Sports Marketing Huddle

EP-191 Pulling A Costanza By Doing The Opposite



In an episode of Seinfeld George Costanza says, “My life is the opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every area of life, be it something to wear, something to eat...Its all been wrong.” This compels him to do the complete opposite, with the logic that the opposite would have to be right if the way he’s doing things is currently wrong. Because of this episode of Seinfeld, Rob Cressy has implemented something in his life called “Pulling a Costanza” where he does the complete opposite of his normal routine. The goal of “Pulling a Costanza” is to experience life differently. To have a different energy for the day and do so with a smile and an open mind. When you do a new set of possibilities start to arise. Brian Cristiano also shares his version of “Pulling a Costanza” about how he challenged himself to walk home differently every day for 30 days to see what would happen. Both of these stories should inspire you to have an open mind, not be afraid of doing something different, and to