Mindless Drivel

A Discussion on the Nature of The Force



Mindless Drivel is back with a star studded cast of podcasting and Star Wars nerds to have a discussion about the nature of The Force. Scott McGregor, Chris Honeywell, Chris Tyler, Tim Elliot, Mike Zummo and Brian Hughes gather at the virtual cantina to talk about what point of view they have on the various examples of The Force in all of the canon and non-canon Star Wars properties over the years. Recorded just before the opening of Rogue One (Seriously, go see it) this rag tag group of rebels and darksiders relive their favorite Force moments and throw out some theories about where the franchise will take us next. Bonus Star Trek and Ash Vs. Evil Dead and Pete Hesch discussion at no extra cost! Remember listen or listen not, it's a podcast so those are pretty much your only options. Choose the light and enjoy some Mindless Drivel!Email the show at mindlessdrivel@yahoo.com