Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

Christine Clifton: Reconnect with Your Ideal Life Design



“The word ‘attraction’ has the word ‘action’ in it.” (click to tweet) The eye can’t see itself. If you are ever wondering about where your life, business, or career is at, then maybe you need to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective.  Our culture believes that we need to kick into gear when things slow down. But sometimes first we need to honor where we are in this moment in order to recognize how to progress.  Thinking about repositioning yourself in life means figuring out how to intersect who you are today, with how you want to show up, and to whom it is that it matters. You must not overlook what is important to you. The closer you can align your doing with your being the more flow, ease, and peace you will have in your life. Once you begin that process, having an outside set of eyes becomes key in noticing some of the programming that is difficult to see within oneself.  To discuss this further, I’ve brought on (re)Position