Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

Craig Shah- Your Gifts Are Your Currency



“We’ve forgotten that the most important thing in this life is our inner self.”  (click to tweet) Believing in yourself can be one of your superpowers.  I recently came upon some information that said that coaching and consulting will emerge on top as we start to come out of this pandemic. But many of us who are in it might have trouble believing it. Many are losing the drive to keep pushing through.  As a result, I’m always interested in knowing what my guests would tell someone struggling with hope. And time and time again I’m hearing the same thing: now is the time to believe in yourself.  All of the amazing leaders of the world are regular people. They’ve all had down days but have succeeded because they’ve lifted themselves up. But lifting yourself up is not the only currency you have. There is power in lifting those up around you as well. There is power in giving back.  To dive deeper into these concepts, I’ve brought on the very successful and inspiring