/11/2020 Duration: 35min

    “You have to add tools to you; you can’t succeed just by sheer willpower.” (click to tweet) It’s about the journey and not the destination. Who you become as a result of whatever it is you are doing, is far more important than the accomplishment itself.  The most important part of anything you do is to do it for the right reasons. You will always be chasing happiness if you are looking solely for the approval and love of other people. Get to know the person you spend the most time with in your life, yourself. Reevaluate your values as you grow because it’s likely that what was once important to you, is not your priority today. Look at the world around you and ask yourself, what it is that will fulfil you, what is the value you have that the world needs right now, and go towards that. Once you set your mind to what will fulfill you, you need your skillset to back your willpower. Don’t put yourself in a box; it’s a huge advantage to be multifaceted, you don’t have to be just one thing. Continue to develop

  • Frank Shankwitz: The Power of Positive Thinking

    26/10/2020 Duration: 28min

    “Try something different; there’s always a way to change something.” (click to tweet) Everyone faces hiccups and failures but it's how you chose to handle those situations that will change the course of your life. When presented with a negative, search for a way to change it to a positive. Find something about the situation that you can appreciate and avoid negative thoughts. You have to alternate your thought process and face your challenges in a different way. Approach every failure as a learning experience. This way of thinking will lead to positive actions and therefore positive outcomes. We are a reflection of the people we surround ourselves with so it’s also important to find positive people to be a part of your circle. There are many different ways to solve a problem and many different paths to get to the same place. Be open-minded and embrace the ideas of your peers. Don’t be afraid to try multiple methods and filter them out until you find a solution that works best for you. To talk about his path t

  • Bruce Buffer - Monetize Your Passion

    12/10/2020 Duration: 21min

    “Find what you're passionate about and then monetize it.” (click to tweet) 2 Sure, some people get lucky and have overnight success.  For most of us, though, this is not the case. Success takes work. It takes time. Be prepared. It’s not just an adventure, it’s a journey.  The most powerful thing you can do is wake up every day to learn. You are in control of your decisions, your failures, and what you learn from them. The moment you stop wanting to be the best at what you’re passionate about, or to move forward and learn from your mistakes, is the day you should find something new to do. The only way to make success sustainable is to embrace the fear and prove to the world that you deserve the things you’re working towards.  Once you know what it is you’re passionate about, it’s time to take action. Make realistic goals for yourself, analyze your objective, and strengthen your base level as you work your way to the top. We can’t all just jump in and be successful. It take

  • Forbes Riley: Know What You Really Want

    24/08/2020 Duration: 27min

    “You need to understand what you want.” (click to tweet) It’s not over until it’s over.  Although this new world can feel scary and uncomfortable, it is imperative to remember that times will always be changing. Life is always different.  Now can be just as amazing as any other time if you just decide on what you want and truly - I mean truly - go after it. A lot of people only know what they don’t want versus what they do. But when you focus on what you don’t want, it winds up being more of what you get. It is time to give yourself permission to do whatever it is that you want. You don’t need permission from anything but yourself. Look at yourself every day and fill in the blanks of what it is you want and then go after it. The universe will challenge you. It will challenge how badly you want it. But those who succeed are the ones who prove that they want it more than others. To inspire us further, I’ve invited the incredible Forbes Riley. Forbes is known as the Queen of Pit

  • Fong Chua: Break Through Fear by Seeking Knowledge

    13/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    “We are afraid of things that have never happened.” (click to tweet) Humans over complicate even the simplest of things.  It is in our nature to protect ourselves by analyzing the dangers first and creating fears about things that yet happened. It’s the way we prepare ourselves for the worst.  When we know that this is how we work, we can acknowledge our fear and not allow it to dictate our outcomes. From there we can learn. Seek as much knowledge surrounding the things we fear, understand the risks, find a guide who has been through it, and build confidence around taking the next steps. If you want to make a change you have to take the risk. Change is hard. But nothing that is worthwhile comes easily. There are ways to manage your fears. You just have to take a step forward, keep moving, and know that it might not always be perfect but at least it’s movement.  Fong Chua is an entrepreneur, business strategist, real estate investor, speaker, and best-selling author. He has successfully unlocked

