New Stuff Here!
Star Wars: The Last Jedi panel review
14/01/2018 Duration: 01h58minGathering forces from both THE RESISTANCE and THE FIRST ORDER, Mindless Drivel brings you a roundtable discussion about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Hurling their opinions into the cold of space, Scott McGregor, David Pascarella, Dario Gonzalez, Pat Delmore and Chris Tyler, The Hairy Wookie Metal Hero, cover the gamut of emotions about this polarizing chapter in the new trilogy. Was it a worthy follow up to The Force Awakens or a purposeful deconstruction of what JJ Abrams set up? Are some of our podcasters experiencing “Get off my spaceship” syndrome or will they embrace a new trilogy for a new generation? Did it meet expectations, leave them running away on a casino planet or smash them to pieces like a light speed ramming attack? All of these answers or some of them, depending on your point of view, will be revealed in this podcast! Come to the Drivel side, we have monster cookies and fresh alien sea cow milk!Email the show at
Halloween 2017
01/11/2017 Duration: 17minDue to technical difficulties Mindless Drivel wasnt able to get this out to you on Halloween proper, but we ask that you please take 20 minutes to enjoy this labor of love for the season. Contained within is an audio love letter to some of the horror and sci-fi properties we Freaks love. Guest stars include: Dr. Who, Ash from The Army of Darkness, Dracula, Reagan, The Souls of the Damned, multiple slasher film victims, Pinhead, Ash from Alien, Damiens suicidal nanny, and the Martian Family Dancers! Additional appearances by Scott McGregor playing the witches of Macbeth, Tina Patterson as The Narrator and Pennywise the Dancing Clown! Come on in, the drivel is full of corpses as we built this podcast on a burial ground!Email the show at
American Gods Season One Episode Three
14/09/2017 Duration: 54minMindless Drivel is back with another season one American Gods recap! Covering episode three, Scott is joined by Pat Delmore to continue following the adventures of Shadow Moon and Mr. Wednesday. This time around we have an exciting tale filled with bank robberies, spiral stairways to Heaven and explicit genie sex. Shadow plays more checkers and makes it snow, Wednesday is scheming for money and some Cloris Leachman sexy time and Mad Sweeney just cant catch a break Also, Laura Moon is still mostly dead. Bonus talk about some of Neil Gaimans other works, Scotts taxicab stories and bonus reviews of two other recent literary adaptations to the big and small screen. Theres a drivel blizzard on the way, so seek shelter here!Email the show at
American Gods Season One Episode Two
09/08/2017 Duration: 01h02minHi! Did you myth us? Scott and Aaron are back to recap and discuss episode two of American Gods and its time to go up around the bend to Chicago. Shadow and Wednesday are on the road to start recruiting for the war to come. We meet a bunch of new characters played by some amazing character actors. Bilquis is still rejuvenating herself through sexual sacrifice, Lucille Ball is offering a boob flash and Mr. Nancy is freeing slaves….Sort of. We have dinner with Frau Blucher <SFX> HORSES <SFX>, Shadow plays checkers and we get a lovely description of how our meat makes it to the table by Peter Stormare. The crazy just keeps on coming in this glorious offering by Bryan Fuller and Neil Gaiman, so buckle up, throw out the cell phone and always take the road less traveled. Email the show at
American Gods Season One Episode One
12/06/2017 Duration: 01h05minMindless Drivel begins its coverage of the cable TV adaptation of Neil Gaimans “American Gods”. Aaron Henley joins Scott McGregor to cover episode one of this gloriously gory and sexy outing from showrunner Bryan Fuller. Amid personal tragedy Shadow Moon is about to be let out of prison and he finds him self starting a crazy journey with the mysterious Mr. Wednesday. Theres Pythonesque pincushion violence, seven foot leprechaun bar fights and sexual and gory sacrifice galore! Is Gaimans literary vision preserved or will Bryan Fuller have penance to pay? Dont MYTH the opportunity to find out on this episode of Mindless Drivel!Email the show at
The Last Jedi Teaser Trailer Discussion
15/04/2017 Duration: 58minStar Wars nerds from all over the galaxy and even as far away as Baltimore and Belfast are gathered to talk about the teaser trailer for “Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi”, that just dropped. Mindless Drivel brings you Scott McGregor, David Walker, Mike Zummo and Robert Bell for an impromptu group nerdgasm over this taste of our favorite space opera addiction. Luke Speaks! Rey trains! Leia makes us choke up! And things go pew pew pew BOOM! So join us for an hour of Star Wars geek group revelry as we start the eight month countdown in earnest. The Force is with us and we are four with the Force!Email the show at
Episode Ten: The Rogue One Panel Review
31/12/2016 Duration: 02h37minMindless Drivel is back with another podcast from a galaxy far far away as Scott McGregor, Chris Honeywell, Jonathan Crites and Scott Ryfun give their panel review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It's a spoiler filled two and half hours chock full of nerd gushing, Star Wars comic talk and even a couple of nitpicks. Our panel talks special effects (Looking at you Grand Moff Tarkin), the necessary critiques about the score, Easter egg sightings and our predictions and hopes for the franchise going forward. Would you like to know the odds of enjoying this podcast? Well, they're high. They're very high. Strap in and rebel with us on another Mindless Drivel! Editor's Note: This podcast was recorded the night Carrie Fisher had her heart attack. As we all now know the sad end to that tale, the participants would like to dedicate this presentation to the memory of Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds. Carrie Fisher will always be our epitome of a Princess. She is one with the Force and the Force is with her.
