Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

Carmen & Darius Britt: How You Can Achieve Freedom and Do It Faster



“You have to own your own lifestyle or someone else will.” - Carmen & Darius Britt (Click to Tweet) Did you know that before world war one there wasn’t nearly as much of an income gap between people? Today the gap between upper class and lower class gets bigger, and the amount of people in the middle is shrinking. Which side of the gap do you want to be on? The reason this division started is because of financial education. People in the upper class knew what to do with their money, while the lower class was left in the dark to try and figure out what to do with it. Most people think they should just put their extra money into a savings account. This is a flaw in a lot of ways. A savings account yields poor, almost useless, percentages. And when is the last time you had “extra” money? If you want to learn the real way to leverage the money you get in every month, you’re in for a real treat this week. We have two experts in the financial field: Carmen & Darius Britt of Wealth Nation. Wealth Nation was