  • Jennifer Urezzio: Activate Your Divine Intelligence

    29/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    “Remaining open is a practice.” (click to tweet) Humans are ready for something bigger.  Let’s not judge ourselves when we’re in fear. Let’s not judge our current state of mind, whatever it may be. Let’s instead take a breath and tune into that place that knows we are whole and complete.  Tune into that part of you that knows what it is you need in this moment. Our current circumstance is helping us understand how we truly want to live our lives. What changes do we want  to make? What legacy do we want to leave behind?  To help us navigate this I’ve brought on the founder of Soul Language, Jennifer Urezzio. Soul Language is a paradigm that puts tangibility to Soul so a conscious connection can be established to enable crystal clear decisions for success.  Jennifer is also a master intuitive and the author of two best-selling books. Currently, she has trained over 20 practitioners worldwide in Soul Language. At this time there are over 5,000 individuals all over

  • Christine Clifton: Reconnect with Your Ideal Life Design

    15/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    “The word ‘attraction’ has the word ‘action’ in it.” (click to tweet) The eye can’t see itself. If you are ever wondering about where your life, business, or career is at, then maybe you need to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective.  Our culture believes that we need to kick into gear when things slow down. But sometimes first we need to honor where we are in this moment in order to recognize how to progress.  Thinking about repositioning yourself in life means figuring out how to intersect who you are today, with how you want to show up, and to whom it is that it matters. You must not overlook what is important to you. The closer you can align your doing with your being the more flow, ease, and peace you will have in your life. Once you begin that process, having an outside set of eyes becomes key in noticing some of the programming that is difficult to see within oneself.  To discuss this further, I’ve brought on (re)Position

  • Craig Shah- Your Gifts Are Your Currency

    01/06/2020 Duration: 29min

    “We’ve forgotten that the most important thing in this life is our inner self.”  (click to tweet) Believing in yourself can be one of your superpowers.  I recently came upon some information that said that coaching and consulting will emerge on top as we start to come out of this pandemic. But many of us who are in it might have trouble believing it. Many are losing the drive to keep pushing through.  As a result, I’m always interested in knowing what my guests would tell someone struggling with hope. And time and time again I’m hearing the same thing: now is the time to believe in yourself.  All of the amazing leaders of the world are regular people. They’ve all had down days but have succeeded because they’ve lifted themselves up. But lifting yourself up is not the only currency you have. There is power in lifting those up around you as well. There is power in giving back.  To dive deeper into these concepts, I’ve brought on the very successful and inspiring

  • Barbara Rubel: Foster Your Resilience

    18/05/2020 Duration: 31min

    “I can reframe my thinking. I Know how to change the way I think and be open to new possibilities.”  (click to tweet) Right now we are collectively grieving.  We are grieving loss: loss of what was, loss of expectations, loss of our goals. Perhaps, the actual loss of a loved one.  With facing such challenging times, I felt compelled to do a deep dive on how human beings face challenges and what we can do to build our resilience.  Whether it’s professional or personal, the one thing that will propel us through difficult times is our attitude. And so when things get extremely difficult, how do we not just maintain but continue to grow a positive attitude? What are the actions we can take to stay strong? To break this down for us I have brought on Barbara Rubel, MA, BCETS, D.D.A.E.T.S. Barabara is a subject matter expert in vicarious trauma. She gives professional advice to individuals and businesses who want to mitigate the impact of secondary traumatic stress, job bu

  • Loral Langemeier: How Take Action to Maximize Opportunity

    04/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    “Don’t be the sheep. Get your own strategy.” (click to tweet) Fear causes hesitation.  And many of us are standing still, sitting watching television and waiting for the pandemic to pass and for things to go back to “normal.” But if we don’t use this time correctly, we risk missing out on some major opportunities.  Now is not the time to hold back. Now is the time to learn to be a great  entrepreneur. I’ve said it before; and I’ll say it again: those who don’t take action will be left behind.  That’s why I’ve invited my guest back on the show- Loral Langemeier. Loral Langemeier is one of today’s most visible and innovative money experts. She accelerates the conversation about money, sharing how to, not just survive this tough economic climate, but how to succeed and thrive. Loral has gone from the farm to a mansion and has developed ways to stay on top through any market crash. Loral does not hold back or sugarcoat anything. If you want to know how to take action an