A Discussion on the Nature of The Force
19/12/2016 Duration: 01h27minMindless Drivel is back with a star studded cast of podcasting and Star Wars nerds to have a discussion about the nature of The Force. Scott McGregor, Chris Honeywell, Chris Tyler, Tim Elliot, Mike Zummo and Brian Hughes gather at the virtual cantina to talk about what point of view they have on the various examples of The Force in all of the canon and non-canon Star Wars properties over the years. Recorded just before the opening of Rogue One (Seriously, go see it) this rag tag group of rebels and darksiders relive their favorite Force moments and throw out some theories about where the franchise will take us next. Bonus Star Trek and Ash Vs. Evil Dead and Pete Hesch discussion at no extra cost! Remember listen or listen not, it's a podcast so those are pretty much your only options. Choose the light and enjoy some Mindless Drivel!Email the show at
Scott and Sara discuss Joss Whedon
20/03/2016 Duration: 01h09minIn this Mindless Drivel, Scott and Sara talk about the television and movie properties of Joss Whedon. Buffy, Firefly, Dollhouse, Angel, Dr. Horrible and more, no stone of the Whedonverse is left unturned. There's music, rage about character deaths that Joss has made us endure and threats of real death if Scott doesn't stop singing. Come find out what Whedonisms make Scott and Sara laugh and which characters they'd like to be in their bunks with. As always, the hammer stands for penis so pull up the couch and try not to get yourself Washkabobed.Email the show at
The Deadpool Panel Discussion
28/02/2016 Duration: 01h04minScott and Sara invite Chris Tyler, The Hair Metal Hero, and Christopher Ouellette to the couch to discuss the new R-rated Deadpool movie. Does it live up to the hype? Does it earn its R rating? Did Ryan Reynolds use a Hollywood special effect for his giant, mutated, swinging penis? Some of these questions or none of them are answered in this panel discussion edition of Mindless Drivel. So gather your mutant friends together and put the kids to bed, because this one gets a little naughty. Settle down Francis, it's Deadpool time.Email the show at
Episode VI: Star Wars Drivel
14/01/2016 Duration: 01h51minScott and Sara invite Dr. Bill Robinson to the couch to jump on the bandwagon and talk about Star Wars. What starts out as a friendly chat soon becomes a therapy session for Dr. Bill's problems with the new movie and his obviously undealt with grief over his dearly departed extended universe. Meanwhile Scott sits in a corner weeping wondering why he can't keep a show on topic as Sara and Bill chat about everything from the Twilight Zone to Scott's adventures in child care. BB-8 makes a brief appearance and the Ewok of the house doesn't claw the crap out of Scott's back, so he has that going for him. Come join us on the couch for some drivel from a galaxy far far away!Email the show at
12/11/2015 Duration: 50minIn this episode Sara and Scott talk about making the big relationship move of cohabitation. Who will command the TV remote? What new shows will they get each other hooked on? Who snores the loudest? Can Sara train Scott to dispose of his extreme bachelorhood (and his clutter)? Listen in as your hosts discuss the challenges of sharing their lives and a small apartment in the 21st century. We're cooking up a tiny kitchen full of cohabitating drivel for you. Come on in and share the couch, Dr. Who is on the telly.Email the show at
The First Annual Halloween Show
22/10/2015 Duration: 01h12minScott and Sara proudly bring you their first annual Halloween show as they reminisce about trick or treating, favorite horror movies and what specific bumps in the night they fear most. Discussions include the horrors of Weeping Angels, toxic Halloween masks and what its really like to work at the Overlook Hotel. Strap yourselves into your preferred torture device kids and join Scott and Sara for a spooky cauldron full of drivel. Happy Halloween!Email the show at
More getting to know each other, bonding over Bond and TV memories
05/09/2015 Duration: 51minScott and Sara continue to discover each other's common interests as they talk the genre television they grew up with, discuss who was the best Bond and and share some of their favorite authors and why Scott isn't reading the right people (Editors Note: Piers Anthony is a legit science fiction author; Pratchetthead). Join us as once again as we brew up a fresh pot of drivel and please don't spill any on the couch.Email the show at
Nerd Dating Habits and Tit Tattoos
06/08/2015 Duration: 37minIn Scott and Sara's inaugural podcast learn a little bit about how they met, how their relationship was born of common nerd interests and how zombies can lead to casual sex. You get to be a fly on the wall as Scott and Sara continue to get to know each other and share their stories of how they came upon their various geeky interests. In this episode Scott gets giddy about a Dungeons and Dragons tattoo and jealous of Sara's innocence as he vows to continue tutoring her in the glory of the super hero movie genre. Sara points out the inadequacies of Scott's Doctor Who-Q and revels in the "Behind the scenes" view she gets as a female podcaster in a locker room full of male nerds.Email the show at