On The Edge With April Mahoney

Amanda Joy Harrison rejoins me here On the Edge



Youtube Version https://youtu.be/LSQqeYZIQpo www.thenortherncollegeofclinicalhypnotherapy.com For over 20 years I have had the opportunity and blessing to explore the magic, the power and potential of the human mind. As a result of my own struggles in life in 2016 I chose to live free of addiction, connect with my divine calling and work helping others to heal. The journey has been full of challenges and I continue to do the inner work. In January 2020 I decided to teach Clinical Hypnotherapy as it had been so profoundly healing for me. As a result of the pandemic I began working online and then in September I opened The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy where I'm The Director of Studies. The NCCH now has multiple training centres across England, we offer training online too and are expanding into Europe and the Middle East. There is such a huge need for well qualified therapists at this time. It’s my absolute joy and privilege to be helping people to help so many others.