  • Tricia Benn: The Power of Service and Community in a Crisis

    30/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    “People don’t understand how much they’ve already invested in relationships.” (click to tweet) Though it might not seem like it at first glance, right now more than ever there are opportunities. We don’t know what changes have happened yet but as we emerge from this pandemic they will become clear to us. Those who stay current and ride the wave of change are going to be the ones that succeed.  It is imperative to maintain your “business hygiene” through a crisis.  Be ready to pivot. Meaningfully connect with your community. Make sure you stay aligned with your mission. Figure out what the true need is and how you can serve it.  On today’s episode, I have brought on an extraordinary community builder, Tricia Benn, to discuss the power of relationships and service. Tricia is a Partner and Executive Vice-President of the C-Suite Network and the General Manager of The Hero Club, an invitation-only membership organization for CEOs, founders, and investors.  As an executive within both organizat

  • Jeffrey Hayzlett: Is Now a Good Time to Start a Business?

    20/04/2020 Duration: 33min

    “Run into the fire and run as fast as you can.”  (click to tweet) If you ponder, you will squander. We live in interesting times. Yes, there is a lot of fear surrounding our current circumstance. If you think about the businesses that came out of the 2008 recession like Uber, AirBnb, you realize it’s impossible to envision what might come out of this intense time.   So, if someone has the means to start a business, how could one possibly begin? How can a business leader position themself to come out of the darkness poised and ahead of the game?  To help us navigate our current entrepreneurial fears I’ve brought on my friend, primetime television host of C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett, and Executive Perspectives on C-Suite TV, and business podcast host of All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett on C-Suite Radio, Jeffrey Hayzlett.   Jeffrey is a global business celebrity, speaker, best-selling author, and Chairman and CEO of C-Suite Network, home of the worl

  • Eivind Skjellum: How To Be A Man

    11/06/2019 Duration: 32min

    “Like a lot of men, we may not act and speak in accordance with our deeper beliefs.” (click to tweet) Society is shifting. Today, more than ever before, we see and hear people confused about the big topics: the meaning of work, gender identity, how to be a good person. It is in this transformational time that we must seek out tools and resources to help guide us towards the anchors of truth. That’s why for today’s episode, I brought on the one and only—Eivind Skjellum. Eivind is the creator of Reclaim Your Inner Throne, which he founded while in the midst of a profound initiation due to chronic health issues, death of family members and the loss of everything that had given his identity form. He then discovered how to take men on a similar journey in just three months, and with way more support than he himself had. Eivind is a recognized expert in the field of archetypes and masculine psychology, a true visionary and trailblazer, and a leading figure in burgeoning men’s movement. In th

  • Sara Bliss: What Are You Meant To Do?

    14/05/2019 Duration: 33min

    “If you don’t do it—someone else is going to.” (click to tweet)   Our jobs aren’t satisfying. We sit at our desks, checking off the next thing on our to-do list—all in an effort to collect a paycheck. If we’re not careful, the treadmill of tasks can become endless. We spend our entire lives just fulfilling the obligations that others set for us. So what happens when we start to tap into our own internal voice instead? On today’s episode, I brought on Sara Bliss to discuss just this. Sara is a New York Times bestselling author, consultant, speaker, and brand advisor. She has written 11 books including Take the Leap: Change Your Career. In this discussion, Sara unpacks what is needed to take that leap into the career of your dreams. Download this episode so you can unleash yourself to the rest of the world! “At the end of the day, you just need to get started.” (click to tweet)   Highlights Approach your career as the vehicle to change your life Often times, taking a step forward requires taking a st

