The Growth Hacking Podcast With Laura Moreno

(Freelancers + Entrepreneurs) How To Great A Fantastic Mortgage As A Self-Employed, with Jim Misner Mi



Introduction Jim Misner is a top-producing home lender that serves all parts of Oregon and Washington. He has been teaching 1st-time homebuyer education for nearly 8 years and has a passion for helping people build wealth through real estate. He is also an active investor, family man, and artist. Get In Touch With Our Guest, Jim Misner If you’d like to get in touch with our guest today, click on the link below and I will send you a warm introduction: Get In Touch With Our Podcast Guest Today Find The Perfect Real Estate Agent Near You If you’d like to find a great real estate agent near you, just go to this link: Real Estate Agent Near Me Rate The Podcast Click on this link to Rate and Review "The First Time Home Buyer Podcast" on iTunes. You can also subscribe to the podcast there. I will really appreciate it, thanks so much in advance! Listen To A Podcast Guest In Your Area If you’d like to find podcast guests for your specific location or profession just click on the link below to search for them: Podcast