Leigh Martinuzzi

1067 Lion Goodman - Beliefs



Beliefs My conversation with Lion Goodman discussed beliefs and how we unwrap them. Our limiting beliefs often stop us from living our best life. Hard to discover through self-assessment as often we put up blocks to prevent us from doing so. This is a discussion on how we get to the root cause of our beliefs so we can create new, more empowering ones. Enjoy! Guest Bio. Lion Goodman, PCC is a transformational coach, author, healer and teacher. At the age of 26, Lion was shot in the head four times. This near-death experience kick-started his five decades of research into the nature of consciousness, developmental psychology, spirituality and healing. He created the Clear Beliefs Method of trauma-informed therapeutic coaching, which he has taught to more than 500 coaches, healers and therapists around the world. His training is accredited by both the International Coaching Federation and Association for Coaching. In a single session, Lion can eliminate a client’s limiting or negative belief from their sub