  • Daniel Puder: Why Impact Is More Important Than Money

    11/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    “I’ve never failed once in my life. I’ve learned, or I’ve been successful.” (click to tweet) Anyone can earn a paycheck. You have to show up to your job, do what’s told of you, and accept the compensation with a smile. It’s an easy recipe to follow, and if we’re not careful—we may just blindly do it for the rest of our lives. However, on the other side of the fence, exists your passion. Finding it grants you access to making your impact on the world. That’s why for today’s episode, I brought on the one and only—Daniel Puder—to discuss how to do this. Daniel is an American social entrepreneur, retired professional wrestler and retired mixed martial artist. In this discussion, he unpacks what’s required to find your purpose, and pursue that without thinking about money. Download this episode today to learn the tips and tricks to make that possible. “You’re never your own boss. Your customers are always your boss.” (click to tweet) Highlights Choose to make an impact over money or status Because of the Internet

  • Roland Frasier: Why Your Story Is A Business

    07/01/2019 Duration: 32min

    “Everyone has a story or message that others need to hear.” (click to tweet) The Internet has changed everything. We now walk around town, with our eyes glued to our smartphone screens. Scrolling through Instagram, checking our Twitter feeds, responding to emails—this is the life of the modern-day human being. So what does this all mean for your business? The tools to get your message out are more accessible than ever before. That’s why for today’s episode, I brought on serial entrepreneur—Roland Frasier. Roland Frasier is the co-founder and/or principal of multiple Inc. Magazine fastest growing companies (e-commerce, e-learning and SaaS). He has founded, scaled or sold two dozen different businesses ranging from digital commerce to consumer products to industrial machine manufacturing.  In this discussion, he pulls back the curtain on the secrets to success—and how we can access these insights. Download this episode today to learn how to harness the power within you for abundant success. “There is limit

  • Dr. Timothy Hayes: Stepping Into The Moment With Direct Observation

    26/12/2018 Duration: 31min

    “Blame has never led to a productive or constructive resolution to a problem.” (click to tweet) We can feel negative emotions coursing through our veins. Anger, fear, sadness—when we find ourselves in these emotional states, our body is overtaken by a very distinct wavelength of feeling. There is no denying it. So our minds start to believe that there’s actual reason to be mad, scared, and sad. However, if we take a step back and assess our reality through direct observation, we can see the truth. For today’s episode, I brought on the expert for this direct observation model: Dr. Timothy Hayes. Timothy J. Hayes, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. With over thirty years of successful experience doing therapy with individuals and families, Dr. Hayes integrates mind/body energy techniques into a client-friendly model. This model is based on the observation that people possess within themselves all the resources necessary to deal effectively with a wide variety of problems and challenges they may be fac

  • Tanya Dube: The Importance of Conversations and High Trust Relationships

    17/09/2018 Duration: 33min

    “We are nothing if we don’t have good relationships with other people.” (click to tweet) Sometimes we let people into our life because we feel forced to. Sometimes it’s because they are family, maybe it’s someone who is a friend of a friend, or maybe it’s someone you feel would be a good networking connection. The truth is, if you don’t have a high level of trust it’s not a relationship you are benefitting from. You need to be able to trust them, and it’s just as important that they know they can trust you. If this two-way road doesn’t exist, there will always be friction. You won’t be able to move forward and you’ll end up wasting the most valuable thing you have in this world: time. To dive deeper into the importance of relationships, especially the one you have with yourself, I brought on an amazing expert: Tanya Dube. Tanya is a Transformation & Personal Development Coach, International Keynote Speaker and published author, Tanya-Marie Dubé is the creator and founder of the Thriving After Divorce Radi

  • 35: Dave Farrow: Success Means Not Giving Up

    09/07/2018 Duration: 36min

    Most people think being an entrepreneur means you’ll be the boss, taking control and choosing when and how much you want to work. In reality, being an entrepreneur can be one of the most difficult tasks in the beginning. It’s far easier to just work a traditional J.O.B. As you start your own business, it feels like you’re doing everything. Then as you figure it out, you can start to pass your duties on to other people. It takes time. The success of a company takes a lot of time, but unlike a traditional J.O.B. being an entrepreneur has no limit to your success or your salary. If you have the dedication to stick through all of the setbacks you’ll hit a point where you can’t ever imagine working for someone else again. On that note, the biggest mistake I’ve seen people do is give up. Generally, when you feel like you’re about to give up that’s right when success is around the corner. You need to keep pushing past that point, and trust that it will happen. To discuss this more I brought on a very special guest t

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