Mindless Drivel

Star Wars: The Last Jedi panel review



Gathering forces from both THE RESISTANCE and THE FIRST ORDER, Mindless Drivel brings you a roundtable discussion about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Hurling their opinions into the cold of space, Scott McGregor, David Pascarella, Dario Gonzalez, Pat Delmore and Chris Tyler, The Hairy Wookie Metal Hero, cover the gamut of emotions about this polarizing chapter in the new trilogy. Was it a worthy follow up to The Force Awakens or a purposeful deconstruction of what JJ Abrams set up? Are some of our podcasters experiencing “Get off my spaceship” syndrome or will they embrace a new trilogy for a new generation? Did it meet expectations, leave them running away on a casino planet or smash them to pieces like a light speed ramming attack? All of these answers or some of them, depending on your point of view, will be revealed in this podcast! Come to the Drivel side, we have monster cookies and fresh alien sea cow milk!Email the show at mindlessdrivel@yahoo.com